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Mercedes Avon

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Posts posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. I had a blast doing the Trick or Treat last year. I believe I got into the top 20 (using my alt). I liked traveling all the themes and seeing how people decorated up their homes for the holiday. I even put on a costume. I got out of the Linden homes altogether and it was what brought me back in.

    And I agree that the rules against gaming the system should be made clear. However, LL should not have to write an encyclopedia long list of all the ways grown adults should not try to give themselves unfair advantages in a game meant to be fun and bring together a community.

    • Like 8
  2. I went and picked up the demo. I have to try all the new toys.

    I like the classic well enough. I can shape it to my liking. I think the body is well proportioned and done well. My skins work on it without having to buy a new body skin. This is a big plus. I definitely prefer it over Maitreya which I struggle to shape the way I like (and I can not get over the shoulder issues). I still wear Maitreya though because this is not my main social avie so I don't waste a ton of lindens on her. I would like to replace it.

    With that all said, I am not going to buy it because it is priced too high. I don't want to invest that much into alts or into a body that doesn't have enough clothing yet. I also do not want to pay that much for a body based on future promises. I will take a wait and see approach. I do wish this body luck. I adored my Isis body back in the day.


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  3. I adore the traditional theme. I like the smaller houses which makes them easier to decorate within the limited prim budget and this theme has some very unique locations. I had a love affair with Victorians for a long time and still think they are the prettiest of all the themes. I enjoy the stilts if they are on land and backed up to water (I like to sail/boat). There are not many of this type.ย 

    Houseboats do not appeal to me because most of them are too close together and I like a feeling of privacy. I think the campers are amazing but I can not survive on half as many prims. I never got into fantasy or the chalets. The log cabins are amazing as well and I like to ride my horse through the log areas. I love the Newbrooke homes but very few of them have any water view. Sakura I loved when they came out and I still have the original Sakura I picked up when the theme was released. I like the smaller houses on them and all the water.

    It appears to me that the stilt and houseboats are the most popular because you see them the least on the land page. I think it is because both have water access for boating and there is a demand for that.

    • Like 7
  4. On 8/30/2022 at 8:08 AM, Fay Starlight said:

    Would sort of defeat the idea for me if the houses are enormous.ย 

    This is my thought as well. Keep the homes the same size and enlarge the land and give us more prims. That would make me happy. Also, I want the 2048 to have more water views. I do not want the houseboats to keep breeding. They are everywhere now and they take up all the nice ocean views on Newbrooke which is really disappointing.

    • Like 12
  5. 9 hours ago, AmeliaW25 said:

    I am wondering should I pack up everything and risk moving to a new home? I would love something by the water. Is it too much of a gamble. I love open plan and one level. should I gamble.ย 



    sll home2_001.jpg

    sll home1_001.jpg

    Water stilts come up off and on throughout the day so you would definitely get one if you have the time to keep an eye out. I say go for it! Roll a few times and see what you get, but I warn you, the hunt gets addictiveย  . . .ย  not that I would know.

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    • Haha 4
  6. 9 minutes ago, Kate Ayashi said:

    I've been refreshing every day to grab a home in Sakura. I've seen Newbrookes and even houseboats come up, but no Sakura homes.They seem to be as rare as hen's teeth.

    I don't mean to sound weird, but when you are on the land page, do you click the link that says "show more houses?"


    Sakura have never been sold out from what I have seen.

    • Like 4
  7. On 7/26/2022 at 1:06 PM, diamond Marchant said:

    An unrelated question... is anyone joining PP for a month so they can pick a Linden Home, then reverting back to Premium?

    Yes, I have. I bought PP for one month, choose a home and was assigned it. The next month I downgraded back to premium.ย 

    On 7/25/2022 at 10:59 PM, Mark Aji said:

    So here we go! Three days, I finally found it. A woman who was releasing her Linden Home, Perfect!! I was there and submitted my ticket! We got this! I'm excited-ish. So she pulls the trigger, and the lot is empty! My ticket is submitted! I'm standing there for almost 39 minutes!! Dun Dun Dun! Boom! Someone grabs it via the website, but we KNEW that was going to happen once we learned that we don't actually have a live concierge service to help us receive the home.

    I am sorry that you lost out on a home you really wanted. The sad part of your story is if - in those 39 minutes you patiently waited - you had rolled on that land page, you would have undoubtedly have picked up the home.ย 

    I had someone contact me yesterday about a trad I had on water they really liked. They were three weeks into Linden homes and had not been able to find one they wanted to keep. They are not GOH'ers or forum regulars. They saw my house was empty and asked me if they could rent it (I said no of course) or if I would abandon it for them so they could ticket for it. I told them I would abandon it and they could pluck it off the page but do not rely on the support ticket because they can take a day or more to be processed. They picked it up on the first roll.ย 

    • Like 6
  8. I think LL knows who are alts are. A handful of times, I get an email that I have a private forum IM that goes to my alt's name instead of me (same email address). This is an alt that I have never logged into the forums.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Anyway, maybe I am just too picky, but I couldn't find anything that wasn't already owned that I wanted.ย  I'll go back to random Hopping and Hoping (H&H) in the GoH with my regular premium membership.

    A lot of the desirable parcels were picked up with the ticket system in the last few days. I looked around to see if there was anything I would consider dumping a house I already had for and I did not find anything. There are still some nice Sakura spots andย  more will come along, but I already got a perfect one when the theme was released. I have come to the conclusion that, for me, the best way to get a place I love is to wait for abandons and roll.

    • Like 7
  10. 13 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    Very good editing skills. No child talks like this.

    Maybe it's an evil conspiracy to implant aliens into childlike meat suits and convince the human race that we have something to smile about for a few simple moments a day.

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