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Harper Held

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Everything posted by Harper Held

  1. If that's genuinely your perception, the rational thing to do would be to put me on ignore. Meanwhile, back on topic:
  2. I'd like to throw this out there, it's a subreddit dedicated to tracking incidents of police brutality: https://www.reddit.com/r/2020PoliceBrutality/ Also, here's a github respository tracking inicdents by state: https://github.com/2020PB/police-brutality#Table-of-Contents
  3. Oh -we're doin this? Alright then, let's do this. Here is the context of my post: This thread -as I see it, has two purpose: 1) Share news stories regarding the current riots and police brutality 2) Vent and offer support to folks expressing their feelings about what's going on. As I saw it ...and continue to see it... you were berating folks for "groupthink" when what is going on is historically traumatic. There's a time and place to chide people for "groupthink"; this thread isn't that place. It was bullying and I called it out, and for that I make no apologies what-so-ever.
  4. Queen Bullybee? Good thing I'm a ...switch? Crap wait a sec -that doesn't work out at all!
  5. I don't see it that way, but I'm not willing to figure out this forum's multiquote implementation to hash it out. Particularly since we've reached the lolcats/topic-drift part of the conversation. It doesn't matter; neither of us are going to be changing our minds about the other any time soon.
  6. Given why I told you what I told you...that is an accurate assessment of the situation. You are correct. "NGL" I stand 100% behind the post you're referring to.
  7. Scylla already caught that, and I already apologized; but thank you.
  8. It's demonstratably so. Your opinion is little more than a knee-jerk reaction. Any other opinion that expends more energy into the question is -by definition, better. But thanks for playing. 🥰
  9. Again -exception that proves the rule. She may not be racist; but the way the trope is normally used is as a cover for racism. Likewise "blue lives matter". It's a dog-whistle. My apologies to Gato for misgendering her. Owch, I'm sorry.
  10. See -that's where I disagree. I believe that is exactly the message that is intended to be sent -that goes double for "blue lives matter".
  11. cept you don't tho? I mean painting everyone with one broad brush displays an unwillingness to see what is really there. Instead of understanding that there are all kinds of people, with all kinds of motives you've just simply chucked humanity in the bin and written it off. That's fine if that works for you -but it's no great insight. It's lazy, it's a brush-off. It's no deeper than thinking that everyone is a saint. But hey! You do you.
  12. Black lives matter because blacks at the ones being targeted, being taken and experiencing direct oppression. It's a given that white lives matter -the system is set up to protect white lives. Black lives have value -and that is what the bottom line is. Black Lives Matter.
  13. I also want to note that most of the time when people throw around the term "politically correct" what they actually mean is "I have to actually be considerate of the fact there's different kinds of people in this world and I don't like it wah".
  14. If you think that being horrified at police brutality, systematic racism and literal use of force against journalists is "PC" then I don't have a lot of sympathy for you. But then again, judging by your post you appear to have an excess of that towards yourself anyway -so I don't feel too bad.
  15. Then I'm going to stand by my original reaction. You may feel compelled to post -but it's now abundantly clear that you have nothing to say. I would suggest that the appropriate course of action for you to take would be to allow us who are watching in horror as our country burns to react in the natural way -with horror, with anger, with fear and if you are unwilling or unable to allow us to process that, then please confine your activities to ones of quiet, solitary manual gratification with the corroded turnscrew of your choice Good day.
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