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Hymn Celestia

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  1. There are hundreds (in some cases thousands) of homes available for Premium members; and there are only two Premium Plus themes compared to the many Premium themes already released. There are Victorians on SSP regions; houseboats on SSP regions; coastal fantasy homes on SSP regions... a great many unreleased and attractive homes waiting their turn for release even in addition to the hundreds and thousands of homes already available for Premium members. I'd love to see a never ending stream of new themes for the rest of my life, personally It's so exciting every time a new batch rolls out. However, at this point, I'm not holding my breath for anything "new" given the existing surplus. And frankly I'm not finished loving the themes we have; Belli is a big place and there are so many homes I've been yearning for (for years!) now lately coming available as folk move on to other things.
  2. Another Noob Going Strangely Topless?! T E S T Y
  3. New House Day, So Excited, Happy Friday. This is my Second Life today and for a long time to come, I think.
  4. Fixed it for you!!! ❤️ (bold and italics mine)
  5. One thing I have learned in my particular support group is that the only people qualified to discuss the issue at hand are actually those who are experiencing it, not doctors who have never experienced it. A doctor can offer treatment, certainly, and that is what doctors do -- but the doctors will also, invariably, and quite rightly, suggest that the patient join a support group so that the patient does not feel alone on this painful journey. The experts are the people actually living it in real time; they know what to expect, and they know what helps to share with others newly initiated into the cause. Sharing the journey with others helps others along that same journey. Otherwise, life can be a terribly isolating place. Support groups help light the way for others; even if they don't or can't cure what ails them. And again, Second Life is a terrific place to form and maintain support groups with this kind of theory in mind. Lifelong connections and bonds are forged every day.
  6. I do believe they are healing and transformative, for sure. But I am wary of people who make the claim that a participant WILL BE healed or WILL BE transformed; that is simply not a claim one is able to make with any certainty. I think that the healing and transformative powers are possible, and they are the result of good work on the part of the participants, but it is not the goal of a support group to promise such things. In my opinion, a support group should offer support; and from there, a person who feels supported and who feels safe to contribute / receive may well achieve great things on one's healing journey.
  7. Support Groups that are just that -- support groups -- and who do not propose to heal or cure or transform a person, are super valuable. Whenever someone is diagnosed with a new condition or has experienced a traumatic event, doctors recommend support groups. This happens a lot in SL and I personally believe SL is a great platform for that kind of thing. So yes, the potential is being realized; there are support groups for almost anything you can think of in here. That said, critical thinking skills are always a must, online. Revealing too much in any support group -- even in face to face outside of SL -- can backfire terribly. Still, online support groups (and especially SL online support groups) can be life savers.
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