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Prokofy Neva

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Posts posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Nalates, I appreciate your detailed answer but there's a larger issue at stake: it's long overdue for Linden Lab and power users like you with inside connections to the platform to stop blaming the user and playing PICNIC.

    I have fiber optic cable and a good connection and not any of the routers mentioned in your link; I upload and download YouTubes and access all kinds of content that can take time and lag your computer -- but it doesn't. Only Second Life does this. My son plays all kinds of games and edits films and downloads movies and there isn't this latency. Only with Second Life.

    Second Life shouldn't have to have to require people to have a PhD in physics or computer science to access their streaming virtual world. They need to focus more on the user experience of simply logging on and seeing the world -- let alone all the other distractions they get entranced with like avatar feet shadows or materials-ready viewing and focus on this basic function.

    Now in my 12th year of SL, I've had every kind of computer, hook-up, phone company, graphics card imagineable. And SL has never played optimally and has always been a problem for me. It's a marvel how I've stuck with it even when seeing mere mud for long stretches of time. 

    Sure, HTTP is a way to reduce lag ,but if it crashes you and it's "on my end" and it happens for so many people -- and it does because I discuss this with all my customers -- then they need to accommodate customers and call up Verizon or call up Nvidia or whatever their problem hardware companies are and THEY need to do that adjusting and negotiating, not making the user do this. It's their platform. If they want customers, they need to do this.

    Everything is fine on chkdsk, Nalates, that's not the issue. And BTW your instructions for doing that won't work on every machine. "Works on My Machines" is an insidious problem in the SL community. I've never heard of typing "dskchk" ever, on any machine, even back in the days of very primitive computers in the 1980s. You type "chkdsk". You can't get to administrative level by just getting the command prompt. So on Windows 8 you need to press the windows button plus "X" together to get the "power menu" and then select "use as administrator" then run the chkdsk.

    And so on. I've done these things -- they're not the issue.

    Nobody has all the drives you describe or does all these geeky things you describe in normal SL usage. And that's what the Lindens and their inside pals need to accept and stop serving as an obstacle to customer usage. This needs to be streamlined and treated not as a problem of user ignorance or "lack of a set-up" or "lack of a connection" (good Lord, we all connect to the Internet!) but *lack of Linden Lab's ability to streamline their product so it can be used normally and they can have more users and better retention."

    When the automobile first appeared, there were these special people -- car mechanics who had five minutes before been rude stable boys -- who appeared to run these mysterious machines. They cranked them up and oiled them and drove them and everyone marvelled as they wrapped themselves in blankets and got covered in soot. 

    But in time this institution of rude stable boys-turned mechanic/drivers (read: coders and programmers) receded, and the manufacturers made the cars more usable by the ordinary person. Sure, they would still have to occasionally go to garage mechanics and pay an arm and a leg for routine maintenance, but many things, even oil changes, they could do themselves.

    So it is with computers, Nalates, and the Internet. All this hobble gobble you are insisting everyone absorb and jump through will go the way of the in-house mechanic and jump seat and the car blankets of 100 years ago.

    • Like 1
  2. Want to take an SL Vacation on your alt? Or get away with your partner to some place new?

    Ravenglass Rentals on Hidden Lakes Island in Hite has beautiful, spacious two-storey lakeside homes with porches, docks and yards, fully decorated with interactive furniture, for just $650/wk or 10% discount for 4 weeks.


    You get 250 prims to decorate, or if you want to remove the furnishings, ask to reset the box to $750/wk, then you will have 500 prims for your own use.

    Sit by the fire and enjoy champagne when you arrive and breakfast in the morning.


    Relax in the hot-tub...



    Lounge and bar -- and refrigerator to raid at midnight for snacks.


    Master bedroom has the latest mesh furniture. Use your prim count to have a skybox and teleporter put in -- see our show room for options.



    Excercise room with yoga mat and more...


    Teleport to Ravenglass Rentals on Hidden Lakes Island

  3. Beautiful area on the river in Winnipeg and Moraine, great deals - and even a special surprise skybox deal you can hunt down here for $100/200 prims.

    UPDATE: THREE LEFT!  See parcels already rented and surprise skybox deal also rented. Thanks!






    1. $1100/4096/937 Riverview Hill



    2. $250/150 prims - RENTED


    3. $550/1536/450 prims Riverview RENTED


    4.  $950/3024/750 prims Riverfront



    5. $500/1440/400 PRIMS RIVERFRONT - RENTED







    $400/WK, 100 prims for your use, or ask to remove and have $400/300 prims for your use.



  4. Thank you, that's helpful and clear, I didn't realize it because...wait for it...the system renders them as shirts with the little icon for shirt, not tatoo or anything else.

    So that's what needs to change, quite frankly, see my post above.

    I can see the need for making those alpha customized versions because sometimes there are little cracks that happen with mesh outfits and your body.


    However, I'm not sure you can even create ordinary t-shirts using the "appearance" mode as you once could, I'd have to experiment.

  5. The system labels them as a shirt with the icon of a shirt it has used for more than 10 years.

    Therefore, if alphas are "not really a shirt," say, but are merely a tatoo, then...they should show in inventory as a tatoo.

    Hair makers provide tatoos for your head, for example, or mustaches for your face, and these are rendered in the system as tatoos with the symbol for "tatoo."

    Giving resident lore and backstories is not a substitute for clear signage in an interface.

    If the alpha was labelled as a tatoo that could be added anywhere, that would change how it is approached. I know I'm not the only one with this confusion and some people give up and don't buy mesh because of it.

    Perhaps that can concentrate the little minds wonderfully, that you lose sales when instead of providing clear signage for customers -- or insisting that LL does in its system -- you berate and badger and blame user ignorance.

  6. Is there a way to have an alpha shirt that prevents your custom skin or shape from poking through mesh AND have an alpha that removes your feet so that your feet don't poke through mesh boots?

    This is the paradox I find. All shoe alphas are in fact shirts. So that means you can only wear that alpha for those shoes, then the shirt alpha isn't deployed to prevent the body from poking out.

    How is this solved? Or do clothing makes really expect that no avatar can wear both their shirts and their boots?

  7. Need to get away from your current SL on an alt? Or just want to take a vacation with your partner?

    Come to our beautiful new vacation spots and see the leaves turn! Romantic areas surround for walks, picnics, boating, fishing, Tai Chi and more. All locations have fully interactive furnishings -- unless you want to have your own, just ask then to reset.

    Bed & Breakfast - mention this ad for reset to $50/50 prims!


    Have a breakfast or raid the fridge for a midnight snack. Picnics also available at Grote North.


    Teleport to Grote West

    Traveler's Set Bedroom (No. 7)


    with Roman Baths Skybox



    B&B is a great RL concept adapted to SL as you get your own private room with your own tunable Shoutcast radio and separate lockable skybox to teleport from -- but also get a spacious house for chilling or entertaining your friends.


    Teleport to Room 2 at Hidden Lakes


    Modern Skybox - where else can you get this great a deal - $50/50 prims a week or $360 4 weeks 10% discount! --  on a skybox with your own radio and spacious surroundings?


    Cape Cod House - $50/50 prims or ask for unfurnished, $100/100 prims.



    Teleport to Cape Cod Cottage  Hidden Lakes Island in Hite

    Cottage on Grote Pond - unfurnished (ask to change the curtains if you like) - $750/500 prims.


    Teleport to Grote Pond

    Cottage at Hidden Lakes

    - furnished - $650/250 prims with interactive furniture and meals or change to $750/500 prims if you like to have your own decor. Or for $25 just remove some items.

    No. 4



    Stay for a few days and refund for small $25 fee -- or have a longer stay -- it's very flexible!

    Try the gacha at my rentals office -- either win a rare -- one week free rental anywhere! - or commons -- every single one has a prize PLUS a free B&B for one week for just $5 a shot.




  8. Cub is the sim above the Sutherland Dam and the gateway to seven Linden seas for sailing.

    It is hugely terraformably 40+/- so you can make hills or an underwater grotto.

    Beautiful area across from Free Tibet where you can use the spa and game room.


    Self-join group, start building and set home to here right away, IM Prokofy Neva for resident powers which will enable you to terraform. Refundable. Pets welcome.




  9. Ravenglass Rentals, now in its 12th year of business, specializes in the Mainland.  On the Mainland, you have wonderful geographical continuity -- you can drive a car or ride a horse (see our stable in Athetis next to a beautiful bridal path) and you can have serendipity -- chance meetings and experiences that help you meet people and find interests instead of lagging out in a black box club where you can't even type to another person.

    But if you want to have freedom, you need the rule of law so that other people don't take your freedom away from you. And that's what happens when someone with no rules puts up a huge purple tower in your view, a big flat board with photorealistic lawn on waterfront in your view, or puts out numerous spinning dance balls and particle gizmos that ruin your experience.

    The worst thing is security orbs -- while they may create a barrier around you, they make life miserable for everyone else around you who is bounced around even near their home or teleported home abruptly just because they were looking at rentals.  Or they can't take a boat out on the water. So we don't allow security orbs on the ground because ban/eject is really sufficient - and you can always put in a sky box and turn on home security in the sky where it won't bother people.

    So if you make a few rules -- such as no builds over two stories high, no spinning anything, no particle blasts - then everyone is free to enjoy the environment. After all, Mainland and private islands are about choice -- and you can't have choice if someone arbitrarily takes it away from you.

    Rentals on the Mainland make best sense in groups -- and if you join our group you get all the powers you need -- ban/eject, deed media, plant, terraform, set home, turn off build and so on (my profile lists them).

    If you have an OPEN group, there's a lot of things you don't have to worry about, i.e. the right to invite someone because anyone can join. This actually works best to give the maximum number of people flexibility to have their friends come over and be able to rez things at will, and with ban function in groups now, there is a minimum of misuse of open groups.

    The whole point of grouping land is to make use of all the prims on the sim as you wish rather than limiting yourself to arbitrary server space division such as "117 prims". So all our communities with small parcels have $150/150 prims or $250/250 prims. Linden Homes gives you double prims but you can't change the house and the lot is small. Mainland rentals give  you more flexibility. You won't have to pay for the premium account.

    But if you have a premium account, you can donate your 512 for the equivalent of $250 Lindens a week in rent.

    Best of all, Ravenglass Rentals and related groups have a rental system where you can REFUND for a small fee -- unlike most rentals in SL.

    So check out the starter home communities of Jubata, Tuliptree, Columbia and others for $1/prim -- $150/150 prims.

    Teleport to Jubata






  10. Have you abandoned your land because the tier is too high? Do you fear hanging on to land when Project Sansara is coming? You can't get SL working half the time? And you miss your SL heirlooms that have been in the family for years?


    On your left, the prim Edwardian Medicine Cabinet by Paddy Wright, weighing in at 255 prims! On your right, the mesh Artisan Fantasy Portable Apothecary, at 12 Land Impact. Must we choose?

    Don't be dejected, we have a place for you! You can make yourself at home in our beautiful Bed & Breakfast rooms -- with skyboxes attached! -- on the lovely Grote Pond. For just $50/50 if you mention this ad, you can place your precious prim antiques around you once again!

    We're not afraid of prims. I'm the kind of person that doesn't hesitate to put out an 68-prim pitcher of hydrangeas by Caliandris Pendragon (next to Jim Lumiere's 30-prim Coronet coffee service):



    Come and see SL Legacy B&B where some of SL's greatest craftsmen's works are on display!


    Gothic Rosewood Dining Room Table by jauani Wu

    We also have  Mesh Transition Program where you can slowly adjust to the best mesh items in rooms decorated with the latest creations.

    Teleport to Room 8 on Grote B&B West


    Room 8 at Grote B&B West - Gatcha rares by Zaara and Circa; interactive painting easel by LunarTripsa


    Stockholm attic loft by Barnesworth Anubis -- skyroom attached to Room 8.

    Here's Room 14 at Grote B&B South with Earendil Lowenhart's ancient wizard table and Minerva's trundle bed by noctis along (I've left out the scorpion jar but as to put it back if you want!). with May's rare staff and and DaD design ottomon chairs with accents by Soy.




    Wait until you see the attached sky home you  can teleport to from your room!


    Hanging bed by junk and autumn pond by Felix.

    Or ask to have all the furniture removed and your rental reset to $100/100 so you can decorate as you please.

    Pay at the Flamingo Court office so you don't have to look at a rental cube.

    Hate being stacked up in rentals that have only one radio channel?  Each room comes with its own dedicated Shoutcast radio where you get hundreds of stations to chose from.

    You'll be on the ground here in glorious geograpical contiguity! Set your draw distance as high or low as you like. There is plenty to see and do here -- feed the ducks, boat and fish, go swimming, hike in the Lost Gardens of Slosser and have a picnic there or in the Grote River campgrounds.


    You can also use all the facilities at the Flamingo Court Hotel -- heated pool, sauna and lounge!


    We have a home for you!


    You would if you had a nice view like this!

    UPDATE: RENTED - Still some parcels with other homes or request this one!


    AND had blinds to close for some privacy : )


    Our Grote River camp is filled up so I made a new autumn camp in Patagonia above the falls


    No revenooers!

    $60/60 prims a week, just $216 a month with 10% discount for a little getaway! . Management prims don't count on your count, so move right into a shack with a space heater and add your prims!


    Or ask to have the cabins removed and place your own.

    Baba Yaga's house, too -- great for Halloween! She's the Russian witch who lived in the hut on chicken legs!




  12. A new vacation rental area is opening up on Hidden Lakes Island in Hite, a beautiful Mainland island next to the romatnic sea village on the Nyord piers.

    Come see Barnesworth Anubis' latest house available only at Collabor88 -- the Maitland.



    It's just like my real-life childhood home!


    Rooms on the second floor for just $50/50 -- and they come with your private lockable skybox.






    Teleport to Hidden Lakes B&B

    Entertain your friends with meals in the living room or dining room, decorated with the latest mesh creations as well as SL prim heirlooms...



    There's also a Cape Cod cottage on the shore...


    Teleport to Hidden Lakes Cottage

    And large furnished homes for just $650/wk -- take 250 prims to add your own or ask for a reset for $750/500 prims to decorate yourself.







    Teleport to Hidden Lakes Vacation Home

    All of these are beautiful Barnesworth cottages and all around you will find the amazing autumn Hayabusa trees -- it's the most relaxing and soothing scene to sit in your room and gaze at these trees swaying in the wind!

    Lots of nice touches -- you can roam the area, have tea, explore the Butterfly Collector's Cabin, boat and fish and more.

    Makes a great SL getaway -- and you can refund any time for a low fee.

    Ravenglass Rentals - Set Home to Here!



  13. My sims have been plagued by a new grief cube that seems to defy the usual constraints of the SL viewer, possibly it was made on a rogue viewer.

    The cube cannot be returned from land parcels in the normal way, i.e. right-click return, or return prims of that avatar's name on the land menu, or on an island, returning all of that agent's prims from the debug list.

    You can see this grief cube "in the wild" currently on the homestead sim of Belarus, since it's a long weekend and the Lindens haven't gotten to the abuse reports yet.

    What it does is spew garbage particle images from a jittery cube as per usual, but I think what's happening is that it is temp-rezzing rapidly (which may explain why it is not returnable), and possibly from another location -- and somehow it has a script or two to override things and create a "selected-sat-upon" simulation although no avatar green dot can be seen attached to the prim and the owner of that prim isn't seen on the mini map.

    Of course, that can be done by making themselves invisible on rogue viewers which is an old story.

    But how to keep selected/sat-upon going without an avatar doing that? For days on end (maybe they have an avatar doing this that doesn't log off?)

    If you go on the land menu, you can see "51 prims selected sat/upon" not owned by the group. And of course that's the other issue -- on this sim, the group is closed as it has my chickens who are frequent targets of griefers. And they shouldn't be able to rez a cube on land with autoreturn.

    The name of the owner of the cube doesn't even show up on the list but then I crash trying to deal with it.




    PS if you could AR the owner and creator while you're there it will help.

  14. If you're like me, you spent all evening trying to get on the sim where Collabor88's new showcased items went on sale.

    I managed to get in finally and I headed straight for the {theosophy} Bonvilston sky loft that everyone is talking about. The textures and split level style are really cool. I put out a copy in my new Bed & Breakfast rentals on Grote Pond



    I added a fire as you'll see.

    I also found a pretty new bed at Collabor88 by tarte called "enchanted slumber" with a tea lights chandelier -- so that's what you'll find in the loft!


    So where can you see this -- and try it out by living in it for a time?

    Start with Grote Bed & Breakfast where you will find Room 11 on the 2nd floor with [keke]'s princess pea bed and her other lovely items in this set and others.

    Teleport to Flamingo Court B&B in Grote South





    Take the teleporter up to the sky loft. Yes, each room comes with its own sky loft and radio so you can select your own stream. You can get the teleporter locked to your name and put in house security.

    This is NOT like living in stacked up rentals where you can't choose the stream or get privacy -- here you'll have your own world but also have plenty  of room to spread out that you wouldn't get without an expensive island rental.

    Live the dream before you buy it -- rent here is just $100/100 prims per week with 10% discount for a month and best of all you can refund if you want just a short stay.

    Roam freely around the grounds, entertain your friends in the cafe or in your rooms, take a boat ride or swim or enjoy the other attractions in this vacation land.

    Here's another B&B at the same location - Room 10 - this has BellaRose and Finishing Touches nautical furniture and some nice accents like Schadenfreude Flower Daydream Lamp which is one of my favorite SL inventions lately.



    Then teleport up to the modern Corsair sky loft:


    Teleport to Flamingo Court B&B

    Lock in this introductory offer of $100/100 while you can!

    If you prefer to have your own furniture, ask to reset the rent to $150/150 prims and you can use all the prims yourself, house and sky room prims not included on your count.

    Pay for your B&B rooms at the Flaming Court Rental Office so you don't have the clutter of a rental cube in your room.

    IM Prokofy Neva for service.


  15. This was a great tip because I suspected HTTP textures was the culprit for a new problem I developed: not being able to rez anything out of inventory for long periods of time. Each new item selected would require a long wait for my 53,000-item inventory to load, then settle and then enable me to pull out the one selected -- but only after erasing the search term.

    Then I would have to do this again and again for each new item rezzed -- a huge chore. The workaround of "wear" and "drop" doesn't work for "mesh" although "add" sometimes does -- but then you have to bat away error messages. All in all, a huge drag.

    This has been an annoyance I've had for years -- not being able to pull inventory items out after searching for them unless I erase the search term. Does everybody have it? I think it's some sort of pipeline problem.

    Mind you, I've done everything else to reduce lag like lower draw distance, etc. and I routinely would uncheck http textures in the old version of it because unless I did I would crash.

    Also ridiculously long waits for terraform actions to "take" -- I have to highlight and hold two parcels I want to link for more than a minute to make it "take" -- routinely when I click on the arrow to look at the prim owners on parcel, I get "nothing" or I have to wait forever. This has made work unbearable.

    I don't know why after all these years it has to be. An inventory of 50,000 shouldn't be the daunting search project it seems to be. A land group of 650 people shouldn't be the lag monster it is. And so on. These are trivial, and supposedly they have Google Search Appliance working for them. Why is this?



  16. Here's a great concept -

    Have a beautifully-decorated Bed & Breakfast room in a spacious house on Grote Pond.

    Travel to Grote Pond


    Each room comes with its own sky box.




    Just $100/100 prims or $150/150 prims for larger skyboxes.

    Chose from different themes, fully furnished with SL antiques from the greatest prim craftsman or modern mesh decor.



    You can ask to remove the furniture and reset to $150/150 or $200/200 to have all the prims for yourself.

    Roam around the spacious premises and find a place to relax. You're welcome to bring your pets.



    Explore the nearby land preserve with boating, swimming, picnicking.


    You need an SL Vacation!

    Flamingo Court Motel Rental Office


    Prokofy Neva


  17. FREE VENDING spots available for avatars TWO YEARS OF AGE OR YOUNGER IN SL, i.e. born after September 10, 2013.

    Fly to Refugio Free Market

    You can take up to TWENTY FIVE PRIMS

    I just cleaned out the sales depot of oldbies for a new generation of sellers.

    Please bring your own creations or used  or previously-owned items on transfer created by others such as gatcha wins.

    No affiliate vendors, "business in a box," all-perms sculpty/mesh kits, etc.

    You must be only two years or younger.

    Join SL Public Land Preserve for a one-time fee of $5 and you can go on selling for a year.

    Refugia Flea Market is part of the SL Public Land Preserve and is devoted to promoting creativity and encouraging commerce especially for beginners or people who leave and return to SL because it's too hard.




  18. It's after Labor Day and we have to go back to work or school in real life, but in SL you can still take a vacation!

    This is the time of year that Russians called "Grandmother's Summer" and Americans "Indian Summer" warm, dry days but with the leaves turning.

    We're having a sale on Grote Bed & Breakfast rooms, just $50/50 prims, more if you need them, and you can lock this price in through October 31.

    Beautiful new room and patio sets from Ria Bazar, Finishing Touches, Bella Bertone and others.

    Come and see the breakfast room at Grote B&B South - quite realistic expresso and biscuits from Kitchen Korner.

    Teleport to Grote Bed & Breakfast South


    Bed & Breakfast gives you a chance to try out what it's like really living with the beautiful sets you see in the best stores...



    and also gives you a respite from your regular SL -- come on an alt!

    Flamingo Motel Court Cabins are also just $50/50, grunge or non-grunge, retro or modern, use our furniture or yours.

    Travel Back to the 1950s


    At either of these locations you can add a skybox yourself if you like and put out a few items in our community gatcha yard sale.

    And we have some new sky homes for $100/100 such as Barnesworth Anubis Manhattan Loft (we're still trying to figure out how we can see the Empire State Building out of both north and south windows : ))

    Teleport to Flamingo Court Sky Homes

    We still have camping spaces open at Grote also for just $1/prim, and management prims do not count. It's really peaceful and restful here with crickets and campfires and lazing on the docks!

    You Need an SL Vacation!



  19. Well, mesh doesn't drop by its nature but I find even when you try to rez it out, it often says "The owner of the parcel won't let you" even if you ARE the owner of the parcel.


    So I have started using "rez boards" and handing them out to my tenants, i.e. a prim you put down first before you attempt to rez out a mesh thing, then you delete that prim board later. Not ideal but there it is.

  20. Hi,

    I have parcels with that many prims but not quite that theme of "country" you're looking for. Ravenglass for example is Celtic; Winnipeg and Wakeley are mountainy (the latter has a Tibetan build) and they have nice people some who  have been there for years. Events are rare, however, although occasionally there might be a discussion or a yard sale.


    The kind of places you sound like you're looking for used to exist (I'm thinking of all those New England sims for example) and maybe still exist with Caledon, but I think they're harder to find now, it's a lot of work and people go out of business.

    I noticed this rental company I stumbled on seemed very efficient:



    What I thought was interesting is that they offered "Agricultural Lands," i.e. farmland, which is perfect for pets. I don't know if that would work for you but the community part -- I  just don't know. Most of these big island places have bots that greet you, not people but type in some key words and jump around the map, you may find some real people.


  21. Are you sure you counted that right? Not only has the Linden dollar devalued considerably since you were last on (it was $4.00/1000 Lindens in its heyday; today it's less than $3.70/1000).

    Also, cash gets lost crossing sim seams.


    And here I thought you had died and I even made a museum devoted to your furniture:

    Teleport to SL Legacy Bed & Breakfast


    There probably isn't a soul except Ingrid who still has the Arne Egg Chair.


  22. Maryport Mystery Mansion has rooms to let for $50/50 prims a week.

    Add a skybox for $100/100 if you like.  Also porch $25/25 prims and attic $100/100 prims.

    Teleport to Maryport Mystery Mansion





    o You must be able to swim -- hard -- from the Mainland to a Mainland Island.

    o You must write death poetry at night but be cheerful days about multi-person dwelling accommodations.

    o You must not be breedable although you can have a pet.


    o Absinthe and hand-eye-on-platter breakfast provided daily, with jello shots and Soylent Green snacks at the manager's buffet.

    o Additional free 25 prims for you to sell your cursed gatcha dupes on site  to feed your addiction - promote as you will

    o Decorate in your room or around the place in theme

    o Bring a gatcha from the DRD Mystery Mansion in lieu of rent.



    o Don't ask about what happened in Room 2.

    o House security only above 250 m


    From now through Halloween


    IM Prokofy Neva

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