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Nalates Urriah

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Posts posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. On 7/23/2023 at 7:34 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

    Even I had a 36 hour "ban" before. I wish that I understood why the possibility of this happening causes you so much concern.


    In a cancel culture era where the home office of LL is in the capital of Wokism, it is a rational concern.

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  2. On 7/18/2023 at 6:55 PM, Bagnu said:

    I really should have called the thread "How does your SL look over the last week". We can't always post the same day LOL!!!

    Probably. But I doubt anyone takes the "today" all that seriously. I know I very rarely get an image into the forum that I took the day I post. I suspect many of the others are doing the same.

    • Like 4
  3. Translation: what could it be??? I've already seen the pierced body of the avatar three times - some large yellow pieces and black sharp sticks - in the body - through, appears after teleport. Also, how can other people turn things on and off for me?? alpha, ears, how do they have access? after collision or teleportation.

    Sculpties and mesh can do this if they have not been fully rendered. The delay is usually in the download. Time usually corrects the problem.

    Sculpties contain their vertex positions in an image file. All images in SL are JPEG2000. In this format, there are multiple images. The low-resolution images load and render first. The sculpty completes rendering when the final Hi-Def image downloads. On occasion, the servers and viewer will get a bit confused and the viewer seems to think it has the whole sculpty-map-image downloaded when it doesn't, and the render stalls.

    Mesh will do a similar thing. All mesh in SL must have multiple models, LOD models 4 of them. The viewer asks for the LOD model it needs, then loads the others as needed. When something happens to throw the download sequence off, the item may mis-render. I have a couple of mesh attachments that from time to time mis-render when I TP to a different region. When entering a new region the server is making sure it is providing the right info to the viewer for rendering. There is a lot to go wrong in a region crossing. I think you are seeing the result. So often you can go out to another region and then come back and all is well. Sometimes an avatar re-bake or attachment refresh will solve the problem. Sometimes one has to relog.

    People can ONLY control your appearance when you are using RLV. However, they may see you differently depending on how well their system is downloading things.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    haha, well, I'm sure you can tell I was joking about being in love!  But I did develop an affinity for that little frog.

    Just last night, someone I took to meet Frank emailed and said they missed Frank LOL ...so I posted my 2nd long chat with Frank to temper their sadness..

    I was. Some temptations I cannot pass up...

    18 hours ago, Istelathis said:


    Not to mention, it is a whole lot cheaper just to run it from our own computers 😜

    As musichero pointed out, AI like ChatGPT requires massive computational power and access to all the data available across the internet.

    The robots that we saw in iRobot with Will Smith would currently only be possible if they were connected to a massive data center, which is where their actual "thinking" would happen. The bot we see would be more like our computer screen. The actual computer is not the screen.

    14 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Really? I have not heard of that happening. Can you point me to some examples where people actually felt an AI was sentient?I can imagine that happening with schizophrenia, but even with highly imaginative people like us (the Mystic personality type I cited before) I never lose that thread to reality, though it's fun to play and imagine it's lost.

    For months news stories and posts have been appearing about their experiences with AI and their presentation of empirical evidence to show AI is LIVE and thinking on its own... or inhabited by demons attempting to manipulate people... Do a Google or DDG search in NEWS to see some of the wild ideas people have.

    14 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Seriously though, humanity is going to have to decide at some point what is a soul, rather than just what is consciousness. A tree or earthworm is more alive than an AI program is, isn't it?

    This is the "Pluto is or is not a planet" conundrum. We are still arguing about whether viruses are alive or not.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Ok my thought is that algorithms simply server up the ideas people have, not the invent the thoughts in the first place. In most of the popular social medias originating in the west at least, centrist and r-wing opinions are suppressed other than on Twitter at least. 

    Wish I had saved an opinion piece I ran across last week where a leftist woman was expressing what characteristics she wanted in a partner and they all coincided with a typically r-wing male. When that was pointed out to her she admitted she had realized that already and was why she remained single as she couldn't bear the idea of having a partner who was on that side of the ideological line even if that was what she was attracted to.


    I agree to a point. But, even the old Elisa chat program would come up with novel combinations that presented new concepts. I suspect AI is doing enough of that to alarm those working with it. Not having good definitions of what is live or self-aware leaves room for developers to misunderstand what they are seeing.

    • Like 2
  6. 48 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Interesting! And maybe a little disquieting.

    To be clear, I have zero moral qualms about the use of AI to produce "realistic" partners for virtual sex. I mean, for me, sex is only meaningful -- and by that, I mean "a turn on" -- if I know that I'm engaged with a real person, but pornography has always been about fantasy, and doesn't involve real engagement either. One area of concern might be that sexbots are simply reproducing particular toxic social attitudes about sex and gender (for instance, reinforcing r*pe myths), but so long as the person using them knows that they are engaged with a programmed entity rather than a real person, that's not much different in effect than RP.

    What I find disquieting is the possibility that our engagement with AI bots is going to gradually displace our interactions with real people. That's disturbing on two counts: first, that we are no longer going to be exposed to the real perspectives, views, and experiences of actual people, and second, that such bots can be used (as they are now on platforms such as Twitter) to push particular ideologies or perspectives, whether through misinformation or not.

    I'll lay aside the second of these for the moment, as it's a larger issue relating to social media and online information in general.

    My first named concern is maybe more subtle, but in some ways more potentially worrisome. We learn from our interactions with others. It teaches us that there are other perspectives, it gives us access to new insights that might not otherwise be available to us, and it trains us in empathy and tolerance. And an AI can only provide a simulacrum of such an experience.

    We're all familiar with the idea of the "filter bubble": that algorithms tend to feed us more of what we already believe or like, rather than disrupting and questioning our biases and beliefs through exposure to difference. Someone here, a while ago, actually suggested that it would be a great thing if we could produce SL bots who reflected our own likes and dislikes -- who would, it was literally suggested, be exactly like ourselves. What a "perfect friend" that would be! Like talking to a mirror . . .


    And because AI harvests its "ideas" and "attitudes" and discourse from the most visible and popular existing online sources, it's always going to reflect the "status quo" in terms of perspective. This is a recipe for personal and social stagnation.

    My best friend in SL is someone who is, in most regards, entirely unlike me. I'm trained in the humanities, and she's an engineer. I'm straight; she's gay. I'm "vanilla," and she's a Domme. Her popular culture references tend to be from the 40s and 50s, while mine are more current. She has told me that no one sends her scurrying to Google Search more than I do, and the same is true on my side: I have learned so much from her. And the reason I have is because she is so very different than I am in many respects.

    Why would I want to exchange her, and her insights and perspectives (not to mention her very human warmth and personality) for a programmed entity that feeds me what I want to hear?

    Our bot overlords aren't going to rule over us in some sort of obviously authoritarian manner. They are going to be our best friends, our lovers, our "teachers" -- and they are going to oppress us by keeping us comfortably cocooned in unchallenged and unchallenging "truisms" that reflect the world, not as it is, but as we'd secretly like it to be.

    Interesting perspectives.

    I do notice people talking about what AI is going to do. The actuality is, it will do what the programmers set it up to do. The information push is that AI will be able to think for itself. The benefit of that thinking is no one looks at those controlling AI, just the AI. But, as musichero pointed out, there are settings to control how the AI responds. You can see how Microsoft and Google have set limits on what their AI units will say. People are testing Bart and ChatGPT in the political arena. Asking AI to write about Biden and Trump. You can try it yourself and start to AI has interesting biases and PC limits.

    The big problem with AI is who controls it.

    • Like 3
  7. Society is still having challenges with the idea of what is and is not real. Then defining what is and is not alive is another challenge. It is sort of the Pluto is/isn't a planet problem.

    Love the Homer picture!

    Stone Johnson has Adult Sex Robots in SL. (Marketplace) The in-world store has demo models walking the floor. You can chat with them, (you can get down and dirty... right there O.O  ) it is text and voice coming from the bot. It is GPT-3.x (I think 3.5) that runs the voice and chat text. One has to type in chat for the bot to hear you.

    Stone's challenge for sexbots is convincing GPT to talk about sex. The demos I saw show he has figured out a way. He is working on getting his bots to be dominant. As it is now they are very submissive. However. there is a model that will take over your RLV collar and does a good job of taking over to force a coupling with its... his... target. There were some glitches. But, the bots were fun and novel.

    I suspect getting GPT to draw Homer's private guy parts might run into some roadblocks. And... if GPT is going to remember people... do we need t be concerned about what it thinks of us?

    Since these bots are the first try at blending SL and ChatGPT in an interactive exchange I expect it to be bumpy. It was.

    If you are into talking dirty... that tended to fail in my experiments. While there is no doubt about what the bot was intending to say nor doing (well... it is obvious what the bot is doing visually), the chat is not crude nor vulgar. So... think of a high-end call girl that is not going to say anything crude.

    Will these bots take over the AFK Sex Bot places? I would think a good number of AFK Bot users would go for these. So I am thinking probably. But I also expect there will be a cost for using such bots.

    Maybe one day SL will be filled with bots talking to bots.... 🙄

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  8. There is a dictionary of today's definition and there is common usage. I was surprised that I found few references to the past for of BH-Compliments in common usage. My dad says they were an intellectual exercise that depending on how delivered were meant as a compliment or joke. Usually done to tease people.

    In our woke world there is little humor or intelligence. So I probably should not be surprised at the change in dictionary definition.

    If I say, "Wow! You are really WOKE!" is that a compliment,  insult, or a backhanded compliment?

    How about, "Nice set of pronouns!"

    • Thanks 1
  9. I suppose the viewer one uses might change how this mistake plays out. In Firestorm and the SL viewers, the attaching stops at 38 (Ref). As pointed out, removing an item allows a new item from the cue to attach. Re-logging does not stop the process or didn't when I made the mistake. It will continue in the next session. The only way to clear the cue is to select a new Outfit and click REPLACE Current Outfit. It will take a minute to recover as the replacement process has to detach all the items in the to-attach cue... or something... it takes longer than normal.

    This issue popped up years back. It was a plague at the time. I forget what changed to reduce the occurrences. It's not the problem it once was.

    • Like 2
  10. 15 hours ago, Bagnu said:

    I finally found how to create UDIM tiles in 3DSMAX, after about six hours of Youtube tutorials. In..wait for it...a tutorial in an unknown language!!! So simple, that the other tutorials seemed to assume the person watching already knew this step!!!

    The parts on the left correspond to the parts of the mesh model. Exporting the model into "Substance Painter" makes it possible to paint across all the pieces at once. I may not have enough parts for a good resolution though, and I might add more things before Cat and I are happy with the result. What I don't know yet, is if I have done enough to increase the resolution, since all the parts would fit in one tile at the size they are.  I might still be lost in the forest...

    Desktop Screenshot 2023.07.07 -

    Yeah... we were trying to use these way-back when...

    Also, there is still nothing about UDIM in the SL Wiki.


    • Like 1
  11. 10 hours ago, Istelathis said:

    I've been here earlier, but stumbled upon it again just now.  Our very own @Prokofy Neva exhibit, there is so much information packed into this parcel, I plan to visit it again later on because I love reading about SL history, and getting a better understanding of SL.


    I also found a chatbot, that was the most advanced I had seen so far in SL20, I only asked a few questions but was impressed with the answers. 





    Worth a visit, then a revisit, I will probably hit up this exhibit a few times to read the many notecards, learn more about SL, talk with the chatbot and appreciate the hard work put into it.  

    It can be found here:

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Stupendous/29/231/23

    Contiguous users? Isn't this asking how many were standing side-by-side?

    NWN puts the 88k concurrent users in 2009. (Ref) And reports the Lab's announcement of 750k active users.

    I started tracking concurrent users in 2012.


    One could argue that the concurrent user count has been flat for the past couple of years.

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Hathoria said:

    True but it wasn't always, the computer was recently reset which should have restored the drivers but it didn't fix it

    That's not as true as you probably think. Unless you do a lot of esoteric tech updating a RESET will restore the drivers the computer came with. The older the computer gets the more out of date they are.

    When Windows goes online to update drivers it does a rather poor job. Plus the people making drivers tend to post to their own websites first to pull people they can show their NEW stuff. too. So... good up-to-date drivers are harder to find, I suspect, than most people think.

    Check your graphics driver versions.

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  13. Some of the people making animations make them in SIZES. Usually Large, medium. and small. This is an ongoing problem in SL. It comes up fairly often in the Linden-led user groups.

    If your avatar is not the same size as the avatar used to model the animation, the hands are not going to meet. Another setting is shoulder width. Over all size matters too.

    Then there are torso and abdominal/pelvic lengths with effects on whether hands rest on legs in setting poses.

    These mismatches in positioning are a reason for photographers liking the Black Dragon viewer. Its Poser allows us to tweak poses to look just right. It is why you likely think the hands should meet. The photos in 'How does your avatar look...' often have lots of pose-tweaking or clever camera angles to hide the poor positioning,

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  14. The hands not touching is either an animation problem or an arm-size problem. Generally, SL arms have to be set to their max length to provide proportional arms.

    As to the tats... I can't see the problem because I don't know what they are supposed to look like. I suggest you select the  Test Avatar and item by item build back your avatar. Use a new copy of the body.

    The hands in the images do not appear to be the same avatar. They seem to be different hands.

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