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Jaylin Whitewood

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Everything posted by Jaylin Whitewood

  1. Well, reading costs more time than fetching a standard textblock i guess. No it was done under Merketplace General issues, the only other possible.... on Marketplace Failed Delivery it allows me only to tell then what was not delivered to me. Nice Support...
  2. "Hello LL, the Order XXXXX vrom 29.06, is still logged ad "being Delivered, not paid", Customer has my item already, but i dont have the money yet". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer: Hello Jaylin Whitewood, Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support. We are sorry to learn of your regrettable transaction with another Second Life Resident. Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to intercede or interfere in Resident-to-Resident business dealings. Linden Lab cannot verify, enforce, certify, examine, uphold, or adjudicate any oath, contract, deal, bargain, or agreement made by the Residents of Second Life. We do not own, operate, or insure any Resident-run enterprise or services. As with any transaction among Residents, Linden Lab has limited responsibility and capacity to resolve disputes. If you decide to take the matter to the Real Life authorities, Linden Lab will be happy to cooperate with your investigations. While you may have a valid grievance with another Second Life Resident, Linden Lab cannot resolve your dispute. We regret this inconvenience and wish you the best in your future inworld endeavors. Best regards, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO **bleep** SHERLOCK:.. Linden Lab cannot verify, enforce, certify, examine, uphold, or adjudicate a transaction made in their damn own marketplace? Good to know...
  3. TatianaDokuchic Varriale wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: A Structure is still not a Building Component. You have just buried houses one more layer deeper. +1 next +1 but really, WHY is houses still under Building Components...
  4. Great timing.. its only Valentine, where people send gifts....
  5. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: So wie's geschildert ist, ist das schon eine schweinerei. LL mischt sich aber soweit ich weiss grundsaetzlich nicht in sowas ein. Sofern jemand sich als Linden / Im Auftrag der Lindens ausgibt, schon.
  6. Thanks. I meant especially ones where you book a waiter. I agree, the Santorini one is nice, as well as Lobster Claw, but what i seek is with booked Service. I know of 2, one was "Vision", who offered such services.
  7. Again, i had a subscription fee pulled from my balance without having a non-expiring advert... Jeez, more grey hairs.
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