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Wicked Galaxy

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Everything posted by Wicked Galaxy

  1. Irene Muni wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: All QUESTIONS should be posted in ANSWERS - now isn't that intuitive. :matte-motes-bored: All ANSWERS to your QUESTIONS will be posted in ANSWERS under your QUESTION. However, you can not ask/expand on your QUESTION in ANSWERS unless you edit your QUESTION in ANSWERS to ask another QUESTION. Does this ANSWER your QUESTION? And you cannot include ANOTHER ANSWER in your ANSWER unless you copy/paste the ANOTHER ANSWER in your ANSWER because SL ANSWERS don't have a QUOTE button. So, the best forum for your QUESTIONS is anything other than the specific forum for QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. Ouch.. you're both making my head hurt Wiki
  2. Hi all.. Just popped in to say hi.. I had no idea this thread existed! Hope everyone is having a great day/night (whatever the case may be in your part of the world). Here its a beautiful sunny day in New York.. 80 something at 10:41 am.. ugg.. Supposed to be around 95. Thank the good Lord I work in A/C Valerie - I hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe vacation/holiday. Be well everyone! Wiki
  3. Hi Griffin.. I take it right back out of my inventory as soon as I detach it. I do see the *drop* option on my pie wheel in Phoenix, but it's greyed out, clicking it does nothing. I am able to rez items at my house, I don't have to have my group tag on but perhaps in this situation I do? I will try that when I log in later and see if it makes a difference. Thanks for the help! Wiki
  4. thank you Melita.. Im using phoenix.. and yes when i detach it goes right into my inventory and I have to pull it out again.. I don't want to keep doing that if its bad... yes I tried the *more* option .. and nothing there to drop it either... anyone using phoenix that can tell me what to do? Her name is LaylaBug
  5. Yay... I got my lil Meeroo... thank you Melita & Wildcat for all your help I do have 1 more question .. it says to right click and drop it to detach, but I don't have the option to *drop* is there something I need to do to fix that?
  6. Luc Starsider wrote: Fingers crossed that it won't take too long! In the mean time, ignore it if you can. - Luc - you may want to un-cross those fingers Luc it seems you will probably lose circulation of the blood while waiting I started the ticket as stated above.. and have had absolutely NO response except for the automatically generated email that they received my ticket... yes it's not a high priority issue I admit (and I can ignore the item forever if need be), but some actual action on their part would be nice. I even went as far as adding a comment to my ticket stating just this... tick tock.. I still remain curious about the length of time it will take to get solved, or even some response on the part of LL, I am grateful it's a minor issue. I sympathize with those who have filed tickets for more serious matters (although I pray they get sorted in a priority queue and handled quicker). Wiki
  7. valerie Inshan wrote: @ Wikli, I have found that the food is a little more than 200L for 4 weeks (and copyable), so I will get it a try before turning it to a 'regular' pet.:smileywink: I may just do that.. its all so new to me.. Im not 100% sure of what I want at the moment. they are just too cute! wiki
  8. Im acutally at Twas right now.. Im not sure I want to do the breeding so I may invest the 1500 for a *pet* one. Im also not sure I want to just buy a box and see what I get..lol had something more specific in mind, so an auction may be the way for me. thanks again! Wiki
  9. thank you so much for the very helpful information! I will be checking out the website today. Wiki
  10. omg they are so cute... where can I get one?
  11. The full size image from my badge....
  12. Luc Starsider wrote: Yes, it will. It might take some time to get the ticket handled, though. - Luc - yes.. Im sure you are right.. thankfully its just more of an annoyance to me than anything else. I filed the ticket tonight.. the clock has started.. I am curious to see how long it takes. Wiki
  13. Void Singer wrote: that will require a ticket to fix I had a feeling that would be the case.. Thank you all for your help. Wiki
  14. Luc Starsider wrote: The folder; is it on the same level as 'Inventory' and 'Library'? Some times folders end up on root level, and there is no way to get them back to where they belong aside from filing a ticket. - Luc - here is a picture of my collapsed inventory and the folder that I cannot delete.. *no options*. I have tried in both phoenix and viewer 2.. no luck
  15. Thank you very much for posting this.. I had no idea all of these existed. God bless those we have lost and those serving at this very moment. Wiki
  16. oh very cool.. I will check these out..thanks! Wiki
  17. Void Singer wrote: very odd that it won't let you even drag it... have you tried the optional menu at the bottom with a gear on it? it should contain all the normal options when the folder is selected. ETA: there is also a trash icon down at the bottom right that should remove the folder if the folder is selected. I have tried every option.. it doesn't let me do a single thing with this folder other than highlight it. Guess Im just stuck with it in my inventory... thanks for the suggestions. Wiki
  18. Thank you all for the quick answers... As far as the skins I will look into starlight, I'm not brave enough to try the editing the folder is still there.. I jumped to pooley and tried the suggestions.. no luck. the folder doesnt have an icon on it, its an inventory item I was given.. (boxed then opened) and it wont let me drag it to the trash and when I right click on it .. its shows *no options*.
  19. 1) Are there different skins available for viewer 2? 2) I have a folder in my inventory that I cannot delete, when I highlight and right click I get NO options to do a thing with it. Any way to remove it? (It's not part of the library inventory - its a folder that was created when I opened a box and copied to my inventory, something I no longer want). Thanks, Wiki
  20. I love this feature.. its one I use often, but also turn it off often. I have 2 different jobs in SL, both of which require me to be on a poser or animator.. I have logged into work, used the double-click to TP feature to get me exactly where I need to be after teleporting in to the location, and forgotten that feature was enabled... TP'd my pixel butt clear across the room unintentionally (on several occasions). Having the option to turn it on and off easier (like perhaps on the bottom menu bar - near the FLY button) would make it so much better. Wiki
  21. Wicked Galaxy


    ok so.. did the big day come and go? did it happen? are ya hitched? if so.. I will continue my pouting and continue my worshiping you from afar.... if not... ..... .....
  22. Ansariel Hiller wrote: Wicked Galaxy wrote: they are using viewer 2 and I am using the most recent version of phoenix Most recent version means what? The fixed Phoenix version is 1102, prior release 1050 does not include the fix. I just upgraded to 1102 last night.. so next time I see my friend in-world hopefully he will not be *ruthed* to me any longer.. thank you all for the help. Wiki
  23. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Hmmm, I had thought Phoenix patched that. My only other guess would be for you to clear cache and then ask your friend to change shapes for you once and then go back to the original one again. Don't you hate hearing "clear cache" that all the time? But it fixes a world of problems and in many case it is needed before you can start finding the correct problem to fix. I am one to clear my cache each and every time I log out so that I start new next log-in.. and I had him try switching shapes.. the one he switched to loaded perfect, but when he reverted back to his original shape.. Ruth came back to haunt me ... but I thank you for the suggestion, I'm hoping it was a temporary glitch and he will be back to normal next time I catch him in world.
  24. they are using viewer 2 and I am using the most recent version of phoenix
  25. I have a friend that I see as *ruthed* yet everyone else, including himself, see his avi perfectly fine... why would I be the only one seeing his avi this way? Wiki
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