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Dea Aurelia

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Posts posted by Dea Aurelia

  1. When you rent from us you get to be part of an amazing  no drama community.

    We have 13 sims, ten of which have plenty of  sailing and three are almost all water.

    We have a sailing club, two busy clubs (Midnight Passions and Toby's Juke Joint), Crossworlds Gallery, Deep Sea Dive Trips, Memorial Garden, and manypeaceful open spaces all within the  community.

    Currently we have a homestead for  rental called Midnight Reef.

    You will have 3750 prims, private sailing on 10 sims  and  full rights and an amazing SL for 9,200 a week.

    Midnight Reef_001.jpgMidnight Reef_002.jpg



    Please feel free to visit or IM me for a tour.

    Dearest Myrtle




  2. First of all apologies for not replying yesterday as I had a very busy RL work today. Also I'm in the UK so this is my early morning

    I'm appreciative of all the responses I received to my query for support in dealing with this avatar landowner. I especially will be looking at the rendering and skybox options in the future so thank you to the various people who made those suggestions

    When I went to the landowner to explain that I wasn't happy with what he had done his reaction was beyond all reasonable expectations, it became abusive, unpleasant, and he threatened to damage me and my partners businesses in second life.

    I have filed an abuse report and I don't know what the outcome will be, as you know we never know what action Linden Labs will take.

    For the time being I am just going to leave the situation as it is and let it calm down. That parcel is the one I get with my premium membership and I buy a 512 parcel  with its allowance whenever I can. I paid 650 LD for the land as it was in a gorgeous location and lots of other rentals around and some free water and a number of landowners there. I did set the land for sale AND rent and I set the sale price of 1000 LD (so the  landowner always  knew this) because if I do sell it I want to make a profit and also it's very difficult to find a nice little parcel in mainland. However, I really prefer to rent the land at 100 a week as this means that if a lot of building  comes to the environment over the next time period and makes it less attractive, the renter can just leave and find somewhere else and  I am left to deal with the land. Sometimes I sell cheaply or I abandon the land and find another piece of land to buy (naturally these circumstances have arisen several times). Also in the long term it's more profitable to let  the land if the renter stays.

    I have been in second life for four years, although I freely admit I haven't spent much of that time on the mainland.

    My partner and I run a business called Architech Design which is a store, and we sell houses and landscaping. We also own and run Toby's Juke Joint for which we had to buy a full sim and started doing a few rentals to help pay for the costs. I'm sure you know running a club in second life is not profitable.

    Overtime our  rental business grew and we now have 13 sims joined by water which means that 10 of them are accessible for sailing to all our residents. We fund an art gallery and much of the water. Friends run three sims as a Sailing Club. We are not massive landowners but we do like the community we have and we have absolutely fabulous tenants and visitors to the sims.

    I did a little further research on the landowner who caused the issue for us, it appears that he has 250 sims. When I first met him which is the several weeks ago he told me that he systematically buys mainland sims to make them look nice. He did not tell me that people who don't want to sell to him at his prices are blocked in. I have now been banned from his sim, but before he did this yesterday I was able to see that several other people are in the same position as we are with  small parcels totally blocked in.
    If, and I say IF, he is a landowner who by bullying and intimidation achieves growth to his landowning empire, then that would place him and us at opposite ends of the landowning spectrum!

    Oh, I did edit my post, about an hour so after I had put it up and I had received my first very helpful reply, I added a third photograph and corrected one spelling!

    Finally, I appreciate each and everyone of you who has   Taken the trouble to reply, share your views and make suggestions. This is what is the best about the forums; the second life community sharing information for mutual benefit.

    Do feel free to contact me in second life should you so wish. If you wish to see the  land or have the name of the avatar, I will happily supply both privately as I do not consider it appropriate to post them here.

    I will not be adding any further comment to this thread.
    Kindest regards
    Dearest Myrtle

  3. Thank you so much for your excellent advice. It is  very much in line with my own approach. I will be careful with my sign. Do you think making it flash periodically would  be unacceptable too? I want to make my point that he could have bought it for not a high  price  yesterday, but he chose to be very unplessant and confrontational. But I have no intention of  letting it escalate.

    Kind regards


  4. I bought a lovely 512 on mainland recently and  since then one avatar has systematically bought up all the surrounding land.

    I had this land set for sale at 1000LD or for rent.

    He offered me  500 LD and spoke in terms of I had no option as noone would now want to rent my parcel.

    When I visited it  today he has landlocked it with high boards.

    Is there any  action I can take?

    I think he  has done the  same thing to a couple of other 512 parcels that dont  belong to him.

    blocking Steine Gardens.png


    This is from outside above and I just used some glow to show the location. I have not left it on.


    This inside...........not pleasant.

    Previously I could see all around save for some cliffs behind. 

     Blocked in_001.png


    You can see  here that HIS tenants get a lovely sea view but I am blocked in (extreme right)

  5. If you love sailing and a peaceful life then our 13 sims of homes and sailing is worth checking out for your new home.
    Current availability on Toby's Rentals

    Corner 4096 with 937 prims 2000 LD a week
    Lovely 4096 with 937 prims 1850 LD a week
    Lovely 4096 with 937 prims for 1850 LD per week
    Lovely 3072 with 703 prims for 1350LD a week

    Full homestead with 3750 prims for 9200 LD per week

  6. We have 13 sims on which our residents are free to sail, four are private homesteads, three are nearly all water and  the others have plenty of sailing  (Three belong to GullsWing Saling Club  and  our  residents are allowed to  sail there)

    The beauty of the  sims  and the quality of the  sailing has to be seen to be believed.

    We currently have:-

    Homestead with 3750 prims

    Corner 4096 with 937 prims  

    Sea shore 4096 with 937 prims

    Lovely 3072 with 703 prims

    Check out our Interactive Map for an overview and available rentals which are marked with  a pink pin at the LM below. Then TP to your dream home land.




  7. Gulls Wing Sailing Club is a private members only sailing club for sailors wishing to enjoy sailing in private waters.

    We have three Sims of private club only waters and four other quiet Sims for sailing on and around

    All club members are offered free sailing lessons and we are especially interested in members who want to learn to sail safely.

    Grab a free pass and take a tour of our Sims before choosing the membership that suits you



    Lighthouse Clubhouse_002.jpgLighthouse Clubhouse_003.jpg


    if you are a sailor who likes uninterrupted sailing in low script environments, then this club is for you.

    If you wish to learn to sail or are a novice, our Harbormaster offers regular classes or you can book one-to-one tutorials.

    Joining the club gives you residency in the following membership packages.

    Day Sailor: Razz your boat and sail at any time. The facilities and grounds are there for you to roam and relax in. Great value at only 200LD per week.

    Lighthouse Clubhouse_006.jpg



    Live-Aboard Resident Sailor: Permanent mooring for you and your boat for 500 OLD per week (30 memberships available) Partner included as a crew member.


    Resident Sailor Cottage A: small cottage with 117 prims including cottage, dock and boat for 1000 OLD per week (15 memberships available). Partner  or friend included in membership.

    Cottage A_001.jpgCottage A_002.jpgCottage A_003.jpg

    Resident Sailor Cottage B: cottage with 234 prims including cottage dock and boat for 2000 OLD per week (15 memberships available) Partner  or friend included in membership

    .Cottage B_001.jpgCottage B_002.jpgCottage B_003.jpg

    (You can also buy Day Sailor Membership for 200 per week which allows you to sail any time).. We also welcome rew Members at special rates and  can cater for group visits and excursions.

    We also have a Clubhouse for  events and socialising.



    Grab a free pass and take a tour of our Sims before choosing the membership that suits you



  8. Gulls Wing Sailing Club is a private members only sailing club for sailors wishing to enjoy sailing in private waters.

    We have three sims of private club only waters and three other sims for sailing on and around.


    Lighthouse Clubhouse_002.jpgLighthouse Clubhouse_003.jpg


    fI you are a sailor who likes uninterupted sailing in low script environments, then this club is for you.

    If you wish to learn to sail or are a novice, our HarbourMaster offers regular classes or you can book one-to-one tutorials.

    Joining the club gives you residency in the following membership packages.

    Live-Aboard Resident Sailor: Permanent mooring for you and your boat for 500 LD per week (30 memberships available)


    Resident Sailor Cottage A: small cottage with 117 prims including cottage, dock and boat for 1000 LD per week (15 memberships available)

    Cottage A_001.jpgCottage A_002.jpgCottage A_003.jpg

    Resident Sailor Cottage B: cottage with 234 prims including cottage dock and boat for 2000 LD per week (15 memberships available)

    Cottage B_001.jpgCottage B_002.jpgCottage B_003.jpg

    (You can also buy Day Sailor Membership for 200 per week which allows you to sail any time)

    We also have a Clubhouse for  events and socialising.



    Grab a free pass and take a tour of our sims before choosing the membership that suits you




  9. Toby's Juke Joint Sim: Enjoy the  Juke Joint Stream as well as being near your favour ite blues club.

    We monitor all our rentals for a drama  free experience.

    Please enjoy a rent free period until the end of the year when you pay a months rent in advance.

    also pick any of our houses or skyboxes as a welcome gift

    Snapshot _ Tobys Juke Joint 01 (204, 109, 21) - Moderate.png

    Toby's 1 4096 with 937 prims at 1750 per week. a lovely seaside parcel



    Toby's 5 and 6

    These two lovely parcels will be free from the 30th December both have 937 prims and are 1750 each per week

    Snapshot _ TobySnapshot _ Tobys 06, Tobys Juke Joint (36, 61, 23) - Moderate.png





    Toby's 16

    Lovely little 512 parcel, handy for Toby's and very private with 117 prims for 200 per week


    Snapshot _ Toby

  10. This peacelfu land calm island is monitored by ourselves for safety. All plots are free until January 1st when you pay a month's rent and there is also a free home for Christmas renters from our store. Just pick the home or skybox you like and we will send it to you.



    Panther is a beautiful tropical sim with a few islands at sea level and a few skyboxes in the sky. Currently we have a couple of parcels and three skyboxes available.


    Panther 2a and 2b (can be joined to make one parcel) or you can rent  each one singly

    2x 2048 parcels with 825 prims for 1500 per week.

    Both have some access to the sea and enjoy the sunset


    Panther _001.jpgBirdPanther 6.png



    Panther : Skyboxes Gorgeous skydomes of 64m x 64m with 320 prims for 500 LD per week.

    Four Seasons HomeDome.pngSnowDome_002.jpgSnowDome_003.jpgSnowDome_008.jpgSnowDome_006.jpgSkatingDome_001.jpg


    The current skybox is only 2 prims and can be replaced with ANY of our skyboxes or domes on requet so long as you take the prims off your overall allowance of 320 prims

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ArchiTech%20Design/64/192/700Check out the dome you like at our store....

    Panther Homedome 4:


    Panther Homedome 6


    Panther homedome 9




    Rent at LM's  below.. you are also free to swim and sunbathe on the island with the rental boxes. (We can hide your name if

    you wish too) 



  11.  This peacelfu land calm island is monitored by ourselves for safety.

     All plots are free until January 1st when you pay a month's rent and there is also  a free home for Christmas renters from our store.

    Just pick the one you like and we will send it to you.



    Dearest's Isle is a quiet sim with total privacy. There is  some local sailing on the adajcent sim and we  watch and protect your home.

    Dearest's Isle 6A Lovely 2048 surrounded by water. 468 prims for 875 LD per week.




    Dearest;s Isle 7 Lovely 2048 surrounded by water. 468 prims for 875 LD per week.




    Dearest's Isle 9: 4096 with 937 prims and se adge for 1800 per week


    Dearest;s Isle 10: internal parcel with water all around 



    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dearest's Isle 16

    A wonderful corner plot of 4096 with 937 prims for a calm and lovely sea side  home

    1850 per week.


  12. Dont look at our rentals if you want the cheapest  price. We dont own any grandfathered sims so we only make a small margin on tier.

    We do:-)

    Pick our tenants carefully,

    Support those who choose to be residents on our small community

    Provide help with terraforming and landscaping

    Keep an eye on your lands while you are away




    The four Sesons homedome has a Sky and Land changer menu with a snow option.

    It is only 2 prims out of your allowance of 320 prims

    It is 64m x 64m so big enough for your home and some garden

    It is only 500 LD per week

    Four Seasons HomeDome.png

    These are the slurls for the five skydomes we have available:-






    (they are at  intervals of 250 metres for privacy)

    6-10 skyboxes panther_002.jpg4 Seasons_001.jpg4 Seasons_002.jpg

    Choose the Dome you like and then go down to pay your rent on the island below at the link underneath


    6-10 skyboxes panther_001.jpg

    You are also welcome to sunbathe or swim on this island

    Contact Toby Howton or myself with any queries


  13. Where we live in SL is so important. We  are landlords who will provide high  quality land to rent and always be available to help or  resolve  your issues.

    Our lands all give  you full terrafroming and managment rights.

    You can enjoy TOTAL privacy without the need for high walls or landscape screens.

    You can select your own music or  ask us for access to the Juke Joint Stream if you  like the Blues.

    We can combine parcels to give you more space.



    We have four  islands vacant at present as this is a new sim......


    Panther 7

    Gorgeous  corner  parcel  with 6400m and 1650 prims at 3100 per week. Lovely  sunsets  and water on all sides.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Panther/48/203/23Panther 7.png

    Panther 4

    Seaside parcel at 3050 LD per week.

    6400m with 1650 prims.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Panther/137/36/21Panther 4.png


    Panther 6

    West facing seaside  parcel with lovely sunsets..........6400m with 1650 prims for 3050 per week.


    Panther 6.png

    Panther 9

    A lovely centre  parcel surrounded by water 6400 m with 1650 prims  and 3000 per week

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Panther/123/131/21Panther 9.png


    Just vist the slurls and  buy the  land  in 'About Land'.

    Contact Toby Howton  or Dearest Myrtle for more information or a tour of what land is free here.

  14. Where we live in SL is so important. We  are landlords who will provide high  quality land to rent and always be available to help or  resolve  your issues.

    Our lands all give  you full terrafroming and managment rights.

    You can enjoy TOTAL privacy without the need for high walls or landscape screens.

    You can select your own music or  ask us for access to the Juke Joint Stream if you  like the Blues.

    We can combine parcels to give you more space.



    We have four  islands vacant at present as this is a new sim......


    Panther 7

    Gorgeous  corner  parcel  with 6400m and 1650 prims at 3100 per week. Lovely  sunsets  and water on all sides.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Panther/48/203/23Panther 7.png

    Panther 4

    Seaside parcel at 3050 LD per week.

    6400m with 1650 prims.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Panther/137/36/21Panther 4.png


    Panther 6

    West facing seaside  parcel with lovely sunsets..........6400m with 1650 prims for 3050 per week.


    Panther 6.png

    Panther 9

    A lovely centre  parcel surrounded by water 6400 m with 1650 prims  and 3000 per week

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Panther/123/131/21Panther 9.png


    Just vist the slurls and  buy the  land  in 'About Land'.

    Contact Toby Howton  or Dearest Myrtle for more information or a tour of what land is free here.

  15. Panther is a gorgeous white sand  tropical sim.

    It has been divided into  nine islands separated with water. 

    This birds eye view  shows its  beauty



    We have five  parcels available at  present:-

    Panther 2 is a seaside parcel on east with lovely full sunrise. and 3050 perweekwith 1650 prims


    Panther 2.png



    Panther 4 is a seaside parcel  at 3050 LD per week with 1650 prims and with  effects  of sunrise  on left and sunset on right


    Panther 4.png


    Panther 6 is a seaside parcel on west with lovely sunsets 3050 LD per week with 1650 prims


    Panther 6.png


    Panther 7 is a corner parcel with gorgeous sunsets 3100 LD per week with 1650 prims


    Panther 7.png


    Panther 9 is a centre parcel surrounded by water 3000 LD per week with 1650 prims.


    Panther 9.png


    Please  ask Dearest Myrtle or Toby Howton  for further information or reply to this post.



  16. Rent or lease this gorgeous fully equipped educational sim.

    NLN sim_002.jpg



    We can provide management to meet your school or college needs or you can take it and  run!


    Fabulous landscaped sim with areas for leisure and tutorials

    Orientation Hall to aid familiarity with  managing virtual life

    Study Skills Hall to support learning styles identification



    We can adapt the environment, add buildings, create content to meet your needs, provide pricacy and safety and collaborate with you.

    NLN sim_001.jpgNLN sim_010.jpgNLN sim_013.jpgNLN sim_020.jpgNLN sim_025.jpgNLN sim_027.jpgNLN sim_030.jpgNLN sim_044.jpgNLN sim_024.jpg

    IM inworld or reply for further information.




  17. You will be sorry if you miss  this chance to acquire a lovely home  on this dedicated  private residency sim.

    We have three  parcels remaining

    Centre sim at  3000  LD  per week  for 6400m with 1650 prims

    2 x water along one side edge sims of 6400 m with 1650 prims at 3050 LL per week



     There are only 3 parcels remaining on Panther. Beautiful tropical islands for you to make into your  dream home!

    Dont forget to pick up our free the July 4th  Banner while  you are checking it out.




    Pop over to visit  or IM toby Howton  or Dearest Myrtle


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