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Laika Ravikumar

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Everything posted by Laika Ravikumar

  1. I think everyone did well and most of all Sara for doing all the work to put it together. It's not a competition it's just fun. In my opinion.
  2. Ha ha Eva you look like I felt this morning minus the bottle of course .
  3. Hope we have time to look dont have many of that kind of outfit probably need to research sites or we will all end up with the same thing
  4. After the Party 9:51:16 Cressida Connolly 100 0
  5. Yes I know am late with bunny pic duh am always late
  6. Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble from the dashboard getting to forums I get a message saying page does not exist and an error code?
  7. I have one from Pizazz Couture comes with hud looks similar
  8. Haha don’t mess with Ellie she is feisty.......
  9. Hi Sara thanks and only just got back to answering you. I spend more time going through windlight settings than anything else. I do use Orwars light thingy sorry forgot the name also. I become shockingly antisocial when I am looking for a shot usually unless of course Belinda talks to me lol then I just have to answer, she has that effect,.
  10. So met the sisters at Lutz and its difficult keeping everyone still but a lot of fun
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