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Incony Hathaway

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Everything posted by Incony Hathaway

  1. i put up the whole quarter sim at 3 lindens per square metre, and it sold instantly.. so guess i underpriced it.. but no big deal, i got what i wanted quickly, and so did the buyer.. digital land is not real despite its value.. its like art... and hey, i know folks pay for digital sex...
  2. i stand at the same point, a quarter sim, with protected waterfront east to west.. and it faces south.. so the sun shines on it unobstructed.. its split into parcels.. not because i could, but because thats how i bought the whole quarter. Lindens bid against me for the last bit, to make the quarter.. imagine that.. i paid over a hundred pounds sterling, for a micky mouse plot, just to get the whole quarter.. i stand wiser now.. its up for sale.. it must go.. never again will i travel that path.. digital land has no value except that of the owner.. think carefully about that premise, you value the land.. but it has no value, since it is not real. Acknowledge that you play fictional reality... and you may save your self.
  3. valuable and intelligent input, i thank you for taking that time.. pretty much then, from what i sense, is that what i have is bug ger all Therefore, i should dump my preconceptions, along with the land, Leaving any preconception behind and dealing with the new, is not easy for the preconditioned.. i look very seriously at the replies here.. - thank you... continue please...
  4. Thank you for the replies..I share this topic... here - Qoute: Princess Ivory Honored Resident Posts: 9 Abandoned land pricing 02-03-2012 02:24 PM I had a large parcel for sale that I continued to drop the price on, all the way down to L$0.65 per sqm, before finally abandoning it. 48 hours later, Gov Linden has it for sale for $L1 per sqm. If I couldn't get that much, what makes the Lindens think they can? I advertised it in two forums, etc. Went to far more work to sell it than the Lindens will. Frustrating - just needed to vent." The conversation regarding this quote, is of relevance so its why ive added it here.The quarter sim i have has a good south east to westerly protected position.. on the edge of mainland.So i will ask my neighbours first. Its cut into parcels, so the quarter is actually several distinct parts.Should i cancel that before i try to sell?
  5. i have a quarter sim.. its been my second life since about 2003.. a long time... the current economic situation has decided i must goive it up, i need the money i pay sl.. to fund my real life now.. So.. what do i do.. what should i save.. what is the right process to stop being more than a 512m land owner, and give up the quarter sim...? if i cant get anyone to buy my land.. i must just stop owning it.. i must give it up.. what is the right way to do that? i cant find a thread that deals with that process.. so its why ive created the topic.. If there is a Linden Preffered method.. give me the link.. since at the the end of May.. i must be in a position to stop paying for the land..
  6. 1. first post.. so i dive in at the deep end, and i am sure the inputs will be as justified ... " if the only reason one is here, is to justify ones reason.. then why is one here. ? lets give the posts numbers for reference. your post will be number 2... and so on
  7. Innula said: "I know you said you've made your own, but if anyone else reading this wants to convert an animated gif to a suitable .tga while the site Rolig mentions is offline, if you use Windows, there's a handy free tool by Goonta Maltz that does exactly the same thing you can dowload, the Gif to Second Life Animated Texture Programme" Innula that is a great little program, thank you for sharing. I make a lot of animated frame textures, and until now have had to position every frame exactly, one after the other to make the final jpg. When one is dealing with 256 frames, let me tell you, that is a time consuming and frustrating thing to do, especially after you have made it, uploaded it, and find that one frame is out of alignment by one pixel.. I would also add, that if one is animating lights, its possible to use LL scripting to change the colour at random.. I.E one makes the light in 24 bit greys, or a desired base colour, and uses black or white as the transparency background.. so what one ends up with doesnt need to be animated if all one wants is for it to change colour.. the LL script does that.. It is also possible using LL Scripting to alter the frame rate, start frame and end frame and which part of each frame is shown ( one frame can have for example 4 different images in it ), and movement of the prim the animation is on, at random, which means one can have a light that sparkles sometimes , but not all the time, changes colour,and turns at random.. i say random, but, in effect its random from a list of possible numbers.. since that works reliably.. even so it sometimes results in unexpected events.. and needs tweaking to make good.. I have a bird flying anim, that uses random prim rotation ( an animated scupted prim) that occasionaly decides to rotate very fast.. because getting the time ( chosen at random from a list or a maths calculation, ) gives such a result. What i have been able to do so far... is have an animation start, then it changes, at random each cycle ( time ) to another state, Setting the time, is dependent on many things.. especially if the actual prim the animation is on, is rotating at random.. i.e.. start in state A, run at 16 frames a second, then run for 5 seconds in state B , then run for 5 seconds in state C , then return to State A, and continue. States A, B and C can be random.. Because such scripting is time consuming and made to fit the intended use, i am not going to post an example here.. but i will share, if anyone wants to do such stuff.
  8. Scripting.. per se, is a very big umbrella.. the nature of the script is often particular to the purpose. Is there a specific or range of purposes you seek scripts for? Its kinda like asking for someone experienced in using electricity, and then finding out, that they cant set up a power station...
  9. i use jasc psp, and like you it often comes down to trial and error.. you try something after many steps... and it works.. but damn did you remember all the steps it took to reach? no.. i know that doesnt give you a solution, i just share.. one has to be methodical.. write down everything you do to get from a to b.. there is no satnav to tell you... its map reading.. but yes.. i have and can create alpha using textures that can fade into nothing... one must remember how sl uses either black.. or white.. as the background.. and as consequence, one must change the texture colours to enable that.. anything black.. is invisible.. the exact colour... anything white is visible, the exact colour... and the fade between the two, is every pixel colour between them.. 0 to 255... a lot of pixels... and every shade of colour in that too.. alpha is is an art , the picture you paint...
  10. if, you select edit, when you click on the box, ( that will usually bring up the edit menu ) you will probably have the position mover highlighted.., below that section is the " general, object,features,texture,content" bar.. select object.. you get the edit object parameters menu. select phantom. now you will not collide with any part of your box.. now you will be able to enter your box and leave it.. even through the walls.. That may be a problem for you, since it negates security.. there are options to deal with that.. but what i give here, will at least allow you to pursue those.. now you can get in and out of your box.. If you want to play, with those possibilities, create a box of your own.. then see what you would like the box to do.. using the edit object parameters.. without altering anything on your skybox..
  11. Neat constructing Knutz, and Josh - i think that png with its four frames, (like 4 balloons tied to a wire..) would make an interesting wing or feather layer... you give me some inspiration.. i just looked up your png web address here to get it.. its in the properties.. then saved a copy and used sculptypaint to load it..
  12. Ive read the whole topic, and i have to agree with everything Chosen Few has said, in justification... Thanks Chosen Few.. Everything i make as animated or wind driven textures use complex alpha png`s, from 256 frame, single prim light and flame animations to wind driven tree branches using multiple textures, butterflies and birds that fly over my whole quarter sim using random position flow generated animations, sea waves, ripples, and sea mist, waterfalls, integrated prims ( prims in the same location using alpha textures,) dance floor animations,megaprims with sculpted textures, structures, buildings et al.. i use alpha in 2d anims on 3d objects, full stop.. And yes, as Chosen Few says, positioning for the best effect is vital.. imagine one is multilayering 0 .10 thickness squares using animated ,random generated multi frame scripted sea waves on a mega prim, one prim on top of another maybe 3 or more prims as close to one another as possible.. under the sl sea water surface layer. One can bring each layer to a point just below the surface.. and using glow effect ( no sl tranparency since one uses alpha to do that..), combine what is in effect 4 different things appearing to the viewer as one.. I created wings, which use animated random colour cycles, and on top of that an alpha animation that moves light, as glow, in waves over the colours and, the wing texture has alpha transparency, ie you can see through the whole thing.... so each side of the wing.. is a left and right, cyclic colour, cyclic alpha, semi transparency... it doesnt flicker... even though the wing tips fade into nothing as light rays.. when you are close.. ok, its there, move away and because of the way sl works... distance occludes.. its not as clear as it was... but.. no.. it doesnt flicker, unless, the angles of the prims interfere.. like "zedding" or the sim frame rate isnt good enough because the web connection cant keep up.. 2d animation is less lag inducing than other methods, if one uses multi frame texturing on one prim... one prim is less than two.. one can use up to 256 frames, before one doesnt have enough pixels per frame.. it depends on the image one is animating.. i guess that if Chosen Few visited my sim at Trueblood - Chosen Few would , find all kind of things that could be improved, thats life isnt it? even second life.. Thanks Chosen Few.
  13. Thanks Lusus, and Jay, now i am really interested . Certainly i can see the possibility of creating 3D pictures from SL stills. I am not sure of the use for such pictures, but i see that they would make web based content of greater appeal, as in the world map URL content, Ive used the ability of Microsoft Internet Explorer to use transparency. That is, one can have two web pages in exactly the same position on screen - one on top of the other, and either fade by transparency a part of the "top" page to show the page beneath it.. or the whole page.. the pages keep their borders, but whatever is inside can be made more and more transparent by choice.. one can make the page completely transparent. i used Hotkey to do that. That is a long way round a simpler solution i think.. but you see that one can in theory have two views of the same point on the same screen.. its complicated because one needs two avatar views of the same point at a precise angle ( the eye views ) or one takes one view and then moves to the other, and opens that view on top of the first.. ive not tried colourising pics to get the same effect.. so i am going to look at the links given.. For me, its because i want to use sound to light, ( something else SL cannot do easily yet ) and combine that with 3D viewing to enable better realism.. ( imagine a Mesh based waterfall for example that splashed and moved realistically based on sound input ) i am now going to delve deeper in ways to enable 3D viewing...
  14. Probably there is already a thread in the forums considering the topic, and if there is.. i hope someone gives a link. If not, my question is, how difficult would it be, to enable Second Life to use the same "kind" of system that 3D TV uses, to enable content to be seen in 3D using glasses or similar means? Second life already has the 3D info, but what it lacks is the ability to have two views - the eye views on the same screen that make 3D possible.. I know that some objects in Second Life would really benefit from such ability.. How hard would that be to do, even as a limited area solution.. ie, even if folks pay extra to have such a function..?
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