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Darkie Minotaur

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Posts posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. You can't load a texture from an external server - from the perspective of LL there are good reasons for that, I guess.

    What you could do, however, is use moap (media on a prim - see here e.g. ) to load a texture to the face of a prim.

    Most likely, however, this will not work with rotating images - or to a limizted degree - since pages are rendered to each viewer.

    • Like 1
  2. HTTP communication is simple:  request an an response. I you use several echo or print commands in an response, the result will still be one response.  That should answer the quostion for separate http_responses.

    As for several scripts listening for the responses to the same request: All scripts in a prim that sent the request can listen for the response.

    To advice you how to best go about your problrm, it wiuld be good to know a little more about what your problem is.

  3. I know I will chew off my lips when I see the solution, but I'm stuck here.

    I want to mirror a prim at an axis - let's say the global x-achis. I got the positioning right - piece of cake. But I just don't get the rotation math right.

    How do I get the rotation mirrored properly (let's keep it simple, and take the global x-axis?

  4. Dies ist kein Beitrag zum Thema - aber ich habe mich beim Lesen Orcas Postings doch ziemlich amüsiert - rund um das Wort "Interpretaton". Das - und wenn man andere korrigiert, sollte man schon richtig richtig stellen - ein Substantiv ist. 

    Aber auch inhaltlich fand ich das Statement lustig - natürlich ist vieles darin eine Interpretation (viele wüdren sogar sagen, dass jeder Meinugsaüßerung eine Interpretation voraus geht).  Das deutlichste Beispiel: Deinem "EDIT 2" liegen einige Interpretationen zu Grunde.

    Das nur nebenbei.

  5. To stop the object to react on clicks for a bit, you simply add a timer and a flag:

    key myRequest;string Who;integer touchable = 1;default{    state_entry()    {    }    touch_start(integer number)    {    	if (touchable) {    		touchable = 0;		Who=llDetectedKey(0);		llSetTimerEvent(10.0);		llInstantMessage(Who,"Sending request to the server! Please wait...");		myRequest=llHTTPRequest("http://example.com/Page.asp",		      [HTTP_METHOD, "POST",		       HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],		       "Who=" + llGetUsername(llDetectedKey(0)));	    } else {	   		llInstantMessage(Who,"Please wait a bit");	    }    }    http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)    {            if (request_id == myRequest)            {            llInstantMessage(Who,body);            }    }        timer() {
    touchable = 1;

     You could also wait for the http_response for setting touchable to 1 again, which at you current design would be better, since if the response has not arrived back when a second avi touches the objects, Who will be overwritten and the first ava won't get the IM in the response event, but the 2nd avi would get two mesages-

  6. Grundsätzlich sollte SL - und auch Firestorm - auf eurer GraKa laufen, wenn auch nicht sonderlich schön - ihr bewegt euch damit am unteren Ende dessen, was SL braucht.

    Bevor hier schlechtes Benehmen in blanke Aggression um schlägt, ein paar Tipps:

    • bevor ich anfangen würde, in den Untiefen der verschiedenen Einstellungeb zu wühlen, würde ich einfach den Viewer sauber de-installieren und neu installieren. Wie man sauber de-installiert, könnt ihr hier  nachlesen
    • wenn das nichts hilft, geht inworld zur Support-Gruppe und fragt dort nach
  7. There are two problems I can see in your code for the rezzed object:

    1. You use "attached" as a global variable - and as the variable for the parameter that gets passed by the attach event. Change the name of the global - let's say to "isattached" and set it to attached in the event.
    2. You din't st your global 'attached' - so it's not NULL_KEY. I would set it to NULL_key explicitly in the rezz event.

    Try and see if that solves the riddle.



  8. In which event do use this code? I guess it's the money event (the part before the http_response event), which doesn't support llDetectedKey() but passes the key of the ava that has payed money as a parameter. , id or Who are keys, so you have to convert them, using them as a string. AlsoYour code could look something like:


    key myRequest;key Who;state cash {	money(key id, integer amount) {		Who = id;		llInstantMessage(Who,"Sending request to the server");		myRequest=llHTTPRequest("http://example.com/Page.asp",		          [HTTP_METHOD, "POST",		           HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],		           "Who=" + (string)Who);	}        http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)    {            if (request_id == myRequest)            {            	llInstantMessage(Who,body);            }    }}            


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