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Darkie Minotaur

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Posts posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. I'm not an expert in cross domain scripting - but I guess that this is an issue of the header in the reply from SL. The reply as such gets sent, but (due to the missing cross domain permission in the header) the XDomainRequest object can't read it. At least that's what I figure after taking a look at the site you included in your post.

    A work around would be that you get the data from the in-world object through a php file on your server and you let your AJAX script request it from that php.

  2. I think you have to test it step by step. Do you get any response at all (without JavaScript)? Is you AJAX request capable of cross site (I guess, you request the page from a webserver and want to load additional contents from a SL object) communication? These would be the first two things I can think of.

  3. I can't see a simple way to work around the limit. If you aere familiar with using HTTP communication and a language used for writing scripts for a webserver, you could use llHTTPRequest to get your data to a webserver and send a single email from there.

    There also may be webswervices that allow you to send an email by using a HTTP-API, so you don't need a webserver. A quick Google check yielded some promising results (e.g. http://www.mailgun.com).

  4. Here some things that come to my mind: - Are you sure that you use the correct URL and update it on each llRequstURL() call - What message do you actually get? - What happens, it you call the scipt's URL from a web browser - does it responde as expected?

  5. Generally speaking, it should be pssible. I've once helped setting up a similar system with another streaming server management system.

    However, I can't say much more at this point, since I don't know your environement. But the basic possibliities should be the same:

    1. Write a system that basically handles the servermanagement itself without centova cast. This would require some web programming (PHP, Perl ...) and some bash scripting
    2. Write a system that uses centova cast's database and write to it and read from it. This would need a thorough understanding of the data structure of the sytem. Here the biggest part would be web/database programming
    3. Write a sytem that uses the hooks the programm uses - i.e. imitate the forms used by centova cast. That would mean a lot of looking at the communication of the system (this is what my friend did with the other system)
  6. 4 ways come into my mind:

    1. llEmail
    2. via HTTP from object to object (llHTTPRequest )
    3. via HTTP out from the sender to a webserver and HTTP in from the webserver to the receiver (llHTTPRequestllHTTPResponse)
    4. via HTTP out from the sender to a webserver which writes it to a database or a file and the receiver polls for new messages (llHTTPRequest,)

    1 and 2 require that the UUID of the receiver is known to the sender. 3 requires the webserver knows the receivers URL.

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