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Darkie Minotaur

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Posts posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. It looks ok as a proof of concept.

    There is nothing to release - releasing an URL only matters in cases where you request an rL for your object, so you can send a request to it (often called "HTTP in"). You do HTTP out and thus don't need an URL for your object (and don't request one).

    I know that it is just a proof of concept, but you may consider the following:

    • Use PDO  insted of just the mysql_* commands - it comes with a number of advantages
    • If UUID is the primary index of your table (which would make sense, since you want every ava to be in  it just once), you could use INSERT IGNORE to prevent getting an error each time an ava already is in the table  without doing the SELECT first. 
    • For all string data you're sendind to the webserver, you should do an llEscapeURL - it will keep you from looking for some strange errors
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  2. I'm not sure I have understood everyting you want - but I'm pretty sure it can be done. I don't know about the products that are out there - but if you can't find something like that, get in touch with a scripter do make wht you want (you can contact e, if you want).

    But actually, this is not the place to look for scripts - you should go to Inworld Employment or Wanted

  3. An automatic message comes from a script (leaving bots aside for the moment) - a script always lives inside an object - so if a script sends an IM or says something in a private chat to an ava, it will always come from the object it lives in. You could change the name of the object to the wearer's name (e.g. in the case of a HUD), but the receiver wouldn't be able to answer to it directly.

  4. It's possible - as Cerisse said - and there are scripts out there that do this. The IM or RegonSayTo part is actully the simplest part. Slightly more tricky is the question: In which intervals do you want to re-greet the avas. You may want to have a look at Rolig's Couter-Greeter - with some tweaks it should do what you're asking for.

  5. I don't know if the systems you mentioned - but it isn't all too hard to implement something like you want. It won't, however fit in seamlesly with Hippo or pxi - at least I would assume so. Most likely, you would have to import the avas in your messaging system - or you'd have to have your own system.I have built such devices on several occations, though.

  6. You would simply have to apply it faca for face. llSetAlpha works for one or for all sides at a time You could use llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast, setting PRIM_COLOR several times. Here is a simple example that switches alpha on face 0 and 1

    integer gfOn;default {	touch_end(integer num_detected) {		llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_COLOR, 0, llGetColor(0), gfOn, 
    PRIM_COLOR, 1, llGetColor(1), gfOn] ); gfOn = !gfOn; }}


  7. Do you want the voters to be able to vote once a day (let's say, one ava votes on Monday at 10 p.m., then they should be able to vote again on Tuesday at 0:01 a.m.) or 24 hours after they have voted?

    About how many people do think would vote?

  8. Do you mean by script= You can't script an ava. You can put a script in an attachement that say the key of the owner when touched using llGetOwner().

    Do you mean through the menu that pops up un a right click? In Firestorm, if you open the Profile, the keyx is shown under the name.

  9. First of all: This isn't a forum to ask for scripts, but for getting help or discussing scripting issues. If you are looking for a script, go to Wanted

    Now, if you want to write such a script but don't know how to go about writing this script, you should tell us, what such a script should do.

    • Sad 1
  10. I don't really have an answer, but I tested your examples:

    1. The first test failed for me as well.
    2. If I use the IP for a sim instead of the IP for linden lab, this script ceates a socket just fine
    3. the second script works like a scharm (with regulat http - I haven't tryed https)

    My conclusion from that is:

    You have a problem on your side - which could have many reasons - the most common being that the port is not open for outgoing connections - but I gather, that you've been working on that.

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