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Vivienne Schell

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Posts posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. On 11/23/2019 at 12:39 AM, CoffeeDujour said:

    The Sansar side of LL just let 30 staff go ... 

    I feel sorry for the people who got fired and some anger for the people who pushed that idiotic "Sansar" project into existance.

    The board should fire the right people instead. ASAP. And sell Sansar to Disney or whomsoever, as long as anyone out there still is interested in such a platform and the tech.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Dakota Linden said:

    The teams are currently using the information that they have already received in their investigation.

    Might an additional encouragement be useful? Like a pixel dinner at Bogart´s?

  3. 1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

    I remember the same kind of nay saying going on about SL during it's beta phase

    I don´t. I remember a bunch of enthusiasts going nuts over it, and a bunch of curious general media people going nuts over the enthusiasts going nuts over it. And in the end it became a big, totally justified international media hype - cause it WAS nuts.

    Sansar? Eh, more than one year in beta and if not some VR sponsoring websites would report it as being exístant no one off the SL sphere of interest would know of it. Nothing there to inflame a somewhat broad public interest. Nada. Zilch.

    While the big shots with their superior financial power go for their own thing (Amazon for example, with Sumerian), as was to be expected. While something much more advanced like Unity is out there for years. Linden Lab should hope for someone to come along and buy the entire thing before they must trash it.

    But that´s another story, and it proves that Linden Lab ever suffered from questionable management decisions. It´s not such a surprise that Second Life still is running after 15 years, because nothing really comes close to it´s potential. But living on potential alone will not be enough for another 15 years, unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

    Yes, there are many problems with SL which need to be addressed.

    Right. And I doubt that they are able to adress all of them, or even the most significant ones. Well, they could try, but they could have tried over the past, let´s say - seven years, and they did not. They went for Sansar instead. So my optimism there is limited.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

    Second Life has been around for 15 years now, it could very well be around another 15.

    It could be and it would be a shame if it would not. But if Linden Lab seriously is interested in -at least - stopping the downward spiral  there is much more needed than some improvements on the avatar. A lot more.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Parhelion Palou said:

    LL released a complete avatar for SL many years ago. They've done the same for Sansar.

    Right. And I seriously can´t share anyone´s enthusiasm regarding the default Sansar avatar. It´s not what I´d call something ...umm...attractive. Looks more like "Girl/Boy next door", while the customisable features are extremely crippled, due to the oversimplification of the UI. In the end content creators will drop in and do the same thing as they did in SL, and another mess regarding borked general accessibility/usability/"laggabiliy" (what Penny rightly complains on) will emerge. Oh, this just in case this mostly dead Sansar thing will ever take off enough to meet at least a handful of people, ocasionally, to show off the amaziing work of sculptured arts. WIthout wearing goggles.

    Apparently the "Avatar" is one of the most important assets in virtual environments, for what reason ever, and absolutely worth the discussion. But...in the end it´s only one out of many important assets. For dressing your avi up and down you do not need a virtual world. Or, let´s say, the very few who enjoy "avatar narcism" won´t be enough by the numbers to pay for a complete virtual world. Barbie is a too strong competitor there, and numerous android apps cover this market adequately.



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  7. 2 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    And again, when has LL EVER done that much work and given it away for free?

    Well, they did some fine landscaping at blake sea. Oh, and Bay City is notable.

    It´s the business model, spiderman. They let people create things. And this is what people do, right? SL does not suffer from a lack of content creators, but suffers from corporate mismanagement. Ever did.

    • Haha 1
  8. Well, suspenions usually are follow ups of warnings.

    I could be that Swirla got "ghosted" by the system. If something like that happens, go live chat or submit a support ticket first. Or log in an alt where the affected account logged out. Once you meet yourself there, you know that you are not suspended. But...umm...caught by some mysterious 14 years old bug which never got fixed completely.

  9. 13 hours ago, Saii Hallard said:

    However, you just don't break things and then walk away, that's just morally wrong and gives a strong message to your customers, albeit the wrong one.

    Well, they have a record there, lol. Any hope for things turning to the better after 15 years of abusing customers as experimental rats has been shattered - once again. It´s hopeless.

    Btw, support (today) asked mor for a "time stamp of the email notification" i got on the delisting. BUT: I never got an email notification. I told them the same on tuesday. Same agent. Same issue. Same bug. Amazing.


  10. 51 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    None of that is confirmed by LL.

    Oh it is, NWN is the NYT of virtual worlds. And there are more sources which claim the same. The rest is arithmetics. Regarding their MP revenue, look at this:


    Even if people sell things with a value of 180 Million a year in 2017 (hhich is an overly optimistical figure, due to the fact that Linden Lab lost almost half of their core customership since 2011), the commission rate of roughly 4-5 percent max. would not make this an overly significant source of revenue for Linden Lab, compared to their "land" generated revenue. The result of this calculation fits seamlessly into the previously posted calculation.

    Eat it, LL is in decline by revenue, and it only can stay profitable by cutting operational costs accordingly - or by attracting new customers while keeping the ones who are left over.. The first is more likely than the second, and probably they actually cut cost by the half. But cutting operational costs alone usually does not lead to better service, more investments or significant improvements in the business universe. It needs dramatic changes elsewhere, and I cannot see these.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    the numbers of concurrent users has plateaued for the past 6 months

    Fingers crossed. Tho, their cash cow are not concurrent users, but sim/land owners and their sims. And these are still in slow, but steady decline.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Because it still is better than not having it. Kind of like the users of SL. We keep using it and forgiving the bugs and issues because it's better than the alternative. 

    Yeah, question is if this is enough to keep it going. I doubt it. Look at Grid Survey, the decline of overall user numbers and revenue...

    On the other hand: I remember times when issues like this one caused a hundred pages of open public riot at this and "the other" forum. And it did not change much for the better.

    • Haha 1
  13. 44 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Do you mean like the functional, reliable commerce database that shuttled my six pound back of popcorn back and forth four times between UPS depots in New Jersey and Wisconsin until my phone call broke the endless chain of system errors?

    At least your popcorn did not get deleted.

    44 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    my package was to arrive (signature required) between noon and 4PM, only to have it arrive a 9AM, while I was having breakfast next door

    Well, that´s world  record compared to the three days of LL  "investigation" on the database issue.

    • Like 1
  14. 24 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    this kind of vitriol comes across as hate, not concern, not even dislike, but pure hatred

    Hahaha, well, sweetie, your entire post is an expression of hate.

    Btw., are you an employee at Linden Lab? Are you a buddy of someone there? Or what?


    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Parhelion Palou said:

    What features has the userbase begged for?

    No one has gto beg for a functional, reliiable commerce database.

    Imagine the Amazon ior Ebay or Facebook databases had been - sluggishly - messed up like this by only 0.01 %. Do you ACTUALLY think that someone there would go for  a holiday, without customer notification, without  customer support and some lame and inaccurate if not false two line explaination? Do you actiually think that? Weöö, if you do not think of this you are right, because it DOES NOT HAPPEN there. They simply DO NOT mess up their commerce database.

    You can claim that LL is a small company, which is right, and now ask yourself why it still is a small company after 15 years, and in decline. Right. Cause Linden Lab apparently does not respect the most simple and basic rules of business. Amazon and Ebay were small companies, and they grew big because something like THAT never happened. Never ever.

    And now consider that the messed up  Linden Lab database  is connected to commercial transactions, to sensible data, to whatever involved in Linden Lab business and data management. Don´t you SHUDDER when you think of that?

    You and the other Linden apologists seem to have adapted to some kind of hilarious phlegma, apparently. It´s more like "Who cares at all, it´s fine as it it is and this includes the weekly kick in the teeth...who cares...let´s sit there and applaud them for letting it exist at all...". Well, ok, that´s an attitude which does not help anyone and certainly won´t improve anything, nor will it prevent even more devastating idiocies and  balant malfunctions.

    • Haha 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Shuichi Shinji said:

    who knows.. it's just a guessing game

    Apparently it is. Worst is that Linden Lab - judjing by their own comments on the issue - does not know what exactly happened and why.

    And obviously they do not care that much at all and even if they would they do not seem to be able to fix it.

    The same people run the Lindex, run a customer database and sit on whatever else sensible and confidental data.

    Millions of Dollars pass through their channels month by month.

    And they do not know what they are doing nor do they care much and go for a holiday.

    /me shudders

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