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Vivienne Schell

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Posts posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. 1 minute ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    I find this to be disingenuous. You don't actually provide anything but rhetoric here. You describe Trump as Authoritarian but do not appear to have anything to really back that up. You describe those who disagree with you as 'deflecting' but appear not to be prepared to provide anything to the topic yourself.

    Every time you've entered the topic, you immediately end with "exits the topic" - You're not actually here to discuss, just to push your narrative, you leave before anyone gets a chance to even talk to you.

    Likewise, this is just rhetoric with no substance. You accuse me of being a witch, but in the end of the day you cannot prove you are not a witch yourself.

    Gimme more hot air, please. It´s winter and cold and I could need some more warm ups.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Jackson Redstar said:

    Please, quote them, in context. I have the entirety of the speech, but I cannot find anything there/ I certainly couldn't find any part of him telling supporters to riot in the capitol or bust down doors or anything.. they only people who can see "incitement" there are those so blinded by hate they see nothing but hate... what happened was aweful, but blaming a guy who made a speech to his supporters is beyond stupid

    Leave that up to courts and the senate. Also, this "guy" is responible for everything what happened there, and you can try to spin that however you want: He still is. Please tell me: Are you one of these "great patriots" he refers to or not? If you are not, there should not be any complaints on the impeachment from your side.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Jackson Redstar said:

    Kinda hard to convict a person of "incitement" when their exact words were "Go and march and protest peacefully" But like I said now that the Dems have that little temper tantrum out of their system in the House, maybe now they can move onto the business of the country

    Well, i hope that the new government will do their job sufficiently. Not such a big Biden fan here, but we shall see.

    Regarding Trump´s speech: He said a few more things there which absolutely were inciting violence in the given scenario. Furthermore I quote his (deleted) tweet he spew out WHILE the terrorist attack was happening:


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  4. 1 minute ago, JanuarySwan said:

    No one has demanded that they not impeach Trump.  I think that is just coming from some of us and probably others as a group who is pro-gun at their very core stating they can plan to be "armed" shouldn't be taken without thought of others.  They just want to make sure Trump cannot be elected again with no thought of others.  It's about them, and their wallets.  

    Hell, you are such a pessimist. I still believe that there is some good core in humankind. Maybe even old Mitch has a heart of gold, tho i doubt that.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Russia was by no one's definition, a democracy pre-1917.

    It was. The "bolschweviks"  (which means "minority") took over the socialist party (there was no communist party at that time at all) and overthrew the elected socialist government.

    That´s why european socialist parties were scared to the bones in the aftermath and usually the pro-pluralist and pro-democratic wing kicked out the later "communists" or these quit and formed their own communist parties.


  6. 2 minutes ago, JustZoie said:

    Sadly that is what this country has turned in to; people are so fearful of the reality that not everyone in the world agrees with them or sees things their way that they have to silence all opinions at any cost.....and the really sad thing is that they don't seem that THAT is the real danger.

    Not so sure there. Might be part of the problem. But the US are far from "silencing all opinons". That´s more complex. The malfunctioning is happening on more than one level. Worth a debate,of course, but for now it´s time for crushing an imminent threat.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Jackson Redstar said:

    JAnd BTW, can anybody prove 100& there were zero Antifa presence? a shirt and a hat don't make one a real "trump supporter" has the vote history and social media comments been analyzed of ever person involved in that unrest? Its awful what happened but there were well over 100k supporters there that day and a handful acted up doesn't seem to me it is represntive of the group as a whole...

    That was not a handful. And where did you get that 100 k number from? Did anyone count them? And if, you sure that the count was not rigged? Also, where were the suggested 100k law abiding "protestors" when the storm troopers took the capitol? I did not see anyone try to hold them back. At least not anyone waving some Trump flag. Nor did Trump himself as it happened.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Jackson Redstar said:

    If we want to say a historical figure from the civil war is bad and should be removed let us all remember that historical figure was a part of the Democrat Party of America that started a civil war in the first place for the right to be able to own slaves. Maybe then if we want to purify our history, we need to ban and re name the Democrat Party of America as well.....

    If we want to purify our history we should climb back onto the trees.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    Paint me as a Nazi if you really like, but I don't think Trump is 1/10th as evil as people make him out to be. He has his flaws, I don't like when he puts people down to raise himself up, I think he can be distasteful at times. But ultimately I think he has done more good than harm even if nobody will acknowledge it.

    Yeah, Hitler also built the Autobahn.

    • Like 2
  10. 19 minutes ago, Jackson Redstar said:

    “Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group.  But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.  You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did.  You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

    “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” 

    Who else but neo-nazis and white supremacists/nationalists would protest the taking down and renaming? Umm..if i were one of these fascists that would sound to me sound to me like "You´re all very fine people but you should be condemned cause one of my silly advisors told me to condemn you for appeasing the conservatives"

    And that was exactly how that was meant. Bannon pure.


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    2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    This is becoming an increasingly surreal conversation.

    This shouldn't be -- isn't -- a conversation about "right versus left."

    Right, it´s about democratic republic vs. fascism. it would be democratic republic vs. communism if the flags were red. But this here is a pretty obvious situation. Trump is not conservative, nor are his supporters. They are dangerous fascist radicals. Even those who think that they are conservative are. And those, who try to apologise alt right radicalism because they think that all of this is "conservative". And most of all these, who still think that they can control and use the fascist disease for their own political benefit.

    Not being aware of something does not prevent anyone from being guilty.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    We don't say that when people say e.g. to 'fight for women's rights' that they are inciting violence.

    To me this seems disingenuous or uncharitable at best. Especially when Trump explicitly said in his speech to protest peacefully. It seems to me like an attempt to pin blame on Trump for something he didn't incite at all.


    Sure, and Hitler was all for peace in 1934. While his storm troopers rocked the boat.

    Oh, I love the "victim" apologies. They are so old. Can´t you alt right guys come up with something new?

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    So as long as I tell myself that anyone around me is a Nazi, I am justified in punching them. Got it.

    So when the media goes around calling people they don't like "Nazi's" we can agree that the media is irresponsibly inciting violence. Thank goodness that doesn't happen. Oh wait..

    You get that wrong. The people don´t like Nazis. And the "media" are people. In that order.

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