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Lady Sakai

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Everything posted by Lady Sakai

  1. @ Ishy Let me try and explain this in a non biggot judgemental agressiv way No we dont welcome kids / teens into SL (apart from a few ) Why? well ; We are adults, we want to be around adults Most of us have children in our RL. SL is a sort of getaway for us. Dont you enjoy a getway sometimes from your parents / adult in your life? We see potentual danger not only for us but also for you and LL. In form of predators (no they sadly dont wear a sign) LL could get into serious hot water if just one story hits the mainstream press even if its unfounded once the suspecion is out there is no turning back We have encountereed teens in the MG (or most of us have) and the experience is / was not a good one. We have RL money invested in SL some of us thousant and thousant of US dollars. Bringing LL / SL in harmway means we run a real risk of loosing that investment Now some clear facts: The brain development isnt finished untill around age 20. This mean the way you think is vastly different from the way an adult think. This is not a put down towards children but a clear physical fact. There is nothing you can do about that, other that wait. Many adults do take their responsebilities very serious. As adults we have a resonsibility to protect children from anythng that can harm them. Yes that mean we have to be the bad guys (in the eyes of children/teens) and put our foot down and say "NO" when needed. children and teens will in turn throw fits and say that we are unfair. So be it. That is how you persive it and that is ok. BUT that dont mean your right. I always welcome the wiews of children and teens but that dont mean Im gonna budge once the decition is made and that is why Im the adult and your the child. I call the shots I decide what is and isnt good for you (generally speaking here ) The fact so many adults are now saying "STOP" is because we do take our resposebility very serious. Dont forget Ishy that LL is a business and as a business they want to make money. Now I dont work at LL so I cant say 100% what made them take this hair brained step into the abyss. If I was to make a guess Id say its because they crunched some figures and calculated that it would be cheaper for them to merge the two grids and in the process keep the tier income from the educators, meaning more money in the coffers for them (LL) Dont for a second think LL is trying to be nice to the kids / teens. Afterall they just shut down AvatarsUnited without batting an eye, Why? cos it was an expence they didnt need and couldnt get any profit from. I dearly hope you wont be allowed into the MG in any shape or form untill your 18. I dont know if you even want to understand or can understand. What I do know is that when your an adult you will see things differently and most likely see our points.
  2. Dear Divine looking aside from your snidyness Ill comment like this As things are now, yes they do come to the main grid BUT they are NOT allowed and if we catch any of them we WILL AR them and LL WILL throw them out. Its stated in the TOS for our protection as well as LLs. IF monny and daddy catch their presious little princess or prince watching me and my BF having a romantic moment in our birthday pixels we cant be at fault. Sure the parents can yell and scream bloody murder but LL can politely point to the TOS and prove that their little princess / prince has been doing some hefty lyeing. Come January 1st 2011 unless LL pulls a rabbit out of their hats we have some serious issues. Like I dont really wanna open my door and have the US feds outside. Im a single parent with two autistic sons. Do you really think my government will let me keep my kids cos some teen cant go to a grid designed for them or cos LL wanna kiss educational bum bum to please a minority. The kids will lie to protect themself and will not think further of it. Mean while I risk having my children taken away cos I was having ADULT time with my BF. Trust me on this. I grew up a long time ago and I have the streach marks to prove it!! With Love A SL resident
  3. I beg to differ IF I want to run around nakid in my house located on a mature region that is what I wanna do but now cos Ll refuses to see reason and wanna cater to kiddies I cant do that ? Excuse me Ill sit on my jusified mountain thank you very much .. and remember when your playing with that molehill of yours ... your hands might get dirty! @ Terrence. Im really sorry but I seriously doubt that LL has really thought this through. Bait and switch Terrence, as per usuall *sighs*
  4. @Tarius - ok the reason we havent been yelling about that is because we had a possibility to AR them and LL would step in very quickly and remove the account from the main grid. Ive ARed several teens I have found on my sims no warning cos they were NOT allowed on the main grid. Period! ****************** @Terrence / LL Now aside from the obvious legal / moral issues that might be hovering over all our heads once the merge is complete. The point made by several that we joined SL cos it was for adults only is a huge factor that you should have considered. Now a lot of us have kids / teens in Rl so what ever made you think that we want them around our SL lives ? No offence to the teens here but once you become adults and have kids and teens of your own you will fully understand our point. Grownups need play time away from you as well as you dont want your parents to hover over everything you do, right ? Now I know there is probally nothing we can do or say to make this merger stop cos history with LL tells us that once LL sets their minds on something nothing will sway them no matter how stupid it is. Just wish that for once they would listen to people that actually pay their RL bills *sighs*
  5. *waves to Jack* heres hoping my comuter is fixed by then. Ive been curious about the Mesh for some time now and I hope to get more knowledge in the Beta Cheers
  6. erm Im sorry I have to mention that Ive caught kids as young as 15 on my region that is set to mature and they were actually boasting that they were underaged. I in turn of course reported them and sendt out warning to other sim / region owners so they could block that 7 those avis / accounts. Id say Shockware has a very valid concern
  7. Quote; "People are *way* weirder than you think and, in the end, that makes them as or more normal than most could possibly imagine" Lightbulb moment here. Can I plz plz use that quote? Pretty please with something nakid and sugary on top`?
  8. First of oall welcome to SL Second (meh I see a pun here); Permit me to be the gloomy one of the bunch. Has no one at LL learnt anything from the M disaster? Bringing someone from the "outside" into SL / LL ? Hate to point out the obvious here. Gaming? *shakes head in disbelief*
  9. Listen Lozlo, Im not gonna argue with you on this. You suckered me in on another thread with your semantics (and yes I do know what that means) Ive been in the Estate business for three years now and I think I know a bit about this. And I could react as you did "Please dont resond to a post that isnt directed to you" but I wont.
  10. no no Julie .... you cant own a HS (HomeStead Sim) .. you have to own a full sim as the OP states. You can "buy/lease/rent" one from an inworld estate but when it comes down to the paper work they own it .. you dont! So what are you paying for ? well your paying for various services for one. List varies depending on the estate.
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