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Deja Letov

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Posts posted by Deja Letov

  1. Evhalyn Serpente wrote:


    This Virvox.com, how do you utilize that in conjunction w/SL?  I thought we could only use paypal (for those with access to such) I'd love to hear more info. on how you've got that set up.  - Thanks

    You just go setup an account with them. Then you go to one of their ATM's in world and pay it. Then you go to their website and cash it out. I get mine immediately deposited into my paypal account. I only use it when I want money fast because the exchange rate isn't as good as SL...but it's not bad. just a slight difference. The first time I did it there was a waiting period, but it was cleared in a few hours. After that first time, it's immediate and I've done several hundred dollars at once, so I don't think there is a limit.

  2. I haven't done any of the game hunts yet. I'll definitely give those a try though. But you have to pay for those don't you? The onl thing I've done is the free hunts like the regular store to store hunts like Twisted, Medieval Fantasy, Evil Bunny Hunts, etc.

  3. Most of you probably know I've always been a strong advocate for using hunts to market your business and I know some people swear they don't work. Well I was going through some of my reporting for January and thought I'd share something. Basically this report shows me the list of everyone who grabbed my free hunt item AND made at least one other purchase during that exact same time period (I just grabbed a snippet from the report, there are pages of names). So we aren't talking about previous sales here, I manually went through and looked and almost all of them were made on the same day that the hunt item was grabbed and a few were made a few days after, which means they probably went home and unpacked their item and then came back to check out the store.

    I know some still have doubts about hunts, but honestly if you haven't given it a try lately, take a stab at it. It's not just full of people coming to grab something for free. If you have a product line that people find attractive to their wallet, they will spend money and they will explore your store! I do 2-3 hunts per month and while some do overlap in these sales, each hunt brings more and more new people to my store so it's a great way to market and get new sales. Anyway, I was just going over my marketing plans to see what changes I need to make and thought this would be good to share with other merchants who aren't already doing hunts.


  4. You know what else I think they should initiate...unlisted items for avatars that haven't logged into their account for say, 1 year. Something reasonable. I don't think it's right to keep listing products for sale when the owner isn't even around to support it anymore.

  5. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    Leaving people grandfathered in with the use of magic boxes would be nice, but would also pretty much defeat the purpose of implementing DD. Yes, of course because they want to put in newer code, but I'm sure a lot of the reason to force people is so that they can clean out the MP of old listings. That has been a complaint for years and this does the trick. If we let everyone stay on MB who are on MB, all those listings would stay too. That is actually one thing I am really looking forward to. There are just so many people who aren't in SL anymore that still have listings up there and can't support their own product.


    Hi Deja!  Re: clearing out MB listings where the merchant is no longer in SL, someone pointed out in another thread that using DD would eventually get back to this same state and could possibly surpass the current number of stale listings since even a place to put a box in world would no longer be needed.  A merchant could upload items to the MP via DD and never log into SL again.  Yes the initial migration will clear out a lot of inactive merchants, but it's definitely not a long-term solution.

    ya I can see that happening in the future. It's a cycle, will always be there. I do understand that. But it would be nice to get a fresh start on it anyway. And with a comined issue of the old magic Box and if it's going to happen to DD anyway...at least it would weed out part of it.

  6. Holy crap, 12 days! I typically use Virwox.com for most of my "selling" since I can get it immediately when I need it but I've used SL and paypal for the last few and they've taken only taken about 3 or 4 days and are all under $100. I have one in progress right now for a couple hundred dollars, so I wonder if it might take longer with a larger amount. Guess we will find out in a few days.


  7. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Just want this on the record, since I was told in the past this happened because I was using Magic Boxes -- well, now I am not using Magic Boxes.  And yesterday something listed as a failed delivery was in fact delivered.  I know this ONLY because I got a rez notice. There was no email notification of delivery and the order record shows as Delivery Failed. It does not show up in transactions. If I had not used the on rez script I would not know that the marketplace was once again sending out my merchandise for free.


    Ya I hate when everyone blames the problems on whether or not you are on MB or DD. Honestly, I don't think it matters. I think it's issues with MP...which I'm sure they will never fix.

  8. Leaving people grandfathered in with the use of magic boxes would be nice, but would also pretty much defeat the purpose of implementing DD. Yes, of course because they want to put in newer code, but I'm sure a lot of the reason to force people is so that they can clean out the MP of old listings. That has been a complaint for years and this does the trick. If we let everyone stay on MB who are on MB, all those listings would stay too. That is actually one thing I am really looking forward to. There are just so many people who aren't in SL anymore that still have listings up there and can't support their own product.

    I know some people are having some issues with using the direct delivery upload process and we can't fault them for that. Like I know Czari for one can't even use it on her PC yet and some are having trouble uploading. But I'm not sure I get the whole reasoning of not having time to do it. And I don't mean this to offend anyone but seriously, it's been in place for over a year. Everyone knew it would be coming some day soon, in fact it was supposed to be forced in last fall but it got changed. Is a year really not long enough to make the plan to migrate over or did we just get caught putting it off until the last minute and are now freaking out about it?

    Don't get me wrong, I do agree, until they can get the merchant upload process working perfectly, they shouldn't put a dead line on it. If people can't upload, that's not their fault. I still occassionally get the failed to upload message...even though it does upload. But the rest of DD seems to be working just fine for most everyone I know who is using it (I know that's not everyone, just saying for most that I network with it's been great). Most of the problems I keep hearing about are MP issues and would happen with either MB or DD delivery. So far with my year of experience using DD, it's been a far superior system than magic boxes are and has kept me from losing quite a bit of money with failed deliveries as I was prior with magic boxes.


  9. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    This should be interesting. Are you going to post results on the forum? I'm using. 24". Actually two of them side by side.

    Show off!!!  :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

    hahha you should see my work setup Czari,it's even better at home with 3 floating HD screens...It's like the matrix looking at my monitors all lined up. I keep teling them they should buy me the same setup for home use so that when I do work from home I see things exactly the same. That's important right? LOL


    *Ill also add that these 22" monitors are displaying at 1920X1080.

  10. Ive started to notice that the contextual marketing has picked up significantly, especially in the marketplace. Things that I pull up on the marketplace, even in my own store are showing similar or related products in the ads. it's rather strange though since the ads for real items, w hile the marketplace is for virutal items. In fact, it seems rather pointless because most likely, if I am looking at a kitchen work center in SL, it certainly doesn't mean I'm looking to remodel my kitchen in the real world. Anyway thought I'd share this screenshot. Maybe it just took time for google to index more of SL's content, who knows, but a lot of the ads I am seeing today relate to what I am looking at in the marketplace.



  11. Toy String wrote:

    IMHO the technology is dead, at least for now. Just go to a really crowded place, you won't even be able to move.

    This is just my 2 cents...but I think part of the problem is not just outdated technology. Sure it could be better but I hear so much talk about lag and not being able to move...and everyone loves to just throw the blame on the SL client or whatever, but none on their own system. Why does nobody ever consider the issue that maybe the technology to run things just fine is there but everyone's systems are getting out of date and can't handle the technology they are introducing. I have a top of the line gaming computer at home because I game...A LOT. Since I got this machine 2 years ago, I have yet to go to a sim that lags me out and I've been to some very crowded sims. I still face download times of textures when I go into a new sim yes...but lag...I don't experience what others are describing. Maybe to a small degree sometimes, but nothing that I really take notice of. Now, if I log in at work on that old thing...yes I lag out even on my own sim, but this thing is 5-6 years old with no real graphic capabilities. But if some machines run SL just fine and older ones don't can we really put all the blame on SL? It's not like this is a game where all assets are already pre-installed on your machine from a disk so it can be loaded immediately and therefore have no lag. This is real time viewing and downloading happening every second we are logged in. I'm not saying anyone should go out and replace their machine every 2 years, that's a personal choice, but obviously having the latest and greatest does give you more freedom to enjoy Second Life the way the developers probably intended it to be.

  12. Rorrim Wrigglesworth wrote:

    Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't
    "Banner Ads"
    are generally shown due to things you've either seen on other websites.. via cookies sending info back and forth or because you've clicked on one and it's taken you to the relevant site?



    Sometimes. Google shows ads in one of 3 ways. The way you are talking about is internet-based advertising. but contextual targeting is based on the content of the website they are displayed on. I think that is why some of us keep seeing adult oriented ads because adult oriented items sometimes appear in the marketplace. I've gotten several adult website ads on my side banner and have never once in my life visited an adult website, especially on my work computer. So my only guess is that it's coming from the website content. But it could also be placement targeting which is where LL would specifically choose which ads to display, in that case it wouldn't matter what you browse or what the content of the website is. They choose it.


    • Contextual targeting

      Our technology uses such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, in order to determine what a webpage is about and precisely match Google ads to each page.


    • Placement targeting

      With placement targeting, advertisers choose specific ad placements, or subsections of publisher websites, on which to run their ads. Ads that are placement-targeted may not be precisely related to the content of a page, but are hand-picked by advertisers who've determined a match between what your users are interested in and what they have to offer.


    • Interest-based advertising

      Interest-based advertising enables advertisers to reach users based on their interests and demographics (e.g. 'sports enthusiasts'), and allows them to show ads based on a user's previous interactions with them, such as visits to advertiser websites. To complement interest-based advertising, the Ads Preferences Manager lets users view and edit their interest categories.

  13. For those of you that have had a review removed for legitimate reasons...are you filing a ticket or just using the flag review option? The flag review seems to be completely useless since you can't add notes to explain or anything other than the 1 reason listed in the drop down. I also have one negative review from someone on a product that is negative only because they didn't read the ad apparently.

  14. I also did a little experiment. As I had mentioned before this particular computer I am on during the day is at work. Our surfing of the internet is minimal but when I do, it's mainly to the second life website and IT related websites plus our own company website. That's it. No dating websites, no criminal activity pages, no smut, etc. Yet I was still seeing these ads. Contextual marketing is my guess as to why based on the content of the website of SL. But yesterday before I left work, I visited a few camera websites...namely bhphoto and Amazon.com searching for a new camera. Well lo and behold...this morning when I logged into the SL website I got an ad for camera down the right side. This is the first time I've seen anything related to things I've searched for. So my theory is this...They may use your browsing and search history to display ads. They may also use contextual marketing based on the website contact to display ads. They may also us arbitrary designation of certain ads. But I'm also wondering if there isn't just a general "overflow" of ads that are used when a website first starts using the ads. For people who don't have a lot of browsing history and it's hard to find appropriate content ads to display, perhaps there is just a overflow of ads to choose from that have nothign to do with your own browing history or even the content of the website. Just a thought, who knows, but it makes me wonder. I'm still seeing those other ads mixed in, but it's nice to see an ad that actually feels somewhat appropriate to my own interests.

  15. Jacob Cagney wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    The ads are getting really stupid too. Today I logged in and at the top of my screen were 4 busty chicks, one apparently had no bra on and her top was wide open but the picture was conveniently cut off right above the **bleep**...with the message "We don't like Young Men! We want you!" So they are trying to say I'm old...and male? The chick with the giant basketballs on her chest was kinda hot I guess, if you're into girls. They could at least make an attempt to tailor them to a video game genre, or business, or let SL merchants  advertise or something. but really...SL peddling smut and what I'm assuming is a adult porn website? Really SL?

    Ya we've already been over that in previous posts in this thread...might wanna go read before posting. It's not based solely on your past browsing history or search. It is also based on the content of the website...which that article even points out. I researched that because I've never gone to a website even remotely related to that and nobody else has access to my computer. Others were complaining about the same thing. My guess is due to all the smut that's included in adult products on the marketplace.



  16. Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

    Good categorical breakdown of the Google advertising. Surely that's helpful about now.

    More than we ever wanted to know about the Google advertising I think, although it's useful for anyone that runs a website. Perhaps they should look at some of the SL bloggers and SL resident websites that do contain ads and how they're generally better integrated.

    Beyond the ad content they just destroy the overall marketplace design. Even integrating them into an outer "frame" and blending it with the site would be a huge improvement.

    Dart...I think that is exactly why I don't like them, well aside from the smut. The layout is just sort of a "let's stick this here" with no rhyme or reason. They are not integrated into the site fluidly, they are just stuck on the outside. This is how they are put into my own website, they are small unintrusive and blend right into my website design and are 100% based on the content of the website. I think most of us probably wouldn't mind so much if the ads were based on what we are here to do and if they were a bit smaller and integrated better into the site.



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