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Deja Letov

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Posts posted by Deja Letov

  1. Sassy that was the perfect explanation of how it works! But...it still doesn't help those of us who are affected when the system jacks up and stops sending the offline emails. I get it every now and then where a group of people all at once will say they sent me an IM and I've truly not received it. I'll get a whole bunch in a row like group notices, IMs etc that come to my email then all of a sudden they just stop. And they won't start back up until I login again. It doesn't happen all the time, at least I hope it doesnt, I only notice when someone IM's me about it. I just wish they would fix it, because I prefer the IM's to email so I can simply reply to them via email while I am offline. it's so much more convenient...and then I don't get into trouble at my real life job. :)

  2. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    Perrie Juran wrote:

    The label on the package has to say what is in the container.

    No if's, and's or but's.

    If the label says French Onion Dip and I find Guacamole in the package I will be pissed.

    Real men don't eat guacamole.

    You'd think so but I don't see people listing "prims only" or "sculpts" on vendor ads

    Ah well guess Ill have to list it then since it seems to be the majority consensus. Thanks all!


    Sculpts and prims are a whole different animal.  For one thing, every viewer can see them but beyond that, mesh - especially mesh used in clothing if I am understanding this correctly - can be a bit iffy re: fitting correctly on various avatar sizes.

    I understand where you're coming from re: displayed furniture that can be purchased off the floor but, again, on the MP it is a definite *must* since there are all kinds of reasons people would prefer mesh (thereby indicating it as such is a selling point) or do not want mesh (beyond viewer issues; I am running into people who just don't understand the Li deal atm and don't want to fool with it; thereby avoiding angry customers if not designated).  Even with furniture purchased off the floor, I generally see an ad in the vicinity of a furniture grouping that gives general info on the pieces/set.

    ETA: Ceera did a much better job of saying what I was trying to.  /note to self: Read *all* responses prior to commenting. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:


    Yup and Ill admit I know nothing about mesh rigged clothing. I have yet to buy any mesh clothing to be honest. I guess as a builder, I prefer to keep my look to a simple jeans and t-shirt. And I do totally see the designation on a marketplace listing, but that's why there is a checkmark for designating it as no mesh, partial mesh, 100% mesh. I guess that was more my question than anything is does it really need to be screamed out from the rooftops that it's mesh in the description, the title, the poster, etc when it's already marked in the listing as partial or 100% mesh?


  3. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    I sell sculpties and I sell meshes as creators tools. My mesh products have the word 'mesh' on the boxes, not flashing all over the boxes, but in a corner.

    I think it is important information. When people are aware of what they buy it can prefend for disappointment. Besides: information you can give on the product boxes will save you time in customer service.

    From a creator perspective I of course expect this. but if I were to go shopping for say...a bed. i guess from that standpoint...I personally as a shopper wouldn't give a hoot what it was made of. but I did go ahead an add it in small text on the poster just to be safe :)


  4. Stuff like this is exactly why I import my own logs into my own reporting tool. I'm a number cruncher and I like my data. SL just doesn't provide any. I don't know how much experience many of you have but if you aren't looking for a full on vendor system and just want to analysze your data, writing something that is specific to you would be the way to go. I wrote my own and have a few friends using it as well and i love having the information at my fingertips. Matter of fact...hey Rod...i seriously would come and develop some reporting tools for MP. Give me a call, Ill hook ya up  :D

  5. Perrie Juran wrote:

    The label on the package has to say what is in the container.

    No if's, and's or but's.

    If the label says French Onion Dip and I find Guacamole in the package I will be pissed.

    Real men don't eat guacamole.

    You'd think so but I don't see people listing "prims only" or "sculpts" on vendor ads :) 

    Ah well guess Ill have to list it then since it seems to be the majority consensus. Thanks all!


  6. I've started working with mesh more and more and one thing I've noticed is that some (not all) merchants are designating that it is mesh in their product listing and on the actual ad poster for the product. I get the need to include the word mesh in the description or keywords because they may want it to come up when someone searches for mesh, but is there really a need to designate it on the ad poster? Or even moreso, in your store...are you guys actually putting a big flashing "mesh" sign over every item you carry to let your customers know it's mesh? I'd personally like to just treat it like anything else I build and not flag it as something, but thought I'd ask if there was a huge reason for it.

    *I do know some people don't like to buy mesh because they can't see it, so I can understand "some" on your product listing description, but if it's in store, if they can't see it properly in store, wouldn't that clue them in enough?

  7. Tari Landar wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    I can't answer your question as to why someone wouldn't have this turned off but I can tell you that the delivery of capped IM's fails ALL THE TIME. Like constantly. A few of the merchants here awhile back were testing trying to figure out what was going on and I know some in fact were receiving all offline messages up until the point of the cap and then they stopped. This is a huge problem and while it may be frustrating as a customer, it's just as frustrating with a merchant too. But I wouldn't get all upset and claim to not believe merchants if they say it's happening because we've talked about it alot on this forum and it happens quite a lot more than people think and we've been complainting about it for a long time.

    Oh I know it does fail, I won't discount that. There are also times it seems to act up worse than others, with no rhyme or reason. It may not happen to me as much, but I know it happens to others, I've seen it. But some people claim it happens way too often for it to be believable(like, thye only miss any negative communication, but they manage seeing all the positive, lol I've seen people pull that one in the past). Me, I like to send NC and IM, just in case, unless a creator has a specific preference(I check profiles). If the first one goes ignored, and I see the creator has been on, I'll try again. When this happens days in a row...that's the point I start to not believe someone when they say they got NONE of the communication. That's not likely, not even in sl, lol. Especially after sending a NC and getting the "accepted" message(which rarely works as it is, and only typically when you're on the same sim, but does still happen outside of that instance, rarely). I find it hard to believe someone can contact someone for days, and that person not receive one of the bits of communication. Impossible? Absolutely not, but definitely not as likely as some seem to think.

    I get upset at merchants also when they blame their customers for the fact that they didn't get the communication too. That just rubs me the wrong way, and is a personal peeve. I do my best to never blame my customers (rl or sl) for anything, even if it may actually be their fault. For me, that's just part of good business though.


    I do agree, I don't see why merchants would get upset at customers. It' s not anyone's fault, I see no reason to get upset at anyone.

    However, at only missing negative communication...think about it, when did you ever try to contact a merchant multiple times over positive things? Only the negative stuff is going to show because that's mainly what people are trying to get in touch with them over. And it could be that they haven't logged in for days, if your messages cap on monday and offline to email fails...it will stay that way until you login again. So if someone is offline for 3 or 4 days, and they can the first day, they also miss everything on day 2,3 and 4. I'm not saying this happened exactly, I'm just playing devils advocate. I tend to sign on at least once a day, usually, so it hasn't been a huge issue to me. I also hired an assistant with an offline/online indicator so I run into this less. But there was a period of time, when I was missing several notecards and IMs from people. I know it's hard to believe, and when youre the person wanting answers it's frustrating as hell but I'd try not to get too upset because you just don't know what's going on and as crazy as it seems it just might be true.


  8. Pamela Galli wrote:

    I have read threads before where ppl gave their reasons but I can't remember what they were, and did not make sense to me at the time.

    A corollary question: Why, oh why, when I BEG for IMs instead of notecards, which, I explain in profile, autoresponse, and email "vacation" response, I cannot read when offline, do people continue to send them to me?  Like you, I really want to know, but I do not want to sound snarky so I don't ask. I just can't imagine thinking a notecard is an easier way to ask a question than an IM.

    Probably because so many merchants ask for notecards, so they might be assuming you would prefer it too. I still like notecards because I still have issues with not receiving offline IM's to my email so a notecard I usually like because those don't seem to cap on me. Of course...it doesn't fix my issues I sometimes have with lost inventory items or never getting them or accidentally declining, etc.


  9. I can't answer your question as to why someone wouldn't have this turned off but I can tell you that the delivery of capped IM's fails ALL THE TIME. Like constantly. A few of the merchants here awhile back were testing trying to figure out what was going on and I know some in fact were receiving all offline messages up until the point of the cap and then they stopped. This is a huge problem and while it may be frustrating as a customer, it's just as frustrating with a merchant too. But I wouldn't get all upset and claim to not believe merchants if they say it's happening because we've talked about it alot on this forum and it happens quite a lot more than people think and we've been complainting about it for a long time.

  10. Monti Messmer wrote:

    No they wouldn´t. LL knows about the problems with Marketplace.

    When shopping on the Marketplace do not use the shopping cart too much. Put 2-3 items in then close your order and start a new one. No perfect allways working solution but the best for now.


    best advice ever here. I never put more than 1 item in my cart, it really doesn't take that much more time and I have yet to experience a failed delivery on anything I have bought by just checking out with 1 item at a time. Although because of all the MP issues...I typically only shop in world unless I'm just in that much of a hurry, which is hardly ever.


  11. I know a lot of stores have moved to MP only stores, but I just don't know how well someone starting at with no physical in world presence will do...in terms of marketing. I think you will definitely get some sales on the MP even if you have no in world store, but I can tell you from my own shopping experience and how things are marketed to me, if I join a group for a store, they have an inworld store, in fact I can't remember even ever seeing a group to join who didn't have an inworld store. Getting some sort of group or list subscriber system, I believe, is crucial to keeping your business going. You need to keep marketing to people who have bought your stuff in the past because it's 10 times easier to sell to a current customer than it is finding a new customer. I'm just not sure how you would obtain those without at least some sort of inworld presence. my advice, take it or leave, get even just a simply basic account with your included 512 land and make a small presence of something. This would get people to maybe land at your place and hit that subscribe sign to join your group, you could even participate in hunts. You don't even have to sell anything, just put up a giant poster with a "touch here to view our marketplace listings" or something. I think this would give you a bit of an edge if you are actually trying to market and not just reply on random sales on the MP when you happen to have gotten lucky with the MP search...which is pretty jacked up anyway.

  12. Ry0ta Exonar wrote:

    I'm not sure if spiderman is from marvel or DC comics, but they say DC is quite tolerant of fan art. On the other hand Disney and Sanrio are very strictly policing.

    And you know I can understand that, i see lots of fanart all over Deviantart too. But to rip the mesh models straight from the game...that's not fan art.


  13. They won't and as much as it can be annoying I guess I've had to learn that it doesn't really matter to me personally. it doesn't affect my bottom line and all it does is annoy me and what good does that do me? I actually had a huge issue awhile back when I noticed that someone had ripped a bunch of Skyrim statues, armor, etc straight from the game. I took such offence to it I guess because it's one of my all time favorite games. I'm even naming my baby after a character in that game (ya I'm that dorky). I even sent Bethesda, the maker of the game a message about it and heard nothing back. That's when I just figured eh...whatever, let them get ripped off. On the grand scale of things, I just don't think they care. The amount of money that is being made on those things probably isn't worth their legal fees so they could care less.

  14. Darrius Gothly wrote:

    My business email address was plastered all over quite a few web pages. Not only was it in the corporate directory and "Contact Us" pages, but there were quite a few online tech docs as well as end-user instructions, etc. that had my address blazoned across them. Spammers didn't need to "verify" my email address to know if it was for real, they could mine our website and dig out 100's of addresses. From what I've seen, spammers don't even care if an address is live or not. I have one email address that I've had since the late 90's that has never sent out a reply or even opened an email, yet it STILL gets email at the rate of 20-80 per day. (I use it as a honey-pot.)

    The virus issue though .. that's a big one. But it still doesn't discount the use of a Read Receipt. Especially in those cases where no reply is needed, just sending a Read Receipt can signal "Got it" without requiring any more action.

    Even though I've agreed .. this is a feature request that will never happen .. it's still something I wish people would use more often. (Yeah, I have my personal quirks .. and I cherish them all. *grin*)

    No they don't care if it's real or not to collect it...but they charge differently to other companies based on the validity of an email address, so from a financial standpoint, they would love to verify. But keep in mind, they are not going to manually verify your address is real by hitting your website. They are sending to sometimes millions of email addresses in a list. They just harvest them with bots...which is why a lot of people now go to doing their email address on websites instead of putting me@myemail.com they do me at myemail dot com.  I'm pretty sure they've even figured that out, but I do know there are confirmed spam lists that sell for a large amount of money over general harvested ones. They are the ones that have been confirmed either with auto receipts or by the hidden image that many spammers use that is coded with a special value or the idiots that click on a link to follow. When they do this it puts a note in their database that it was read by a real person so that email must be legit. Then they can put that on a special list and charge more for it. Many years back i was working for another company that actually did a bit of spamming and they always bought the more expensive confirmed email lists.

    I agree with you on Virus's. I don't think a confirmed receipt does anything with virus. I only brought it up how we handle them cause someone else mentioned them. Virus's should be checked with a virus program as it lands in your inbox and has nothing to do with responses.

    I definitely think we need something in place to help communication. Not that they are listening to us mind you. LOL



  15. Darrius Gothly wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    Darrius Gothly wrote:

    It's a simple change, one that would not expose LL to any more liability, issues, ridicule or anything else. But it would demonstrate a level of manners that could help dispell some of the anger that grows out of the black hole surrounding the Lab.

    So what ya say Rodvik? Can we at least have this tiny little act of kindness? Please?


    Actually I think it would. Getting a notification isn't going to speed up their responses at all. So, sending a notice that they received an email the same day you sent it yet they didn't respond for a week...well...the second you complained about it on the forum, and that you knew they read it, well, there is the ridicule coming from the peanut gallery on the forums.  In fact, I would think it would actually increase the anger many of us feel already towards them because then we would really see just how long it takes them to respond to us and most definitely would only increase the feeling of the lack of communication problem we feel because we would then KNOW our attempts are ignored completely. And of course as already mentioned the issue with spam is of course a factor as well. I'd like to see a  better ticket support instead. The one we use at my company is very detailed. It gives the time it was opened by you, the time someone looked at it. Who it was assigned to and at what time. When did they first read it. When did they respond, etc. Basically every event that happens with that ticket is tracked and reported. And maybe when submitting a support ticket a contact module could be added in to be able contact a specific linden within the company. I don't even know if that would be a stable and reliable solution because I can pick out flaws with that as well, but as much as I'd like to see communication improve I don't see them turning that feature on no matter how much we beg for it.

    Aye, I suppose that's true. If indeed the Read Receipt is sent out then the response that eventually arrives takes a week or so, yeah I can see how a lot of folks would get bent pretty bad about that.

    Of course there's also the perspective that it might force them to be more responsive to their customers .. acting as a wee bit of fire to their feet .. so to speak.

    I am a little concerned by the Spam issue folks keep mentioning. The company I worked for had very rigorous anti-spam filters. Those I communicated with among my customers and job-related vendors also had them. Some were so aggressive that you couldn't even send a ZIP file lest it get rejected. Is it common for high-tech computer and IT oriented companies to not have Spam filtering? Srsly?!?

    I do totally agree on better Support Ticket tracking and management. It seems they've got a fairly short list of canned answers they can pick from, and the choices they make .. or maybe the options they have .. just do not really cover all the situations they routinely encounter. Most definitely I would LOVE to see "Activity Tracking" too that logged every time anyone touched the ticket for any reason whatsoever.

    We have anti-spam filters at my company...we are IT based, I'm sure you knew that already though. However, because we are IT based, and customers send us files all the time, we can't be too intense about it. We are less concerned about spam and more concerned about virus and malware, especially when a customer is sending us files to inspect. As much as we try though, some spam does get through to us. And because our customers email us from any variety of domain host, we can't filter too hard or we never see our customer emails, because the system might think it's spam. Personally I don't care about spam, the amount I get is small and I can quickly delete but I'm sure if I had my response system turned on, it would increase since I just validated to them that my address is real. Having said all that, it's why we highly encourage our customers to use the support ticket system. They can send us files there, email us and track everything. Honestly, rather than a response that my email was read, I would like to be able to login somewhere and see that my ticket was successfully put into the system and then the date and time it was assigned to someone. That would serve the same purpose as a return receipt of the email and clear them of any spam liability issues. Plus...then we can still all get ticked off when we see a ticket submitted a month before it was assigned. :)


  16. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    Can I just blame pregnancy and this crazy baby brain I have going on as my inability to express my thoughts clearly today?

    For some things, all is forgiven :-)  I am surprised you made it onto the computer at all!

    And congratulations! 

    Thanks Pamela ;) I'm bump to keyboard right now...it's actually quite the site. lol


  17. Emuna Zamani wrote:

    Deja - This is the statement that caused me to believe you thought that we had not researched this person.  I sincerely apologize if that was not your meaning: "
    And before someone says well why should she pay when she has no proof they were stolen...I think we're all smart enough to be able to do a little research (as in go to their shop and see) if they really do belong to that creator. I think saying you can't tell is just not believable if you've compared them. I think it would be easy to play them side by side and be able to tell.
    I just don't think that has been done by the OP perhaps? I dont know."


    Ah well let me elaborate then...if you look in that paragraph I said "I think it would be easy to play them side by side and be able to tell."  That is referring to the ones you bought and comparing to the ones he is saying were stolen. Obviously if you have them...to compare side by side then it's after the purchase. :)  And I was talking about purchasing them again from the legal creator...after you had already purchased them from the theif, just to keep your sales going (just throwing out ideas to keep your sales going cause you know I'm all about the sales lol). And I didn't know if you had actually done a side by side comparison with what you bought with what the creator is claiming got stolen from his store, which is why I said i didn't know if the OP had done that yet...I don't think I saw anywhere that you had done that (and most probably wouldn't...I certainly wouldn't.)  Sorry for the confusion...it was all meant for after the purchase. I'm in total agreement with you on where you stand! promise!

  18. "You were in the meeting where another person who purchased them along with myself stated how much research we did before purchasing so for you to even go there leaves me baffled."

    HUH? When did I say you didn't do research before your purchase? Hold up girlfriend...and re-read what I wrote. :)

    I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I don't mean before the purchase. I TOTALLY agree with you. I'm talking about after everyone here on this forum is now pretty much awarethat they were stolen...I keep seeing a few people still state they aren't quite sure if in fact they were stolen...that was my only arguement and really wasn't directed at you but more or less saying, we know they are stolen, let's figure out what to do from there. I didn't say you didn't know you weren't buying from an honest person...re-read what I wrote...my comment was specifically directed at people on here saying they still didn't have proof that they were stolen. Notice I was referring to AFTER you made your purchase. I did agree with you in that meeting we were all in, in fact, and said there was no way to do that sort of research. Sorry if there was confusion on that, I am in totally agreement with you on that. And no I don't believe you deserve to be on a watch list...I find that to be a moronic idea to be honest and completely uncontrollable...sounds like a bunch of older kids on a playground bulling people. Pretty much none of what I said, was directly related to what happened to you exactly but more or less how people here are responding to it.

    I wish tone came across better in messages because I really am more on your side with this. Maybe my comments just aren't expressing it clearly. Basically in a nutshell...I'm just saying...now that we know it's stolen, what can we do to get your products selling again....regardless of what a rude ass hat he was. Does that sound better? :)

    Honestly, you're a better person than I for deleting. If someone were to contact with me, I would tell them to bite my ass until i received a take down notice. And then I would have a few days to find other animations or get with that person to buy his legally. To many people throw around those accusations, which is why i say I wouldn't even bother contacting someone to let them know they were using stolen animations, i would have just let the DMCA play out and see what happens.

  19. Darrius Gothly wrote:

    It's a simple change, one that would not expose LL to any more liability, issues, ridicule or anything else. But it would demonstrate a level of manners that could help dispell some of the anger that grows out of the black hole surrounding the Lab.

    So what ya say Rodvik? Can we at least have this tiny little act of kindness? Please?


    Actually I think it would. Getting a notification isn't going to speed up their responses at all. So, sending a notice that they received an email the same day you sent it yet they didn't respond for a week...well...the second you complained about it on the forum, and that you knew they read it, well, there is the ridicule coming from the peanut gallery on the forums.  In fact, I would think it would actually increase the anger many of us feel already towards them because then we would really see just how long it takes them to respond to us and most definitely would only increase the feeling of the lack of communication problem we feel because we would then KNOW our attempts are ignored completely. And of course as already mentioned the issue with spam is of course a factor as well. I'd like to see a  better ticket support instead. The one we use at my company is very detailed. It gives the time it was opened by you, the time someone looked at it. Who it was assigned to and at what time. When did they first read it. When did they respond, etc. Basically every event that happens with that ticket is tracked and reported. And maybe when submitting a support ticket a contact module could be added in to be able contact a specific linden within the company. I don't even know if that would be a stable and reliable solution because I can pick out flaws with that as well, but as much as I'd like to see communication improve I don't see them turning that feature on no matter how much we beg for it. :)

  20. Emuna Zamani wrote:

    Thank you for all the good feedback.

    The animator was able to find me because he saw my name in the group of the man that supposedly stole animations from various creators.  He had no proof that I had purchased any (I had) so his messaging me with finger point was based on assumption and I find that unprofessional.  I have no respect for this man at all.  There was a much better way to handle that.

    I did as the LL representative told me although I now know that I can do nothing against the one that may have stolen the animations being that they were not my content.  I also file one against the animator for adding me to some list.

    At this point, I am in limbo because I have these items that I created using the animations but I can't sell them because I have no idea if they were stolen or not.  So my opening for the new location has been put on hold.  As for getting my lindens back, I doubt that I will but this sure has me not wanting to buy anything from anyone to use in my creations.  I have nothing to protect me, the merchant.

    The animations were very nice.  There was a group for beds, showers and hotubs.

    I did block the one that contacted me but I am going to send him a link here so he can defend himself and the store he works for, if he choses.

    I am soooo uber late to this conversation. LOL  But I did read through it. I know we've all got differences of opinion on how things should have happened. I do totally agree he was a bit rude, but honestly...my personality type...I probably would have glanced right over it and replied back to him to let him know I received his message, but didn't appreciate the rude response as I had done nothing wrong myself. I guess that's just the business person in me and I really could give a hooey how someone feels about me personally...even if they are rude to me. It most definitely wouldn't have escelated to this level...not even sure why it did to be honest. But...as to issue of this post of being stuck with products with no animations, the very next thing I would have done, was to find out how I could go about obtaining the animations legally so that I could keep selling the products. Now, I don't know what the list was intended to be used for but if it was indeed put in place to put a checks and balances in place for those who may have fallen victim to the theif's action, I would think all of the animators in question would welcome a merchant to inquire on how to obtain the animations legally by paying for them. ya it sucks to have to pay for them again, but at least you are back to selling the item and will probably make the cost up...and it's not like it's the animators fault for the theivery. Not that it would be yours either, but you ultimately would be responsible for the mistake to either take down the items or buy them legally and sell as usual.

    And before someone says well why should she pay when she has no proof they were stolen...I think we're all smart enough to be able to do a little research (as in go to their shop and see) if they really do belong to that creator. I think saying you can't tell is just not believable if you've compared them. I think it would be easy to play them side by side and be able to tell. I just don't think that has been done by the OP perhaps? I dont know.

    If I were the animator in question...I would have never have contacted the OP. I would have just filed the DMCA and left it at that. Especially with no proof in hand, since as you can see all it does is create drama, accusations and hate mobs ready to form up and lynch your booty. Contacting people you "think" might have your stolen goods will get you nowhere, especially on a forum like this were we have formed a community and tend to stick up for eachother.


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