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Deja Letov

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Everything posted by Deja Letov

  1. That's why I stick to shopping in world for most of the time. Plus it's much more fun to shop in world and see items in person.
  2. JfR Beaumont wrote: I run about nothing,. The only way to be consider by Linden Lab is by spending day and night in world and spend time to discuss about the color of the avatar's, all the company from my country are going away from SL upset by this, and by the no feedback and no dialogue with a real commercial services. Real company and people having real money are a key for Second Life. We are solicited every day by open sim project, virtual worlds with viewing on the web etc... Linden Lab is sleeping ! And one day the dream can be broken, i am not happy if it's arrive, because i am convince that the tech is great, but like all tech, it's a question of how much you can pay for having it , and what is the benefits you have with it ... And of course how many people can enjoy it, with one website or a wall in facebook you have thousand of viewers and it's cost nothing ..... I think that if LL doesn't react and take care to push SL on the web other can do ... it's at this time in progress with cloud party for example ----- And i am always upset to pay feed for nothing !!!!! Well first, maybe this is just a language barrier, but I don't think i've ever seen anyone sitting in Second Life all day and all night talking about the color of their avatar, so I have no idea what you are referring to there. Second, I doubt very much that every single company in any country is leaving SL because one person has to pay a $100 fee to downgrade. You are right, with a website or facebook, you can get it up for practically nothing, but you are talking about a few pages of code versus operating an entire server. And the reason those sites are free is because they are paid for with advertising. Do you really want to get your sim for free if SL gets to place annoying ads all over your sim to compensate for it? You're asking for a service to be free when clearly it should not be. How would they make money? They should just do it out of the kindness of their heart? I do believe they should cut back on their fees, yes, come more in line with pricing of inWorldz would be nice, but to compare it to the web or facebook and suggest it be free is silly. The bottom line is these fees have been in place a long time ago, people know about them upfront, they aren't a surprise. I don't see what the complaint is for if you knew about it ahead of time and decide pursue the sim anyway but then complain about it later when those fees come out.
  3. I think you should file a take down on it. Using a texture you created for his own use without your permission. Sounds like a copyright infringement if you ask me.
  4. You can't edit the contents of existing items on the marketplace while it's on the marketplace. You would make your product change, put it into your inventory, and re-upload the entire folder again and re-assign it to the product in question.
  5. I agree paying out more money does stink, but their policy as far as I know has always been to charge a setup fee for having a new sim set up. In fact for an openspace sim it's $250, so I'm assuming they were giving you a discount on it since you were only having to pay $100. Personally I think it still sucks, I don't think they should have a setup fee at all, I totally agree with you, but it shouldn't be a surprise since these are their normal policies and affect everyone, as a new client or an old client.
  6. wrable Amat wrote: LOL I keep my SL to my self,I am a strange person that lives by a time line and have he ability to portion out my SL time in a fashion it never cross the RL time line but not long ago after many people asked us to add a little adult role play to our maternity system I found my self in front of blender sculpting genitals for a conception add on and we make our designs from scratch even the animations so I drew the short straw on who was going to make the prims for this add on.. My mother called that days and said "hey!! What are you doing?" my reply "im making balls...." which I followed by " dough balls for pizza" a few seconds later...But the fact is I was really sculpting.......I will let your mind draw the image as it was BURNED INTO MINE!!! Not the image I was needing tattoo to the back of my scull on a Saturday I will add...... I would really hate to explain all this to my family ... It follow with " If you need extra money we can help!!! Do not do that!!" I am from a god fearing deep south family. So my answer is ,I look around and whistle pretending to have no idea about it when people talk about thing like SL or spending any time online. hahaha This reminds me of the time my 16 year old kid walked by my office when I was adjusting some sex positions into a new bed i was making. He saw my female avatar totally riding on top of a male avatar with pink and blue sticks going through them (to adjust). All he said was "mom...uhm...why are you humping that dude." I just about died. He went and told his step dad I was looking at cartoon porn. LOL
  7. That's an awesome story Freya! I love that you got your parents involved. Sounds like you are doing well!
  8. Princess Verwood wrote: I've found that people who don't play games, be it online or off won't really understand, like you're friend. It doesn't sound like she is "into that". I personally don't really mention it to other people beacuase like some have already mentioned, you know they won't understand. Almost like you can pretty much predict their response. My husband is supportive since we met in SL and he knows about it but if I told my other family or friends I could guess spot on they would look at me like I'm insane. But at the end of the day Deja, it is you who is bringing in an extra amount of money per month due to your silly game and not her! :matte-motes-wink-tongue: I think this is so true. It's funny because anytime my husband has one of his "gamer friends" over, if they see it on my screen and ask me what it is, they totally get it. In fact, they usually ask me how hard it is to build and could they do it? My friends, however, you're right, most are not gamers and they do not get it at all. I guess I just need to make more gamer friends. I think my husband has an easier time with that because 1. he's male and gamers have a higher quantity of men then woman and 2. he's younger than I am, which I think the younger you are the more likely you are to game. I very rarely find women my age who are serious gamers like I and my husband are. Our game collection is huge, and in fact, his friends think it's awesome and most of my friends just say things like "why do you let him buy so many games". Which I laugh at because then i say...first, I don't "let" him do anything and second, did you not notice we have 2 of almost everything? LOL
  9. Pamela Galli wrote: I used to get a lot of flack for being a SL "addict". I tried to explain that I was creating stuff but to them it looked like "playing a computer game". Now that it is my job, everyone is super supportive. Yup you sound a lot like me Pamela. Even my husband, who I actually met in SL and you would think would be more understanding, didn't get it at first. It took until I started showing a profit for him to "get it". It's a shame people won't take it seriously as our income source until we're successfully pulling in a profit. I'd like to show them all the companies that are currently running at a loss every year yet are still looked at as a business.
  10. I told her that very same thing. In fact I even told her "you know the commercial on TV where they have the online school for video game design? It's on TV and it's popular for a reason!". People are into it.
  11. it's a known bug that if you have a build that was linked and you link it to a prim that is set to no transfer, even if you unlink it, it will reset ALL of your prims in that build to no transfer...and they will stay that way forever. Only choice is to rebuild. Trust me, it's ticked me off to no end...I've done it a few times.
  12. hahah I never realized I could get *bleeped* on the forum. For those paying attention my bleep was a good word for a mean nasty woman that starts with a B
  13. I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine recently. She thought it was absolutely ludicrous that someone could actually make a living (however small) by building things in a video game. This came about after her asking me if i wanted to go and do something with her at a certain time, to which I replied, I wish I could, but I already had other plans. My other plans? Holding a 2 hour promotion event in my store in SL. Her response was simply that it's a game, and nobody really cared if I actually showed up. And if they did they were acting like just as big of a nerd as I was. All of this was rather funny to me but later it got me thinking...what a **bleep**! LOL seriously, I remember when I ran a business out of my home several years ago, I was under the same "attitude" from others....people not taking it seriously, thinking I was just playing around with my day, thought they could stop by my house anytime because I wasn't doing anything. I can MAYBE understand how someone could possibly think badly of a business in SL if you are only spending your real money on it and not making anything for profit, but even then, I don't think it's all that fair. I've never been one to spend a huge amount of time in SL, but lately I've increased it by just a few hours a week in hopes of increasing my revenue by a certain amount of $L...sort of an experiment I am doing. And this increased time, seems like a "waste" in the eyes of friends and family. It seems the only ones who really appreciate it are my husband and kids...mainly I'm sure because they are the ones who know what I cash out each month to pay for our movie nights or dinners out. In fact this month, my SL money paid for school clothes for all 3 of my kiddos. How do you deal with all of this with your family and friends. Just ignore them? Play nasty nice? Dig a hole and keep them in the backyard? :)
  14. mmmhhh I ordered a few items and didn't have any problems with delivery this morning. Could just be the merchant you are buying from.
  15. Josh Susanto wrote: >Translation: "Seller is greedy" = "I don't want to pay the price they are asking" Greed is only excessive when it stands as an actual limiter to legitimate revenue. My caution to other merchants is not that they should not be greedy, but that they should be truthful with themselves about how to maximize legitimate revenue. Asking too much is a problem whether greed it behind it or not. And asking too little is also a problem. We just like it better as buyers, or we think that we do if we don't understand the total consequences to the market. Josh I totally agree with this and I think you hit the nail on the head with "Greed is only excessive when it stands as an actual limiter to legitimate revenue." as well as knowing when you are asking too much for the sake of greed. The big question is...and apparently on what needs to be justified to others, is how much is too much and when does it become greed?And furthermore, how do you "justify" to your customers that isn't too much. You certainly can't do it based on price comparison alone of similar products. In fact it's almost impossible to even compare your products to others based on price because sometimes we as merchants are required to charge a certain amount because of license rules. One animation vendor i use in paricular requires a certain amount be charged for the products that her animations are included in. In other cases, just because someone makes Bed A, doesn't make it the same as Bed B because maybe Bed A is better designed or maybe Bed B includes that ripped set of bed animations that so many merchants still use to this day. There are so many elements that it honestly gets frustrating for merchants and I'm sure for customers too. I consider my items to be priced fair and in some cases, pretty inexpensively, many of my competitors charge far more than I do, and some charge less. But I certainly don't fault the guys who charge more, because hey, if they can do it, why the heck not! If they can make enough money to pay their RL mortgage, more power to them! However they accomplish it, through high prices or high quantity of sales, their customers obviously don't mind either way.
  16. Spica Inventor wrote: 'Honestly, anyone who sells items transferable I wouldn't call greedy at all. In fact usually the ones that I see price gauging are the ones selling copyable items and charging more because they have copy available. landscape places are famous for this!' Oh please, someone selling a transfer only tree for say 100L$ is less greedy than someone selling a copy only tree for say 300L$ when dozens are usually put all over the land? Your sense of perspective is being warped by your biased attempt at greed justification just like many of the later rebuttals on this thread it would seem. ;-) Actually I was specifically talking about a merchant who charges 250L for a trans tree and 2500 for a copy tree. Same merchant. Not different onces. And I also really don't even consider him all that greedy either, I was simply saying that you can't call someone greedy just because they sell items as transferable, because the copy ones are just as bad of it. And I have no reason to justfiy what you are calling greed because I don't look at it as greed, I look at it as making a profit for a business and certainly nothing that needs to be justified. Because I think every merchant has a right to make a profit and a big one at that...if they can.
  17. Spica Inventor wrote: 'My biggests costs are land (tier and rent), then advertising. Most merchants can't dodge those'. hehe I would say a 5% cut by L.L. and using the Marketplace exclusively like the vast majority do now it would seem can still be meaningfully classified as 'dodging' wouldn't you agree? As a side, the high prices in L.L. can not be considered justified for as long as Xstreet/The marketplace has been around. The greatly inflated prices are nothing more now than an established tradition (cemented in greed of course) which is IMHO ruining Second Life slowly but surely buy turning, perhaps a multiple of 10 the amount of people presently hanging out in S.L., off to S.L. These masses would otherwise like to spend some of their valuable time in S.L. if they felt they could afford it im sure. ;-) First, I don't see why any merchant, cheap or expensive, would need to "justify" pricing to anyone. As a customer you simply choose who you want to buy from. I've never seen a merchant try to justify to their customers why they charge a certain price. Customers can just choose not to buy form them.I also don't see why an item created for a store would somehow be cheaper because they are on the Marketplace. If that were the case, we would be listing our MP listings at a much cheaper rate than in world. Of course our tier rates have influence on what we charge but many merchants are charging for items based on the time they spend on item to make and that time doesn't change just because it's listed on the Marketplace.
  18. Ewan Loordes wrote: I produced some classic costumes of batman, wonder woman etc. I got a notice from LL saying they infringed on Mavel comics copyrights. OK. accepted. I should have considered that before putting them up for sale.. So.. I removed them from my shop and Marketplace. I did not want to get myself or LL in trouble. My issue is there are several costumes of the same names in shops and on marketplace. What gives? Why is it ok for some and not for others. My thoughts are that someone didn't like competition so reported me.... well fair game. Lets get them ALL off the market then. Well to answer your question...it's not ok for you or for others. The deal is they just haven't been caught yet. Plain and simple. Their time will come and Iwouldn't be surprised if they just relisted the item.
  19. SwissToni wrote: All i can see are jobs for DJ's, Escorts, hosts... etc. so i was just wondering if there were any jobs available that werent to do with clubs? There are actually lots of other jobs. I see jobs posted all the time for experienced sculptors, texturers, animators. I've seen some for models too from clothing places. I actually just placed an ad and hired a PR and Blogger for my store. They are out there, you just have to find them. Unfortunately, the one or two jobs like those are buried under the 1000's of club type jobs and by the time you see them, they could be filled.
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: I'm slightly confused here. I am talking about In World shopping, not Market Place. It sounds like you are saying that when I click on a display InWorld to purchase, you might have your delivery server on another SIM? Though actually I know it is somehow the Asset Server that is "delivering the object." The Thursday non-delivery may have had something to do with all the SIM restarts, but on Saturday, I guess it could have been an after effect. Possibly. Not a lot of merchants are using networked delivery systems. In which case, the problem may not be with SL directly, but could be related to the networked vendor system which is what tells the vendor which item to send you. if this was the case, it could happen any day of the week that a networked system is bogged down.
  21. If this were facebook I would "like" this. lol
  22. Maybe I'm the odd man out here, but if this game felt like a complete separation of real life from the game life, I probably wouldn't play. I don't think anyone has missed the point, because the point of this "game" is to make it what you want of it. Heck it is a user created world so why shouldn't someone use it for a dating service, or for roleplay, or to sit around and talk about their brand new car? It's their world and I think to say someone missed the point only comes off as they aren't playing the way you think they should play, which seems pretty selfinvolved. Since day one of being in SL, I've always had a connection between my avatar and my real life. Yes, I have a real life picture in my 1st life tab. And yes, I actually met my husband in SL 4 years ago. Not from a dating service but from an RP sim we met on that went from casual talking that evolved into something more. He started off as my SL husband and is now my RL husband. When we found out we're having our first baby...I sent a notice out to my customer list to share our fantastic news. In fact, I join it all together so much that when our baby is born this coming December, I've already started working on a nursery set in SL that I plan on sending out as a gift to a group of my customers. I REALLY enjoy mixing my RL with my SL, in fact it only enchances the experience for me. And I certainly wouldn't "shut it down" because doing so makes this a good place for me.
  23. Blaze Nielsen wrote: The developers release was provided with plenty of time for LL to make any necessary adjustments. WHATS THE HOLDUP! Considering a majority of the serious content creators in sl are using Macs, I think the Lab should take this issue more seriously. Well first, I don't think that's a true statement that most creators are using MACs, in fact almost every creator I know uses a PC. However, I wouldn't plan on anything new coming out soon to fix your issues. LL has never been known for being on top of software updates.
  24. Hermione Lefevre wrote: Hi can somebody explain to me why some highpriced items are sold no copy? I bought furniture..expensive ones and lost them due to SL problems.. No copy and my money was down the drain..NOW..i wont buy such itmes anymore. Is it greed or some other reason? Well first, I don't think it has anything to do with the value of the item you are buying. That may be the case for specific products you've bought but I have several trans items that are not high prices. I also find it pretty presumptuous that most people on this thread seem to think that the main reason this happens is out of greed. I can't speak for everyone, but I can say not everyone falls into this category. When I first started making furniture several years ago, it was the norm for everything to be transferable. Heck back then, hardly anything we even mod! Back then I refused to buy things that were copy because the oh so famous "resident yard sales" were so popular back then and I couldn't resell items I wasn't using anymore if they were copy. That was my preference as a buyer, so when it came to being a seller, i did it the exact same thing. Not out of greed, but out of personal preference for how I would want to buy. The other reason, I started with my items as trans instead of copy is because back then these cool little vendor systems with gift options weren't in every single store you came across. If someone wanted to gift the item they could come to my store, buy the item, put it in a box and hand it to them personally. This is not possible with copy items, unless you were using a vendor system and not everyone was 4-5 years ago. Fast forward to today...anything I make these days is copyable. In fact, For the last few months I have been slowly working on converting my trans items to copy. Mainly because now gifting is easier between the marketplace and vendor systems in world. Also, yard sales aren't such a huge thing so I don't think that's a big deal anymore. Not to mention, with copy I feel a little better about giving an item to someone when they "lost it in their inventory" if it is copyable. But I can promise you none of the reasons I sold transfer had anything to do with greed and none of the reasons I am moving to copyable has anything to do with greed. i simply try to do what I would want if I was my customer. Honestly, anyone who sells items transferable I wouldn't call greedy at all. In fact usually the ones that I see price gauging are the ones selling copyable items and charging more because they have copy available. landscape places are famous for this!
  25. oh dang I thought he was just listing the brand, not actually using the standard on board graphics. I agree, that could very well be the issue.
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