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Shannon Danick

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Blog Comments posted by Shannon Danick


    Crys, that's a nice, specific set of comments on the beta viewer ... thanks.

    If I may put in my usual 2 cents worth ...

    There is an "improved" viewer available, which, unlike Viewer 2, has a Fly button, and an altitude meter.  It's called Viewer 1.


    True, but, all first generation viewers, including V1, Phoenix, Imprudence and Emergence to name a few; will be officially killed by LL before 2011 is over. Hence the reason the people at Phoenix are developing the FireStorm Viewer. LL is preparing to shove their V2 platform down our throats with very few options. Personally, I will go with FireStorm.

  2. As a long time, successful SL Merchant, I must say that its things like this that are causing the dramatic drops in Marketplace sales. I've seen many posts, mine included, that have asked "Why are my sales dropping so hard?". Well, the answers are very clear now. The Lindens are making silly and stupid mistakes left and right. And it seems the mistakes are becoming epic in proportion now.

    @Q and the rest of the Lindens: A few more mistakes like this one and you may well succeed in driving away the people who support YOU. The landowners, the creators and finally, the average every day Residents of SL.

    All these comments must be obvious that the majority of the Residents are pretty ticked off at you, the Lindens. Let me ask, ... Where will SecondLife be once you drive all of us away? Who will drive your economy? Who will make the nice things that people want to buy? And finally, who will be left to buy regions from you for the ungodly prices you charge?

    Definitely some things to consider.

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