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Derek Torvalar

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Posts posted by Derek Torvalar

  1. Caitlin Tobias wrote:

    Derek Torvalar wrote:

    MikeM2011 wrote:

    Hi, I was wondering where i can buy the gesture that goes this: ◉‿ ◉

    and then there's like a whistle set as the audio.


    Oh! I have been looking for the place to buy those too!

    So I can burn the mofo to the ground.

    Derek, IM me. I got the world in gestures. For your enjoyment.

    Want to come to the bonfire?


  2. DejaHo wrote:




    Dude, as you well know this is an English forum.  

    My tongue hurts from trying to pronounce your name; those signature Welsh double ll's are just brutal.  Even my sophisticated translation/pronunciation software breaks.   With respect, I will have to refer to you as dude. 

    I think it is speLled 'LldeLlwd'.

  3. Pamela Galli wrote:

    If this means what I think, then: Seriously Xiola??? Just when we thought this place might have have some potential to be more than a repressive backwater?

    Hell, my polite requests for clarification concerning a removed post notification has gone unanswered by both the mod concerned and Xiola for well over 3 weeks.

    News this morning reached my attention concerning another ridiculous disciplinary action taken.

    So, yes, it means what you think it means.

  4. So nothing has really changed regarding the moderation process concerning disciplinary action. Despite assurances by Xiola to meet with the team and go over this process. No warning letters, and arbitrarily banning members simply for the accrued number of complaints filed, rather than by actually looking at the content and context of the post RICed and making a judgement as to the validity of the claim.

    Is that the "best" they can do Xiola?

  5. PhotoGenius87 wrote:

    No I have great written comprehension skills and I do not see it as suprising that no one wants to employ someone with no work experience within Second Life. As for overselling myself, what the hell do you mean? I used to work at a general merchandice store and one of the requirements was product upselling to customers! I know what I'm talking about an am not being pretentious but you being right down rude.

    "...great written comprehension skills..."?

    I have counted 3 grammatical and syntax errors in your posts. And that after only a quick perusal. I suppose this means that you are able to understand butchered English. A skill that you will definitely need in SL and especially the Forums.

    The Llazgun was not being rude. He answered your 'surprised' query as to why no one had contacted you after 33 views.

    You need to grow a thicker skin if you want to deal with the public.

    Try not to be so hyper-sensitive and defensive to helpful critique.


    PS Your Ass. Degree and Cert of Mastery, are not evidence of genius. They are unsubstantiated credentials. A genius would know that.

  6. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Oh, and "don’t expect full backwards compatibility" and "it’s not even clear to us if we will preserve the original format in any shape or form" and "we’re focused more on high performance and high quality, and probably less about portability " and "direct content migration in all cases will not be possible".

    So don't bust a gut making too much new stuff in the current SL, and think carefully about spending on new purchases.

    "...  People in RL think nothing of paying 1-2 US$ even as much as $10US for something that entertains them for less than a couple hours. "

    God, tell me about it.

    Just last night I decided to treat myself to the company of a lovely, lascivious courtesan who charged 2500L per hour, which was all well and good as I had recently come into some extra cash. Unfortunately, I had neglected to dial down the speed of arousal on my equipment and within 10 minutes had inadvertently completed the deed. Despite my protestations, she was adamant that regardless of the time contracted for, her policy regarding the rules for her active participation were um, rigid.

    Ahh well, back to the casino.

    Pro tip: Check your settings prior to engagement.

  7. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Damn! Now those annoying 'nucks are going to start banging on about poutine . . .

    . . . and I will have to retaliate with curry and chips.

    Fear not.

    This is one who had long understood that that particular dish was nothing more than a separatist Quebecois plot to overthrow the rightful rulers of this nation by lulling us into obesity, arteriosclerosis and coronary disease, and eventual early death.

    I invite the purveyors of said dish to coller dans le cul, svp.

  8. "There was no mistake. The leathery wings, the little horns, the barbed tail—all were there. The most terrible of all legends had come to life, out of the unknown past. Yet now it stood smiling, in ebon majesty, with the sunlight gleaming upon its tremendous body, and with a human child resting trustfully on either arm."

  9. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote:

    How about I throw it out a window of a tall building so it lands on your head ?


    Somewhat short-tempered aren't you.

    My suggestions were quite valid  and evidently just what the doctor ordered. You need to take a step back and get some perspective. Emotion clouds your judgement which would allow you to competently handle the difficulties you are having. 

    Perhaps posting your questions in the proper section would be a good first step.

  10. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote:


    thanks for your help.


    My test result is pretty identical to yours, says none and Google.  Now what ?

    How about throwing the damn computer away and reading a book, or taking a walk. Maybe head down to the pub. Go to the theatre, a museum, enroll in a tantric meditation class or something. Lots to do out there.

  11. jofunne Avon wrote:

    Ahoa (hello)

    I just felt I needed to write this issue regarding others who try to control other peoples secondlife by saying which groups they can or can not be in. Mainly this is directed to the Gorean role play but
    I could not locate the right place to put it so am posting it here
    . Okay, I have been in SL for a while and in the beginning when I got into to Gor rp I have had people who try to tell me to not be in this or that group even if I like the group I chose to be in. For a while I thought it was maybe friends suggesting better alternatives until it became extreme. For example being told, "If you are in THAT group then I will ban you from THIS group," or, "In role play, You can not duel group with THAT village if you want to be in THIS village." I say, if you are so in to your role play then why are you perving my groups??? That is Metagaming right? lol. Okay but fact of the matter is that NO ONE controls anyone elses role play, nor group choices. It is within YOUR OWN power to do as you wish, even you do role play as a slave in SL Gor. DO NOT LET ANYONE DICTATE YOUR GROUPS. This goes out to the newbie roleplayers. SL is supposed to be about fun, exploration, excitement, and everything!! HAVE FUN AND BE FREE!!!



    by Wakinyan

    So when you loggedinto the forums and ran down the different sections and settled on People, you then had a choice between the categories within that section, one of which is Role Play. And yet you decided to post your rant here.

    You shouldn't be posting a rant about RP in the GD section.


  12. If it were easy then everyone would do it.

    From Milgram:

    "The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous importance, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects' [participants'] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects' [participants'] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation.

    Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority."

    One's morality tends to only extend as far as to their own self-interest. With 'the Law' used as the rationalization for the explanation for their behaviour or absence thereof. Self-interest may be proximal, it is someone elses responsibility, or distal, ie the further something is away from the daily experience of the individual the less likely they are to give a damn. The rationale being the right to self-determination and ethno-relativity; re the Rwandan Genocide.

    I have no illusions that the vast majority of the people espousing their oppressive positivity and persecutory optimism (see what I did there) have very little compunction to willingly exact deadly force on another regardless of the verisimilitude of the justification.

  13. Caitlin Tobias wrote:

    LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Caitlin Tobias wrote:


    Consider it a challenge accepted and I will give you the link, or post a pic in here, when I've done it!

    Excellent! I shall be extremely interested to see what your focus will be; there are so many emotionally evocative elements of the song and video that I would find it difficult to predict what might affect your muse.

    Well, thanks to my ever patient Male Alt (aka: Malt), here you go:

    Good thing you missed the gas pumps and hit him instead.

  14. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Derek Torvalar wrote:

    I see Xiola popped up on Ciaran's blog.

    Too bad she doesn't answer her mail.

    (And I don't even own a stick)

    Damn cheek!
    when any fule do no that it has been due to a massive effort by myself - with a little help from my friends.

    She also got this right about my recent initiative:
    "it’s a lesson for us on how to improve our processes and communications"

    Who do you think she might be referring to by this, Derek? "
    we’re just a target for people who get a kick out of poking us with a stick!

    I liked the way she described my cabal though:
    Inventive. Creative. Problem-solvers. Visionaries. Vocal.
    Sometimes misunderstood.

    It seems that she likes Linden Lab: "
    It’s a great place for anyone to work at!

    Probably because they are willing to recruit Community Managers who enjoy ending sentences with prepositions - and redundant ones at that!

    Finally, I like the way Xiola reveals that she is interested in Formica, and would like to visit that island one day.


    Hmm, yes.

    I am not too sure who she is referring to there. I mean a bit of slight to some members of the community, don't you think. Engaging in frivolous behaviour like that is not what I would necessarily call, hmm,  sporting, ya know. I mean, there really isn't much of a challenge there, is there?

    Not to mention, from what I hear, the only poking of Lindens that is going on is amongst themselves.

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