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Magneto Bashly

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  1. Again if that is a family place, and the only one butt ass naked t here is the adult, they are the problem. Not the child avatars that are there. And you have the right to think what you want, but I don't make excuses for people who break the TOS. I have reported teens, children avatars and yes even baby avatars as much as I have reported adults I have a zero tolerance for for people like that. Always have and I always will. But you seem to think that if child avatars hanging at a place that is not like that the minute a nude person shows up the children avatars should leave i'm sorry that is not how it works. And the lindens have pointed this out over and over again.
  2. Zalificent Corvinus I think it is so funny when I read your post, your so transparent, with your hate of child avatars and your total lack of respect and tolerance it leaves you with no credibility. Fact is you were wrong on the TOS, linden lab made a Q and A for a reason maybe you should take some time to read it over. Maybe you should question what gives you the right to come on the forums and attack a community that you have little understanding about, you call child avatars fake children, well I call you a fake woman, I call you a fake elf. This is second life people are free to run there second life any way they please. Grow up!
  3. You couldn't be more wrong in your about the TOS, if someone decides to tp around children naked, and the place is child friendly, children avatars aren't required to leave just because they appear out of know where. Now if I child avatar was to tp into a place where there was expected nudity in that case the child avatar would be in the wrong. I'm sorry, but your wrong. Q: What if I am hanging out in a Moderate rated region while using a child avatar and someone shows up that is naked? A: As long as the child presenting Resident is not engaging in adult activities and is not in an area promoting or dedicated to adult activity, then the child presenting Resident will not have action taken against them. Our investigations take context into account, and though we understand that any changes in guidelines can cause concern, please know that our team is careful and thoughtful when reviewing information. As a more direct example, if you are using a child avatar and are shopping or exploring in a Moderate region that is not promoting nudity or sexual activity, and a nude avatar shows up next to you, no action will be taken against you as long as you are not actively engaging in any behavior that sexualizes minors or your child avatar. case closed! Your wrong deal with it - Mags
  4. If it is a family place, and children are welcomed, the adult is the one breaking tos not the children. He is the only one nude in that picture. Also an adult tp in to where children are butt ass naked doesn't mean children are breaking tos, the one who teleported in is. Without knowing where the place is, and the full context however it hard to say. He may of just of landed and is still loading. How would I handle it, I would wait a few moments ief he still naked, I would pull up the abuse window report it to linden lab, then I would report it to who ever owns the place, and if he is still there after all that, more then likely I would remove myself from the environment for my own safety and the fact I don't wish to be around it. - Mags.
  5. PBR (Physically based rendering) got it start back in the 1980's, and in more modern times has become the standard for video games, as well as other 3d software like Blender. Second Life is playing the catch up game, as many games it is the standard. There is nothing wrong with second life being modernized. I remember what second life looked like back in 2005 it a night and day difference, second life has always tried to improve as grow as a platform.
  6. It's okay you don't have to agree with my views, that is what makes everybody different, I just ask that they be respected.
  7. I'm sure there will be some that don't agree with my comments on that, and there will also be people that do, but hoply m comments will not be taken out of context!
  8. Question 1 Answer: The restrictions that have been put into place, as far as not being able to be on or visit an adult sim or region doesn't effect me much, if at all. I am in favor of this change, because If explicit Sexual content can only be found on Adult Sims that is a blessing to the child community, we no longer after to worry about teleporting into a sim that may be questionable. An example would be you have a family club, store or what ever on an adult sim, but the rest of the sim contains sexual content, we no longer have to worry about that. So yes I am in favor of this change. Question 2 Answer: Not allowed to be around nudity is not a bad thing within itself, after all I can remember family beaches that I had walked into, and found myself walking right back out because I saw adults full nude with children fully nude, in a public setting, I always thought that was somewhat questionable. so this doesn't really effect me as I have never been around nude adults within second life as a child. There is a difference in a parent giving their child a bath, where the child is naked for the bath, and being around a nude adult, if people can't see the difference in those two, then I don't know what to tell you. Question 3 Answer: I will go to a moderate sim, if and when I need to, no problem, most content will continue on, going to moderate sims, so I will not be changing how I view them sims. Question 4 Answer: I don't really see any change here, I think content will still be more then available for us, however the days of making children's clothing with a big old budge in the front are over, I never did like that, it always looked wrong to me. But I do see and I do think creators will be more aware of the changes when making items. Question 5 Answer: The modesty layers, are not that big of a deal now that they are in the form of BOM, in real life you have underwear on, so I do not see how having to have them on your avatar would matter much. I have always kept my body covered up or alfaed out because I know there are people out there that would de-render my mesh clothing, it a problem not only for us but for everyone in second life. Question 6 Answer: Well when it comes to the protection of children both real life and virtual I am in favor for having a safe environment in which to reside in. The Nudity restrictions on child avatars I do not agree with, I do not support, I still think children avatars should be allowed to have a bath naked, as long as it is in the privacy of there homes, having to have a modesty layer on in the bath tube is just stupid and unrealistic. I think children having there diaper changed again at home, there is nothing wrong with a moments during the diaper change of being bare bottomed. Same thing for potty training or going to the bathroom. When people make the attempt to take normal childhood nudity and make it into something sexual I have a problem with that. I have voiced my concerns to Linden Lab on why it a bad idea and why there should be an exception. Now then over all I feel the changes are a positive thing, if they serve as a protection, but at the same time I do not feel the changes will stop people that have bad motives in there mind and heart to do what ever it is they do. At the end of the day, they own the platform, they own the servers that we log into, I am all for protesting what you don't like but at the end of the day you have to comply or take the chance on getting banned at some point. And for most of us the 2nd is not even an option. There will always be changes within second life, some people will like them some people will not, but one thing for sure the hate towards our community must end. We have a right to be here as much as anyone else.
  9. LoL not sure if I understand the question, are you saying that when a child avatar feels depressed and lonely their adult alt should visit them?
  10. I am aware of the TOS changes, I was simply pointing out that there are times when it is justified , and I have expessed this with second life. and Yes I do follow TOS to the letter. I always have and I always will
  11. I am open to answering people's questions if they have questions re-guarding child avatars.
  12. I love your post, you shouldn't worry about getting heat, for expressing your feelings, I mean the thread that Linden Lab closed on the layers got so out of hand, because 1 person saw it as an opportunity to bully us, for not having their option. I said it before and I'll say it again, hell I may even say it 100 more times lol, children avatars shouldn't be nude, unless it is for a bath, potty training, diaper changes ETC, some people will take that and twist it to their sick view, but that is natural part of life. Now as fr as the Mostly layers go, I don't mind having underwear on, as far as the bare chest goes, ou don't have to worry because if there is nothing there, but a flat chest they have all ready said it is fine, unless they went back on that. Your never going to find 100% acceptance, that is true of any group within second life. Not just ours. However when people start to mistreat you because of the way you are (Child Avatar, Furry what ever ETC . . . .) they are being a cyber bully and you can report them to linden lab for it and you should, once it becomes no longer expressing your option and turns to harassment by the way I was once told by someone that if they had it their way we would all be exterminated, any time I would run into that person they would come on voice and be like I"m DE-render that, I don't want that in my second life. People will always find a way to be hurtful, don't let it get to you, they're just wanting to get a rise out of you, in short they are trolling you. Again great post, keep on expressing yourself and let people know how you feel. Open communication is one of the greatest and most positive way we can get people to see who we are as a community.
  13. I was referring to when you come across real life children, that need to be protected from what we know is out there, and they do not know. You can't turn a blind eye when you come across small children in second life, youngest person I came across was maybe 5 years old and I had no choice but to report them I felt lik a jerk for doing it but I still had to, for there own good.
  14. Well it comes down to most children avatars want to be seen, treated as, viewed as and interacted as if we were real children I get that totally do. And in some cases you'll find children avatars will force the issue on you, I have been guilty of that in the past myself, however I have learned to adjust and as much as it may kill me you can't always be like that, because you can't force someone to rp with you, and if you try it ends badly. And I also understand why someone would want to force themselves on someone, with so much hate that goes around, but it the wrong way to do things. mes tak lik dis n u'll find dat mes wil alwa b lik dis But because I do own a business within second life there are times I have to drop it and talk more like this, it doesn't take anything away form who I am to give people the respect they deserve, just as we want to be respected. another thing I have learned over the years is English is not every body's language, so talking like (hewwo dar mes is Mags) They're not going to be able to pick up on what your saying, and if they're using a translator it will come out as meanless giribish. So I have learned to be more open minded when it comes to speaking with people.
  15. That is a good and touchy subject, I have come across real life children, some so young that I don't even know how they got onto second life, in that case I do what any responsible adult would do, I report them to second life, letting them know there is an underage child within second life. That may sound mean and cruel to some, but I know 1st hand by all the nasty im I have gotten from being a virtual child, I know it not a safe environment for real life children, so I act according to protect the welfare of that child. There have been times when I have come across children that were with there rl parents in that case I voice my options and concerns to the parents then I step away. There are predators within second life, that pray on and stock children virtual and other wise. As an adult in rl you have to do the right thing, because rl children are at highest risk for them. Don't get me wrong even virtual children are at risk, but it not the same thing. Another problem rl children that come in, don't come in as child avatars so that is another problem within itself. I've heard stories where people have gotten involved with a real life child thinking they were an adult. So yes it is a huge problem, and pretending it not ant going to make it any better. In closing I will say I am very nice, and kind to anyone I meet within second life, but even more so I feel they are a real child, and I do worry about their safety, because having been a part of second life for so long I know the kind of creepy people that they can come into contact with, it all of our responsibilities to protect real life children.
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