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Rene Erlanger

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Posts posted by Rene Erlanger

  1. Nice twist....Iran has nothing to gain by closing the Straits of Hormuz.....sorry i'm not inclined to believe the State Dept propaganda machine.....it's as credible as the WMD stories used to attack Iraq the 2nd time around.

    " Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said closing the Strait of Hormuz, the passageway for about a fifth of the world’s oil trade, is an option if his country’s security is endangered. “There is no decision to block and close the Strait of Hormuz unless Iran is threatened seriously and somebody wants to tighten the noose,” Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee said on the Charlie Rose show, according to a transcript of the interview. “All the options are or would be on the table.

    Iran has no history of being an aggressor State since the 1800's, there's no mileage into believing it has plans to occupy any neighbouring Arab state or attack Israel. US are stoking the fires again.....fixing another bogus excuse to intervene militarily. The neo-Cons and the Military Corporations no doubt are rubbing their hands!!

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speeches about wiping off Israel (2005) were rants regarding the treatment of the Palestinians. He might be the Iranian Prime Minister, but he does not hold real power. The Ayatollahs run the show in Iran....and Ahmadinejad is currently out of favour with Ayatollah Khamenei. (At a news conference on January 14, 2006, Ahmadinejad stated his speech had been exaggerated and misinterpreted.)

    Europe buy their Oil from a variety different Oil Producing countries including a lot from war-torn Libya. We're not paranoid over Iran as the Republicans are. Again, Iran is not an aggressor State....I see the U.S more of a threat to world peace, by throwing it's weight around in the Middle East when it really isn't needed. They need to stay out of that region...which has already witnessed 4 wars in the last 20 years.

    So according to you, Israels' nukes are for self-defence.....but if Iran possesses Nukes it would be seen as threatening the region? I fail how you can justify one country arming itself with nukes but not the other! (prferably neither country should have them)

  2. I can assure you here in Europe, we don't feel threatened by Iran...that's just poppycock!

    Sure you might point to the fact that Iran have sponsored Terrorism , but then again the CIA have sponsored Coups and placed despot Dictators & Regimes into power around the globe for the best part of 60 years. Not to mentioning arming thsese same despot regimes.....weapons to the Afghan Mujahdeen for example (in the hands of the Taliban) or providing weapons to Saddam to use against Iran. I consider the U.S  a greater threat to world peace, with their under-the-table deals they keep doing....than the Mullahs of Tehran!

    You forget to mention that Israel has around 200 Nukes and are not a signed member to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    US Oil reserves are in the Gulf of Mexico & off the Atlantic...it's not that easy to extract compared to Land, especially with such turbulent weather system in that region.

  3. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

    There is no difference in Iran having a nuclear weapon and North Korea having a nuclear weapon...........zero, zilch.  North Korea has nuclear weapons already and it's a huge threat to the world.  So because of that and North Korea having the weapon we should just throw up our arms on Iran?  How about Vensuela and Hugo Chavez.......lets shrug our shoulders on that too.  How about Syria?  I could go on but you get the message.  When you countries run by tyrants who have no regard for human life you just can't sit idly by while they threaten to destroy anyone they disagree with.  Isreal, Pakistan, India, France, the UK, Russia and China at least have some regard for their citizens and have some working relationship with the world at large....they are not likely to indescriminately toss some nuclear bomb at one of their adversaries.  Iran has openly vowed to wipe Isreal off the map and there's every reason to believe that they will as soon as they believe they can do it.  In Iran's and North Korea's case you are not dealing with rational people.  North Korea is a problem but there's nothing we can do about it now except deal with it.........Iran would be another problem but there is something we can do about it.  We should have learned from our experiences in North Korea (but we wanted to talk about it and that's how well that worked out). 

    I'm afraid Ron Paul would want to talk about it.........that worries me.  But over our present President, I'll take my chances with Dr. Paul any day.

    US focuses on Iran, because it has the 3rd largest Oil reserve whereas North Korea has zero economic value...despite remaining a threat to both South Korea and Japan. North Korea is run by despots, not necessarily the case with Iran (hardline religious fundamentalists).

    I've seen documentaries whereby Iran held out an olive branch to the U.S during the late 90's when Khatami took over the reigns....yet it's U.S Govt rejected their offer, it's no wonder Iran remains hostile towards the U.S (but not necessarily towards Europe). I don't see them as an aggressor State as was the case with Iraq (invasion of Kuwait)

    You should worry more about the security of the old Soviet Union's stockpile of Nuclear weapons....and getting into the wrong hands!

  4. What is the difference between Iran having the nucleur bomb and North Korea? I think Iran being an agrressor state is more US propaganda.....into prepping for yet another war on a soverign state! Iran has not attacked any neighbouring country since the 1800's (Iraq started their 8yr war)

    Is the world a safer place with Israel, Pakistan and India possessing Nucleur weapons?

  5. Ron Paul's speech on Foreign policy makes sense.....and one which most Europeans could identify with!

    Who is the dipstick at the beginning of the video?....I can't believe they have Presidential candidates like that! It's frightening... as he seems the type that would lead the U.S into WW3....or figure out a way on attacking attack Iran next!

    The arms industry must be getting hungry again!


    Can't believe how ignorant that audience are ....was it loaded with neo-con voters? Fox News broadcasting it?



  6. It's not necessarily the UI design that determines whether ti will be able to log into SL or not...it's the engine i.e the Library files that the offical LL viewers uses that counts. Coolviewer retains a 1.23 UI, but runs on the V3 client coding & libraries and can view Mesh, Shadows and all the other important bits. It would be rather difficult to prevent the CoolViewer from logging in without crippling the login process of their own official LL viewers.

  7. JeanneAnne wrote:

    The only things I've stolen in SL are a couple slave girl collars but those idjits had it comin. I don't object to being considered a freeloader in SL. Most SL players are!
    In fact, the Wikipedia says that the "vast majority" of SL players play for free
    . If content creators or those with premium accounts or those who pay tier, et al., resent us freeloaders, what are you going to do about it? Who are you going to blame? Us? LoL It's only rational to get for free what you don't have to pay for! The irrational behavior is on the part of those who pay for what they can have for free. You can resent us freeloaders all you want but it is
    LL who allows, nay... encourages! free accounts
    . Direct your resentment where it's due Perrie. It's LL who takes advantage of you, not us freeloaders. They're the ones ripping you off, not me & others like me. I'm on your side. I'd like to see us SL residents, users, players... stand in solidarity against the oppressor. Boggles my mind that the worst oppressed are their strongest defenders tho.. LoL Human nature sure is weird!



    Again you have mis-interpreted what Wikipedia states.......it is very true that most SL'ers play for Free ....as only a minority percentage of SL'ers pay LL for Premium membership. It does not mean that whilst they have a "free account" they don't rent land or even buy Estate sims or buy Linden dollars to spend on the Grid. I had a bunch of Sims on a "Free Account" for a few years before I decided to buy Premium Membership. ( as I wanted to buy a SIM on Mainland)

  8. JeanneAnne wrote:

    Rene Erlanger wrote:

    Ok Rene. Good job! You've managed to pull off what very few have accomplished.

    As much as you try to inflate the numbers of those who have done what you have, tho, you have to recognize that your accomplishment is rare. For each person like you there are scores or hundreds who just manage to break even on tier & upload fees by means of inworld endeavors. And those who even bother with some sortuv inworld economic activity are a minority compared to those who just enjoy SL for free.

    So don't try to justify or rationalize LL's business model by what the elite few such as yourself have managed to accomplish. That is simply disingenious.



    I don't inflate the numbers at all.....as i have never discussed nor showed or even know how many SL businesses make profits. It would be a tiny amount....probably a lot less than your 4% you keeping banding about. It's probably less than 1% (which would mean 8000 - 9000 businesses) even.

    The figures i've always shown are those SL'ers that contribute to the platform, pay for rents, buy lindens or have businesses (so recieve money & pay money) On thats score about 25% of monthly repeat logins is about right. That has nothing to do with profits or cashing out ...of which there would only be a few!

    Again if it wasn't for all those people paying for Linden Land and Sims....you wouldn't really have a Second Life to enjoy. Linden Lab are not going to host all these Sims for Free....it's their main source of income!

  9. JeanneAnne wrote:

     You don't want to admit how blatantly LL has played you for a sucker, do you? I don't really blame you. Most ppl will attempt to defend their egos the way you do, even to the point of appearing ridiculous. Anything rather than have to admit to themselves that a corporation has made a chump of them.


    Not really...i'm well ahead of the eight-ball and have always cashed out regularly over the last 5 years. LL's platform has allowed me to do this......but that doesn't mean i have to like them or agree with some of their policies & strategies!

  10. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Celest, indeed, she was a psycho paranoid personality....but I do laugh at the whole 'Hit Squad' thing (more names forthcoming).  During all of her ranting on her blog...not once...not once did any of her 'friends' call her on her insanity.  Their voices were silent and so she raged.

    She did not last long once mods moved in.  They had her number.

    I took a break from these forums for most of 2011, so i didn't see her departure from here. I was quite surprised when i re-joined these forums....that she was no longer posting for whatever reason.

    As you well know, I had a series of running battles with her that probably stretched well over a year. She was in my mind one the nastiest forum trolls i've come across in many a year. She wasn't right in the head!

  11. Some SL'ers are overly sensitive and need extra pampering of their egos.....they'll complain about any little thing.

    I wouldn't worry about it....it's too minor an infringement. At worst the Group owner could boot you out f the Group.....LL themselves won't be interested in the slightest!

  12. JeanneAnne wrote:

    Rene Erlanger wrote:

    .....now go and preach your Communism elsewhere!

    How about you go & lick the feet of your corporate overlords elsewhere, Rene?

    Don't forget to pay your tier now... :smileyvery-happy:


    If us Residents didn't pay the Tiers or rents.....you'd have nowhere to go In Second Life outside the Welcome Info Hubs.:matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

    The creativity also comes from it's residents! They're not going to dedicate 1000's of hours of their RL leisure time to build out the content you see in Second Life, without some sort of remuneration.

    You're absolutely clueless.....Linden lab are effectively a hosting company that provides virtual land and functionality through their coding, they're not content builders. Don't expect them to create your skins, hair or dresses!!



  13. Statistics are very important in terms of gauging LL success....not necessarily regarding individual Merchants.

    Many Merchants will make decent Income regardless of the market conditions. It's like RL recession, there are businesses like Pawn Brokers that make more money than under stable Market conditions. Meeroo creators would be rolling in cash regardless of what SL economy is doing.

    It is important to know how LL is doing though.....if they went into red and closed shop, it doesn't matter if your name is Ahnse Chung,...as we all go down with the sinking ship!  If LL are losing 500 Estate sims per month like they did last month, you ought to be concerned....as at some point they'll be hitting their break-even point, which would lead to more staff lay-offs at best or possible closure as worst case scenario!

  14. JeanneAnne wrote:

    Rene Erlanger wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Untrue Rene.

    I was initially using figures from the Wikipedia and later using your own figures. I made some assumptions, as did you, and I also eliminated those who paid circa $8 or less per month to play because the issue was "contributes substantially." This is hardly "pure mumbo jumbo" and it is dishonest for you to claim that it is. The point is that it hardly matters whether 4% or 25% of players actually contribute to LL profit, or that .01% or 4% actually make a RL living from SL businesses. The fact remains that those who pay into SL are the minority, while the majority of SL players play for free. The fact of the matter is that under LL's unfair business model, the few subsidize the many.


    lol wikipedia....you do make me laugh.

    What I think is funny is how willing you are to argue over trivia while completely ignoring the fact that Linden Labs is supported entirely by the minority of SL players who have premium accounts, pay tier &/or upload fees, while the majority of players play absolutely for free.

    Do you think that's fair? Do you think you're being taken advantage of? Why do you pay for something when most of the rest of us don't? Is SL so important to you that you're willing to subsidize a corporation and millions of play-for-free users with your own funds, time & creativity? Why do you allow yourself to be treated this way? Why are so many so willing to jump to the defense of the corporation that treats them this way? Are people actually so crazy that they take this make believe computer simulation game


    It's hard when you remain so ignorant!  Let's put it another way....I receive more than i pay out to LL.That has been the case for the last 5 years! :matte-motes-tongue:

    Lots of people make money from SL by investing either money or creativity. It's always been the case.....now go and preach your Communism elsewhere!

  15. CoolViewer...has 1.23 UI with V3 Library files....so you can view Mesh, shadows and all the other bells & whistles .(in 1.26.2 or 1.26.3 CV versions)

    The CV Developer plugged some memory leaks that LL & other TPV left out. Out of all the SL Viewers i have tried including LL official ones...this uses the least RAM and leaks less memory over time than any other viewer. In the "Advance Menu" you can tick "Allow Swapping" which helps too!

    If the memory bar graph is yellow or red while the bias increases (and the textures blur as a result), this is because of a low main memory condition. If you use "Allow swapping" is like lowering the "Draw distance" as it lowers the number of textures in the camera field of view and thus allocate more memory to the textures of the closer objects. This is Cool VL Viewer specific feature (the other Viewers would simply crash in such conditions).

    I've left my Avatar unattended for hours in a static position doing nothing and the CPU Memory usage would be somewhere between 50 -80k using Coolviewer....any other Viewer would be in the low 100's under similar conditions, (100k to 300k)

    The CoolViewer Developer stated that  "One thing is certain: mesh viewers use 20% more memory than non-mesh viewers, and 1Gb of RAM is not really comfortable an amount for them..."

  16. The Lab are notoriously slow in clamping down on SL crime.....it's always been that way! If you have the ear of an Linden employee...that will most likely be the quickest and most effective way of getting something done.

    I'm not sure contacting RL police will do much good in this instant....they have problems relating to some forms of internet crime i.e bringing down Sims, commited inside a Virtual world.....as opposed to a website stealing credit card numbers.

    LL hate bad publcity, particularly media and social networks......maybe you should start tweeting Rod Humble LL CEO (@rodvik)....see what that does. He's currently got his hands full with the way his CS team have treated Ina Centaur. (another story for another occasion, unless you're following Twitter)

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