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Rene Erlanger

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Posts posted by Rene Erlanger

  1. It will be hard work for any in-world Advertising Company to get you any decent exposure......when battling against the irresistible force that is Marketplace!  Linden Lab chose to heavily promote Marketplace in their official viewers and website.......so that's where a big slice of shopping traffic has gone to. :matte-motes-impatient:

    I'm not saying it's impossible......but it's hard swimming against the current!

    It's like having Linden Lab afford a 2 Million Linden dollar Classified advert, which no other in-world company could  possibly match........hence those Advertising companies start out with a handicap!

  2. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    if you are still looking..check out skybeam..they have been around  since i can remember..

    i've been there since like 2007..and they are a great community..and like 20 sims also..

    and they are always having community parties and change of seasons and all kinds of good stuff..

    just food for thought ..

    there are really good estate owners out there..

    i was real lucky to find one very early on =)

    The owner of Skybeam, Charlene Trudeau  is a friend of mine......I second what you said....awesome Landlady and would highly recommend her.!

    Melody Regent of Regent Estates is very good too as is Alliez Mysterio of Alliez Estates.....all 3 have been in the Rental Business for a number of years. Very stable Estates.

  3. You can keep the money...i'll keep the ideas! :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

    Anyways, they didn't really implemented it....there's wasn't an Arts Continent in the end (M.Linden's only decent idea).....and the "Best of SL Sims" wasn't never on their roadmap.

    The Realms thing wasn't extacly what i had in mind,  as that is more "Quest" orientated.....my version, was for a series of individual Games and Sports (Race Track, Golf, Board games, Archery, Water sports, Skiing & Snowboarding, Bob-run, 10 pin bowling, SL Games etc etc.....so it was a bit different and all FREE with no commerce.)


    The key part....it was meant to be included as part of a "official New Resident Tour" ....an alternative to what new residents had been experiencing the previous 7-8 years with those trashy Welcome Areas.

  4. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Rene Erlanger wrote:

     .......i suggested a continent for immersive Gaming (not only for Newbies, but General public could also use) 

    Stuff and nonsense! You're making it up in an attempt to get my commission. But it won't work!

    Not at all Phil.:matte-motes-wink-tongue:....i wrote 2 or 3 identical posts at the time....one was on a Linden Blog, 1 was on XStreet Merchant forums (Dartagan Shepherd would remember it, as he complimented me for it, whilst we're busy disagreeing on other aspects!).....and 1 in the General Discussion area which would probably have been ignored like the majority of my postings! lol

  5. Realms was one of the better ideas Linden Lab implemented....and I'm really happy about that!

    Some time during 2010 i wrote a couple of posts requesting LL should create a few mini -continents to make it far more interesting for new residents......it was around the time M.Linden was proposing a 70-sim continent for the Arts. (He got fired shortly afterwards)

    So along with the Art Continent .......i suggested a continent for immersive Gaming (not only for Newbies, but General public could also use).....and another mini-Continent to be a museum of SL best (ex) Sims.....to include the likes of Greenies, Lost Gardens of Apollo, Twin Cities of Romenna, Nemo Trilogy sims etc etc....but without any commerical activities whatsoever.

    The goal was to hopefully improve SL retention rates....and that these Continents would be included on the Official Newbie tour once they've learnt the basic controls of their Viewer......as opposed to releasing them onto the main Grid or those awful griefing Welcome Areas. I think by seeing the very best of Second Life.....one is more incline to stay or at least give it a fair try-out.

    I know ...I know.....I'm ahead of my time!   LL know where to reach me!  :matte-motes-wink-tongue:



  6. Twitter/ Facebook movement (where protests were being organised)....managed to topple Middle Eastern dictatorships. Governments recognise people power now....and probably scared of it!


    Maelstrom...those Bills are wolf in sheep clothing masquerading as dealing with copyright issues, when really the ultriamotive is to shut down areas where people can congregate, exchange ideas or show the injustices via Media. ie Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, WikiLeaks etc

  7. PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    Rene Erlanger wrote:

    ...No,  Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer!....


    Implying that all the alts he created to continue his campaign were griefers?  He was a pest, unwilling to engage in any sort of debate or tolerate any disagreement.  Hell he even argued with people trying to help him find the right avenues of communication.

    Nah, I don't miss any of the spammy trolls.

    ...well it comes down to one's own tolerance levels.....some here are very intolerant    you only have to sneeze the wrong way and you're in the dog house....whilst for others it's water off a duck's back!

    In the grand scheme of things, arguing on Internet forums over non-events....is wasted energy imo!

     I liked Wasted Engineer for all his craziness...because his threads broke up the tedium of the Forum at times ,when there were a lack of interesting topics around. He offered something different (even if it were wacky.....but he was sincere in his beliefs)


  8. I hope the Americans vote for candidates who oppose these kind of Bills in their up and coming elections.

    Who dreams this stuff up? A few old fogies who recieve back-handers from Big Business no doubt!

    It kind of looks like companies like Second Life, we'll need to re-locate & register in another off-shore country / Island that are out of reach of these Laws. No one owns the Internet!


  9. Latisha Pexie wrote:

    Wasted generally responded to people in the same manner in which they would reply to him. He never seemed to mind me, even when we would have differing opinions. lol but he WAS notorious for starting dozens of threads in the same day with the exact same topic. (Which is where I was drawing my comparison..Or rather, contrast, to the current situation.) It really is unfortunate that we experienced Wasted around the same time period as the mass linden spamming. Someone as epic as Wasted really deserved the spotlight all to themselves.

    His heart was in the right place......and at times he could communicate quite normal, like when discussing which Guitar he should buy. He also had some sort of RL ailment or sickness.....which isn't great when in the prime of his life age wise.

  10. Could this SOPA bill take down foreign domain sites.? I understand they could block access from the States to that website though.

    I think the U.S Govt was greatly embarassed by WikiLeaks.....and are now trying to assert more control over the Internet by dictating what's it's population can or cannot access to.


    It's ironic that the U.S has slogans like the "land of the Free"....when in actual fact their citizen's civil liberties have eroded away over the last years, so much so....that's it's less "Free" than other Western democracies.

  11. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    i used to love to bump his posts to the next page..it made him so mad  hehehehehe

    He did have some funny replies though....like "you're a stinky fish" or something like that! I use to crack up at some of his comments.

    It was all light hearted at the end of the day....even his fiercest critics probably had a chuckle or two.:matte-motes-wink:

  12. Kobuk Farshore wrote:

    I'm sort of disappointed that LL isn't supporting the SOPA/PIPA blackouts today. These are bills that -- if passed -- will affect internet freedom for all of us worldwide, not just Americans, and on a narrower focus would certainly affect us in SL.While I do agree with stopping internet piracy, SOPA and PIPA are vague and ridiculous bills that would put far too much power for net censorship in the wrong hands, while doing very little to acheive their goal.

    forum has gone dark today to protest along with international user-generated sites like Wikipedia and Boing Boing. I guess I expected to see
    from LL about it today. :smileyindifferent:

    lol - Linden Lab should support a blackout, given the amount of pirated content lying around in the Second Life Grid!

  13. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Shelby Silverspar wrote:

    can't be WE, there has been no talk of gambling games or the saving of the teenagers, and not nearly enough typos and nonsensical prose. trolls have a lot of work to do to even come
    to the epic rants WE treated us to. ahh, good times...


    Sometimes I really do miss Wasted. 

    As crazy as he was it made for some great threads/discussions and I did admire his tenacity.  I never looked at him as just being a 'griefer.'   I think he honestly believed what he posted about.

    lol same here....i often defended him, even though his behaviour was bizarre at times. I guess I tend to side with the underdog or someone that is rounded on by the masses.(gang-banging!)

    No,  Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer! The complaints he wrote, he believed in passionately.....it's just that he went about his protesting in the wrong way.

    Some of his protests and ramblings were actually proven to be correct and ones that i supported him in..e.g the call for Jack Linden to resign.....who in the end, was booted out by LL and rightly so.



  14. Charolotte Caxton wrote:

    That's good to know. I get all my info from the media.

    That and all the people I know that are not spending as much as they used to.

    Probably because of the media scare? That or because of lost jobs etc.


    Like I said, it is very bad for sure....especially in places like Greece, Portugal, possibly Ireland, Italy and Spain that near bankrupt. All their credit ratings marked down....even France. Despite all that, 80-90% in all of those countries and elsewhere in the Western World are employed....people are still hanging out in Bars, Restaurants and going on Holidays.

    News services are notorious for reporting mostly bad news.....the good or happy bits are normally save at the end of the broadcast.

    US is ok...the Federal Reserve just print money endlessly, because of Oil being priced in Dollars -rofl ..

    Man 16 Trillion dollars debt, that's near imposible to repay.


  15. Jeenkie wrote:

    The land is owned by Govener Linden ans the group is Maintenance. Would that make it estate land ? I am pretty sure it is on the mainland. Thanks for your help ! : )

    It's Mainland

    The only places Mr Linden offers a double-prim bonus are Bay City, Shermerville and Nautilus sims....everywhere else will be according to those Land/Prim charts you read.

  16. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    BUT merchants are -NOT- the heart of what keeps SL alive. Merchants are part of the food chain, but the ecosystem all of us fish are swimming in, the fishtank itself... that's the places we all go to to do things in SL.

    Merchants -ARE- a very important piece of the puzzle,
    but you could have an SL without them
    , while you could not have an SL without places to go to.



    Sorry, but that's a silly statement.....it sounds like Merchants are just shop keepers.....when in fact they are Creators who sell their products.....they are designer, manufacturer, advertiser and shop keeper all rolled into one.


    Without Creators (your Merchants)....Second Life landscape would be empty aside from the builds created by LL Moles and you would be running around naked or  wearing clothes donated to your Inventory Library.

    I suggest the Creators are the heart of Second Life.....the Sun of our SL solar system of which everything else rotates around......without it, none of the side businesses would exist unless they are an acceptable entertainment expense to some Sim owners.


    By the way,  Cartonimals is closing down very shortly. Worth viewing those wonderful animals one last time.


    Side note. It works for IMVU just having a shopping site for their Creators, but it's a different model...as your don't pay tiers for their Rooms....Second Life is heavily reliant on Land Tiers.


  17. Charolotte Caxton wrote:

    I haven't been here long enough to speculate on the decline of sims in SL
    but I bet it has more to do with RL situations
    , such as less time for luxuries because of economics and all that jazz. SL is a luxury I think and those that derive an income from it are leaving in droves because it doesn't make economical sense I think.



    Marketplace pumped/ promoted  through LL's official V2 & V3 viewers are responsible of shifting shopping traffic from In-World to Marketplace.....hence tons of Commercial closures since Spring of last year.

    The Recession is real bad...no doubt about it, especially with rising food & energy costs. Whilst some countries are worst than others.....it's not exactly the Great Depression though,  where money was losing value daily due to hyper-inflation. At the end of the day, employment levels in most Western Countries are still ranging from 90%-10% to 80% -20% splits.....it's still very bad....but not as bad as Media makes out. There's still lots of people spending money in RL


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