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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

    Have those new accounts done anything bad to you...or do you just feel they aren't worthy to visit your place?

    We have visited this topic before.

    No one has to justify banning any individual, or class of individual from their property

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  2. 1 minute ago, J4NE Zane said:

    Thank you for all your replies, I'll sit on the roof with a shot gun. lol

    Make sure you enable life first.

    I wanted a friend of mine to set up his property for the gold hunt quest, then we could at snipe anyone that showed up, but he was afraid there would be something ARable about that. 


  3. 1 minute ago, J4NE Zane said:

    Yes I banned child avatars from mine but putting an account age limit takes some controlling :)


    There's nothing more satisfying than watch a child avi flying off your property when you eject and ban them.


    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Bastilla Loon said:

    Also true in real life.

    I generally try to keep my ARC under 100,000.  I'll echo what some others say; there is sometimes a single object that shoots your complexity way up, and it's way out of line with what that object needs.  Some designers are better than others at making mesh objects that don't use way too many polygons.  Sometimes you get something that looks like it ought to be simple, but is way over-subdivided.

    I'm usually right around 100,000. When i'm at a club I'll render each person in turn. If i like what i see, they stay rendered, otherwise its back to jelly land for them

  5. 27 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    Reminds me of a lag-pit of a place we cynics used to call "Boredom Ranch", over on the "Feedumb Incontinent"...

    50 over scripted avatars all standing about waiting for one of the other 49 to IM them and say "Hi ur hawt, wanna kinky poseball with some badly written para?"


    I went there several times and not once did anyone say anything in local.


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  6. On 12/28/2017 at 3:28 PM, Talligurl said:

    So we get a whole sim full of people who are afraid to speak to each other? 

    That's sounds like any random s e x sim one might happen to visit

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  7. 4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I wonder if you can define as a town - not just a beach - as "Nude OK, No sexual activity allowed" - like Real Life nude resorts, and get away with being "Moderate"?

    On a moderate sim, any land owner can designate any part of his property as nudity permitted. 

    I've lost track of how many property owners on moderate sims have told me to cover up because being nude on moderate is against the TOS.

    To be honest I think a lot of them know it isn't against TOS to be nude on a moderate sim, they just want to make LL look like the heavy instead of showing themselves to be uptight prudes.

    And yes I'm fully aware of "their parcel, their rules" which is why I leave without making a fuss when they say something.


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  8. 18 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Interesting definition of Moderate vs. Adult at that link:

    Is simple nudity without sex Adult?

    Depending on context, nudity may not require an Adult rating. For example all of the following could be rated Moderate:

    • A nude beach without sexual activity.
    • Skin vendors showing a nude skin to display the product.
    • Nude art that is not sexual.
    • Strip clubs that do not use adult words in search or host sex furniture.

    Depending on the context, exposed genitalia may not be considered Adult. For example:

    • Hanging out at a nude beach would be fine.
    • Walking around pants-less on the mainland could be inappropriate.

    Non-sexualized depictions of nudity are Moderate NOT Adult.

    I love how LL contradicts itself. Non sexual nudity is fine, but on the other hand, walking around nude isn't fine.

    *rolls eyes*

    Sometimes  I think LL rules are not meant to clarify, but to create confusion

  9. 1 minute ago, Tari Landar said:

    Which is why someone mentioned the inability to actually "be real"-I'm paraphrasing there.

    If we had more, or rather, different, sliders, we could match the asymmetrical nature of the human body(all human bodies are, after all)..but that would make creating an avatar even more confusing(albeit interesting too), and opens up a whole 'nother can of worms I don't think most people care to fiddle with.

    But if our goal is to create some standard of perfection, our "ideal" self, why would anyone care to introduce imperfections?

    But to be honest some peoples dream avatar is another persons nightmare.

    As in while standing in a busy club with a gf saying in IM...OMFG look at the butt on her.


  10. 3 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    Unless the breasts are surgically changed(and even in many, perhaps most, of those cases too) a woman's breasts are never actually the same size or shape (even though the differences in them may be difficult to tell just by eyeballing them). The same can be said of most things we which humans have multiple of too..testicles, ears, eyes(yes, even eyes aren't matched), etc..Human bodies are weird lil beasts of their own nature ;) 

    of course, but there are reasonable limits to how accurately we can recreate a human body in avatar form.

  11. 7 hours ago, Clover Jinx said:

    That would be cool too. What I was referring to was the actual boobs themselves. Left boob size and gravity. Right boob size and gravity.

    I could say so many things about that other post but um, nope.

    Why would you want breasts that were differently shaped from each other or hang differently?

    Perhaps there should be separate sliders for left and right side features of the face too.


  12. my bad, here is the cost, from that link above

    Upon creation of a custom surname, the account designated as owner will be billed a US$500 setup fee plus the first annual US$500 fee. 

    aaaaand, no personal last names allowed, you must be a corporation of some sort. I think its to allow members of your organization to all have the same last name.

    So short answer to your question, no its not even possible to buy an individual, personal last name

  13. 1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:


    But then she thinks she'll look like a tiny titted anorexic conservative teenybopper :D:P

    @Yasojith Just stay a teddy bear, that attracts almost everyone.


    yes its true, my political orientation slider is set at 85

  14. 1 minute ago, janetosilio said:

    Also, this is why I said you have to be happy with your shape. Some rando telling you what the ideal shape is....well there’s always going to be some rando with an opinion and it’s going to be different from the last rando. That’s why they make all different bodies and shape sliders go from 0-100.

    As with many things, the best results are usually found in a mid range of say between 40 and 60. There is nothing worse than a system avatar that looks like it was drawn with a straight edge, which is what you get when sliders max out at 100.

    For the most part, mesh avatars took care of all of that, get the right mesh avatar, and one can be curvy as one wishes and still look good, based on the limitations of the attached mesh body


  15. 2 minutes ago, Yasojith said:

    @BilliJo Aldrin , glad to see you have the same taste. Also here is another "perfect" female avatar I saw. Please note that other men might have different tastes, but most my guy friends agree this kind of look is the best for "long term relationships" :)



    There are two lines of thought concerning what constitues a beautiful well made female avatar. 

    One basically keeps a starter avatar style shape with minor adjustments to the sliders to get a better body proportion. Add a mesh body and maybe a mesh head, some nice hair and a generous wardrobe of mesh clothes.

    Camp two thinks that a person must deviate as far as possible from the starter avi to really "personalize" themselves.  They have grossly exagetrated body dimensions and a motto of "the curvier the better".

    They are also fond of talking in a particular form of gutter english, and their telephone ring tone is usually a sample of this song.


    Some members of each camp detests the "others" with a passion.


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  16. Just now, Yasojith said:

    I think most real life females using female avatars by expecting the attention from men. The problem is most female shapes designed by women and women have no idea what kind of female shape attracted for men. Also its different in each mens view but most guys told me most of the female avatars are not their type. Here is one of the best avatar shape I ever see in SL and I couldn't resist to hug her :D



    wow she could almost be my twin.

    Yet another proof that I'm perfect. Thank you


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