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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 1 minute ago, Nalytha said:

    I'm not a victim and I still think we have a long way to go... some of us are unwilling to accept the status quo, and thank God. Because if everyone accepted things as they were, we'd still be bowing to a Queen on a far away island, selling slaves at the docs, and making sure our water fountains weren't tainted by "those people." 

    Hyperbole once again. Why do I bother?

  2. Officer,  i was just mugged.

    Can you give me a description? Age, sex, height, weight, clothes,  color?

    Oh you racist pig,  I don't see sex, age, height, weight, socio economic status or color.

    I only see human beings of equal worth and one of them just robbed me, so keep your prejudices to yourself and go find them



    • Haha 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Yes, there's always going to be a few who abuse their newly discovered power. But I'd venture to say there are far, far more in a protected class who are genuinely discriminated against even now. And so it's ridiculous to bring up the example you have really. What's next...the welfare queen story?

    Its funny  I look at civil rights and marvel at how far we have come, the "victims" look and say omg we've barely started, look at how far we still have to go.

    *as long as one Confederate flag still flies anywhere in america*

    • Haha 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

    Ah, the old "It's their own fault" argument. The Constitution should be taken literally when it comes to guns, but not literally when it says "All men are created equal." Now, of course we understand it truly didn't mean ALL at its inception, but a majority of Americans like to think we take it literal now. Except we don't.

    We have certain inalienable rights... to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is in no way shape or form guaranteed.

    And we are created equal, that doesn't mean we are entitled to all finish equal.

    Those that try harder succeed, those that choose to wallow in the mire of their own existence, end up finishing there.

    Actually you can thank LBJ and his great society for partially destroying the black lower class and ensuring generational poverty and dependence on the government welfare state. Why marry the father of your kids when the government will give you a check.

    Gotta love those democrats.

    Here is a fun read.


    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Gadget Portal said:

    A business should be able to turn anyone away for any reason at all, RL and SL.

    They then have to deal with the consequences, the lost traffic, lost profits, bad reputation, and so on.

    Despite common misconception, businesses are private property, not public. This applies double in SL.

    Exactly Gadget. I've worked in retail, and there's only one color in retail, its GREEN

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Nalytha said:

    Sorry, I disagree. "White Flight" is a real term here to describe the movement of whiter, more well off folks who moved just out of the city across the lake, leaving the poor minorities to rot in a city that constantly works against them. School choice sounds awesome on paper, until you realize that the poor minority students don't have the luxury of choosing to escape the crappy public school system. When you stack the deck against these folks from the time they are in preschool, it's no wonder it's hard for them to escape. Deprive them of adequate education, healthcare, and fair treatment in the justice system and we wonder why they do not flourish. Before someone jumps in with the cliche "Rise up by your bootstraps" trope, that's not my point. We say we live in a time of equality, but inequality is everywhere I look. It's not fair, and I don't have the answers. All I know how to do is acknowledge the issue is very real.  

    So you will force whites to stay where they are?

    And for the record, the majority of black people in this country are middle class or higher.

    This country is a land of boundless opportunity for anyone wiling to try and better themselves.


  7. 1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Any time we contribute to society we have a certain amount of power within our particular role. Take for example, a hospital (many if not most are privatized by now). Now if there are many hospitals within a town the hospital doesn't have as much power over us if we need their services, as we can usually go to one of the other available hospitals. But what if you live where there's only one hospital within miles -- that hospital has a lot of power. What if they decided not to allow you to visit your dying partner/child/whoever because you're a Sufi, or black, or gay? (has already happened to many gay spouses who have been banned from visiting a sick partner because they aren't considered 'family').

    Or, another example, what if you live in Podunk, USA and there's only one grocery store there, and you have no car to drive X miles to another town for food. And the owner of the grocery store doesn't like blacks, poor people, Muslims, or whatever you happen to be?
    Or maybe you need clothes and the only clothes store in town won't serve you.
    The list could go on and on.

    Posting extreme examples doesn't help your argument

  8. 1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Thanks to "government interference", prejudice against people of color is less accepted now and so a prejudiced restaurant in most parts of the country would not do as well financially.
    Studying History, I see that generally people do not generally give up a power without pressure/force/rules.

    What power? The power to decide who your customers are going to be?


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  9. 1 minute ago, lostsoul2017 said:

    fairly sure that if you went to the 'wrong' restaurant your family/community/coworkers/etc would have someone to say. we live in a social society.  no one wants to be outcast for 'doing what they feel is right'.  which is why people usually work with the government to chance these things.  think back to 1940.  how many blacks would have had the money to setup a private airline?  so if an airline put up the words "whites only".  does that mean only white people would be able to take airplanes to travel? someone who is black COULD setup an airline.  what is the chances of that person being able to secure the financing/approvals in, say Montana. it is much easier to say that the market will correct itself than to have it in real life.  there are still places that do not welcome people of color, even if the government has said they must allow them in.  just because you allow someone in, doesn't mean you are nice or welcoming in any way.


    but anyway, i'll stop commenting now so it's not a BillieJo and Lost thread LOL. others may want to comment on things.

    take care BillieJo, and happy new year.

    ahh yes, the government will legislate every social interaction to ensure "fairness". I feel so much better now.

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  10. Just now, lostsoul2017 said:

    in a perfect world yes a market place would decide.  unfortunately from history, we know that it is not true. marketplaces/finances are usually controlled by one group or another. that group usually has a privileged position in society.  that also normally leverages it's privileged position to control the access to opening new locations.  in real life, the people that could put up the 'whites only' or 'blacks only' signs in a town, may also control many other functions in that town.  permit control, inspections, etc. 

    if the market places could control equal access, then governments around the world would not have had to get involved in giving people equal access to basic human rights and dignities. 

    make no mistake, i realize fully well that people don't change their nature just because they are in SL and not in real life. People that would discriminate against others in real life will definitely discriminate against others in Second Life.  Our behavior doesn't change just because we are in a virtual world.

    I really do wish that you are right and that a market could dictate which businesses survive. Unfortunately, humans don't really have a history of doing the right thing. Marketplaces reflect upon our society as a whole.



    I'm talking about private business. Government services should be equally available to everything.

    I think forced segregation was wrong, but,  I think forced integration is equally wrong.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, lostsoul2017 said:

    the reply below is not directed AT you billijo, but at people that like to discriminate:


    absolutely they should be allowed to discriminate. i mean who wants blacks, Chineses, Woman or any other group they don't like on their property.  i'm with you.  all those women marching in the streets were silly for wanting the right to be treated equally were silly. same with those black people in the US wanting to sit anywhere on the bus or use the same restrooms.  seriously anyone should be allowed to discriminate based on anything they want to.  because we all know that human beings are fair and considerate creatures that will care about others.  *end sarcasm*   <- put here as some people MAY miss it.


    businesses in SL that discriminate may be able to do it for a long time as people treat it like a 'game' or a 'sim'. but business owners should be aware that they can actually be sued in California courts for discrimination and could cost them tens of thousands of real life dollars to fight it. not sure why they would want to take the risk.  might be easier to just write, "we welcome everyone but most of our customers are "XXXX"".


    if you are not sure if a business policy is wrong, try substitute the words "black only" or "white only"  and see if it still sounds right.  an easy way to figure things out.


    as you may tell, i may have strong feelings about people discriminating.  your feelings may differ. you may be fine with people discriminating on others.  until you face it yourself.  I respect everyone's choice to care about only themselves but personal i prefer my world and my SL to be a bit more inclusive. 


    So there's no misunderstanding, my statement included the situation of posting the words "Whites Only" or "Blacks Only" on a private business establishment, either in SL or RL.

    The marketplace should decide if a business that restricts its customer base should thrive or fail.



  12. 3 hours ago, Hunter Stern said:

    I have done some searching (after running into yet another random sim as advertising itself to only allow one gender). The reason I bring this up is because after reviewing the CS and Tos and Linden Policy links, NOTHING is truly covered other than adhering to state and federal statues where they may apply to that region , also the fact that Linden Lab Inc. is still bound by state and federal law under jurisdiction of the State of California.

    Now those technicalities out of the way, let me give you a picture  of what I feel I have encountered (and not just recently) but over a span of a decade in Second Life.

    There are various sims as we all know that are advertised as Female AV only, and Male AV only, or Human only or Furry only , etc. the 'Only' part being important here. If I were to open a sim or business in SL with the intent of making returnable revenue through cash out and I advertised my establishment as whites only , do you seriously think I would or should be allowed IF and I say, IF my business is recognized as a public venture with within full scope of search and advertising , not limited to but also the Second Life Marketplace page?

    I went to a sim tonight that was advertised as female only and it states clearly it is for women only as a mall, and upon further inspection yes , they have advertised services for apparel to name just one of those content services offered, (I suppose they have never heard of a guy window shopping for a gift idea or even for himself ).

    So as it stands now , discrimination at public (technically all businesses on search are deemed public) is allowed.

    Is this something Second Life should uphold or is there some correction that should be made? I do realize that ones private residence is not subject to the same rules as commercial ventures (especially if they also are not advertised in search)?

    Do we as residents truly have the right to exclusivity , when we already agreed to a Tos and CS which are in conflict with such exclusivity on the basis of 'Intolerance' ?

    Personally for me, if I go to someones private home and they ask that I be a specific gender to enter, that is their prerogative as per privacy and personal space in SL, and I can choose to simply not go. But if it is an adverised location and business, I do feel that those business's should be subject to a higher standard like many things that real law and statues effect.

    Maybe I'm wrong in my feelings on this (I'm not one as of late for Social Justice agenda's personally) but I don't (or haven't seen) the topic brought to a better light or focus , since we do discuss various policies and norms in SL and how it effects our day to day in SL as active residents.

    yes one should be able to totally discriminate based on any criterion they choose in deciding who they will allow on their property as customers.

    I'm gonna get royally roasted for saying this but I think business owners should have that same right in real life too.

    • Like 3
  13. 21 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    This girl :D 


    Me too. I'm much happier just being me instead of some one else's version of perfection.

    One time  I had a guy tell me oh you look amazing, I must photograph you for a layout.

    When I showed up, first thing he said was "lose the bunny ears" 

    Umm no, byeeeeee

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Nalytha said:

    Why do you want to be a model? Is it to make lindens? You can easily make the cash to buy lindens much more effectively than trying to make them modeling. I don’t even mean just work more irl. You could sell some stuff you don’t use, donate blood or sperm or eggs, pick up an odd job on Craigslist. Time is money. You have the ask yourself if you want to put in serious hours for what amounts to few real life dollars. 

    You work in SL because... you are in SL while you work.

    I escort whenever I get the chance, not because I need the money, I buy all the Lindens I need, but because I like getting paid for doing something I enjoy and would do anyway.

    If I make enough money to cover my rent, then that's a bonus, but its not why I do it.

  15. There's big money to be made in modeling in Second Life... as the owner of a modeling school. Avatars pay big bucks to learn how to be a fashion model.

    Lesson number one, max out your height slider, because doncha know even in RL all supermodels are 8 ft tall.

    After spending only thousands of lindens you too can be a fashionista, a runway model, adored by all the lowly avatars (like myself) that secretly snicker at you every time they see you.

    And,  I speak from experience, one of my SL sisters constantly implores me to lift myself from the muck of the common herd to join her at the peak of fashion model perfection.

    *rolls eyes*

    • Haha 1
  16. Just now, Syo Emerald said:

    I think we misunderstand each other. My reply to the first quote that sparked this debatte was not the part about child avatars, but the last part, about account age which was the original topic of the OP, before child avatars got mentioned later in the comments.

    Oh okey, my bad


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  17. 8 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

    ...and just like that, I'm free to ask for a "why" and from an opinion about the reason presented. People are free to be assholes, but everyone else is free to see them as such.

    But...thats not a "rule of SL". If it was, if new accounts weren't allowed by the ToS to visit any sim rated A (or even M, which by the way is both only for adults), SL would have died long ago.

    The reason is I don't like kids, they are creepy and  I don't want them on my land. They have every right to be in SL, just not on my property.

    I don't appreciate being called an a s s h o l e just for setting my own rules about who can be on my land.

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