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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Have you heard of "allies"? I am not Transgered, but I go to Trans meetings because I am an "ally". 

    My company allows men to go to the "Women's" Employee Resource Group meetings because they are "allies".

    Same thing with the LGBT ERG, straight "allies" are allowed.

    well then,  I guess the black women hadn't heard of allies, or maybe they just wanted you to butt out and let them have their meeting on their own

  2. 5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    But the argument they used in court was that they are an ARTIST and they cannot be forced to create their ART for someone against their principles. Redonkulous.

    Next, Kentucky court Clerks will refuse to issue gay marriage licenses based on their religious beliefs! Art, I tell you! Art!!! ART!!!!

    Well you see, if gay marriage is legal in Kentucky, the clerks are obliged to give out marriage licences to anyone qualified.

    I personally believe the government should get out of the marriage licence business.

    I would prefer to see Civil Union Licences. ANY two people that have a desire to enter into a relationship of mutual support would be eligible to apply.

    Then after they get their licence they can go get married, or whatever, to formalize their commitment in a public ceremony.

  3. 2 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

    If you have too many preorders to bake my cake then no problem. But if you tell me you aren't baking me a cake because I am gay then yes you are choosing to treat me as second class. Not only are you treating me as second class you are telling me you are, insulting me. 

    well strictly speaking it wasnt because they were gay im sure they made many many cakes for gay customers.

    the issue was that they wanted a gay wedding cake and the bake shop owner believed that marriage was a union between a man and a woman so he refused because he felt he'd be contributing towards something he was morally opposed to.


  4. 2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    You are just so darned ignorant! Place two toddlers, or even pre-school or kindergarten children of different races together, and they play as equals. 

    It is only once their parents, and society, have introduced prejudice do these same children exhibit prejudice.

    yes thats why its so important to get children into government funded daycare as early as possible to negate the effects of their evil racist parents

  5. 2 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    You've said some things in this thread that have led you to a very interesting place.

    1) Government services should be equally available.

    2) VITAL services should be equally available.

    3) Private businesses should be allowed to choose their clientele.


    When you put them together, you come to - 

    4) No private business can provide a vital service, because their right to choose their clientele would mean that their services may not be equally available.

    5) Therefore, all vital services have to be provided by the government.


    Do you know what this makes you?


    (wait for it...)


    A socialist.

    yes its true i believe that the government probably do a better job of providing cakes to everyone.

    i think cake baking should be made a government service then everyone could have equil access to cakes

  6. 2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    and Gadget said:

    "To be fair, the whole "forced customers" thing is one of those lose/lose situations.

    Without a law like this, minorties and the like may suffer. With a law like this, many innocent business owners suffer."

    The fact that you have equated the suffering of "minorities and the like" with "many innocent business owners" demonstrates the crux of the problem -- there is no empathy or very little awareness on your parts that the amount of suffering by minorities is so much greater than what a business owner would experience.

    Being considered a 2nd class citizen and not worthy of the same rights as others is a pain that causes immense damage to those targeted. It's the constant, unrelenting message of 'you are bad for who you are, you are not worthy of the respect others are given'. Feeling excluded causes poor self-esteem, unfulfilled potential, and even the terror of living life in fear -- all because one is simply born a certain way (a person of color, gay, disabled).
    Really, you guys need to read some books, watch some movies -- whatever it takes to get a sense of how the marginalized people in a society experience life. I have a feeling that if some empathy really sunk in you would feel stupid for complaining about baking a freaking cake for someone.

    im not complaining about baking a cake im saying people shouldnt consider their human rights or civil rights have been violated just because someone refuses to enter into an agreement to bake them a cake

  7. 2 hours ago, Nalytha said:



    So... what you are saying is that you think some of us in this thread are eugenicists who want to eliminate the white race? 

    Huh.... that's weird... kind of goes against what I'd consider self preservation ... but ... okay... O.oO.o

    i never said that. i was just offering an example of wacked out thinking by some wacked out antiracists.

    i read a line on an antiracism web site once 

    "treason against the white race is loyality to the human race"

    so yes eliminating whites thru preferential breeding is an acceptable strategy to some in the grand struggle to end racism

    funny thing though it seems like racism against whites

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Please yourself. Cling onto that if it helps, but what you can't deny is that you were dead wrong about Ceasar having anything to do with conquering Britain, which is your actual claim that brought you into this little sidetrack in the first place.

    To refresh your memory, contrary to what you claimed, Ceasar didn't conquer Britain. He came for a short visit, that's all. He did, however, conquer Rome, when he led his army back to Rome to oust the existing government and take over. Perhaps that's what you were thinking of ;)

    im not clinging to anything please show me where i said julius caesar conquered britain. someone said the inhabitants defeated caesar i said romans conquered britain and remained about 300 years i dont recall saying julius caesar did it. in your usual quest to prove me wrong you once again responded to what you thought i said instead of what i actually said

  9. 2 hours ago, Talligurl said:

    Favorable areas? You mean they need to be able to move out of the areas where the 10 percent live, and go to the places where the 90 percent are. This whole attitude just perpetuates the problems and leaves those left behind all the poorer. Your social programs are not compassionate, they perpetuate the divisions between the rich and the poor, and leave behind the majority of those they claim to be helping.

    i agree. its the democrats fault that there are more and more poor people. democrats love poor people because if u give them money they will vote for you to give them more

    • Haha 1
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