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Kesiika Markova

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Everything posted by Kesiika Markova

  1. Hello Pamela, By design obj exporters have "Optimize" settings included. What basically those do is to remove duplicate elements from the vertices, face normals, or texture coordinates (depends of your settings). That's why you see reducement of the poly count and this (export/import) acts like a cheap fix for duplicated elements that cause errors in COLLADA. I'm not a blender user but it should have some sort of statistics/checks for those kinds of errors that will help you to fix those on hand, if you like. Hope this helps a bit. Best regards
  2. Hmm what about posting a wireframe shot (not from SL) I can subdivide a cube and make you guess all week A wireframe guessing game will be much more educational Just a suggestion My guess is .... 11 p.s Nice idea
  3. There is absolutely no need to snap on Gaia.. The lacking of normal map shader support in SL doesn't mean we don't bake normal maps from hires models and than rebake them back into the texture. So basically Gaia is correct. If you want to produce nice normal maps, your model should "play" with the lighting nicely. Not to mention, why on earth you assume those models will be used only in SL? So.. go hug someone/something please and chill. I will not event start commenting on the "Spam" remark... Best regards
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