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Nefertiti Nefarious

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Posts posted by Nefertiti Nefarious

  1. Rya Nitely wrote:

    I've always suspected that merchants love their fancy boxes and the pop up notecards much much more than customers do.

    I think so ... I seldom keep a box or shopping bag, but almost always keep the contents. The exception is when the box has independent decorative value, such as an Easter Bunny that comes packed in a decorated egg.

  2. Luc Starsider wrote:

    You forgot one! The one the OP is talking about if I understand correctly.
    The one where you're added to some mailing list - NOT SL group - simply since you bought something from a store.
    In a couple of cases, I've been added to mailing lists for stores *I haven't even been in*!!! but simply walked past!!! In some cases, the storeowner don't even have an easy way to unsubscribe.

    Yes ... this one! 

    My buying from your store does not constitute agreeing to get your daily announcement of your daily special (you know who you were).

    And if you are annoyed that I file an AR for each unsolicited advertising IM or notecard ad you plonk into my inventory ... well, then figure out how to make your mailing list opt-in with confirmation.

  3. Reading how to add items

    Packaging your items in a box

    It is not usually necessary to pack items in a box if you wish to sell more than one item in a single Marketplace listing.  Instead, you may add the packaged items to a single folder in your Merchant outbox, as described in Adding a new item to your Marketplace listings.  

    However, due to limitations on the Merchant outbox, you may still need to employ boxes if your listing needs to contain:

    • More than 200 objects
    • More than 20 folders
    • Folders more than 4 levels deep
    Link should go here:
    But I get this message:
    Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges for that action.

    Please click the Back button on your browser.

  4. However, due to limitations on the Merchant outbox, you may still need to employ boxes if your listing needs to contain:

    • More than 200 objects
    • More than 20 folders
    • Folders more than 4 levels deep

    Can you give a couple of examples?  Is that the limit for the Merchant outbox? For any top-level folder in it, or what?

  5. Alts are merely multiple manifestations of the same LEGAL persona ... the real person behind the keyboard. They have no standing in law, they are not real persons, they cannot be sued for anything, and they cannot  sign a binding contract.

    Only the human behind the alts can.  A sale to Nefertiti Nefarious is really a sale to the person whose credit card pays for the stuff.  Likewise, a sale to my Anonymous Alternate is also legally a sale to that real person, not a bunch of pixels.

    So prohibiting transfer among alts is a concept that you would have a very hard time enforcing legally ... all my alts are ME. And if I bought it, I would expect to be able to freely use it.

  6. "can I, say, find a free image of a butterfly somewhere and use it in a design"

    Yes and no:

    YES if that photo is from a site where the uploaders give you a license for you to use their stuff: sxc.hu for example.

    Or if the photo is made by a government employee in the course of his duties, or by someone under contract to the agency (photos of cows made by USDA employees to show breeds, for example). Photos they made during their free time are a no-no. Not all photos on government sites are OK: NASA's is the worst, because some of their photographers were NOT working under a work for hire contract.

    NO if that photo was "found on Google" or "from flickr" (until you check the licensing terms on the page where the photo is)


    Most of my products are edited photos ... I'm careful to use only photos from sources that are granting the right to alter and reproduce. Even if it's just a chicken or a cat, it's THEIR photo.

  7. I have some suggestions for your listings on the Marketplace:

    1- Better pictures.Your backgrounds are messing you up. If the main picture is not clear and detailed, most buyers won't clock to see the rest.

    EXAMPLE: The elaborate background of the steampunk cane obscures the detail. And if you say it smokes, make sure the main picture clearly shows it emitting smoke.

    EXAMPLE: The hat, Charlotta" ... the trees in the background are merged with the details of the hat.

    Lighten all the pictures up so the product detail can be seen.

    2 - Better titles. " "The Ticking Step"" means nothing to me, doesn't get my attention. "Steampunk cane with smoke puff emitter" might get more attention. "Steaming Steampunk chair with Cog wheels"  is clearer than "simple chair".

    On the hats, describe the hat in the titles ... "Green hat with butterflies and roses",

  8. DesiraeJewel wrote:

    I have a large lot of land in the Thayer district that another owner has bought the adjacent land and has erected these huge(10 story in some places)Hot Fluorescent pink blocks along the entire length of my property that are not  buildings 


    Set up a scenic screen on a megaprim just inside the border of your parcel. The side facing your parcel would have the pretty picture, and the side facing the ugly stuff should be transparent, so they can see your lovely landscaping.

  9. The way the search engine works you could put blue and since its a color like red it will give you results with red in it as well. 

    Uh, no. Look at the page source. I searched for "blue" and those few red items that show up are using the word "blue" as a keyword.

    As a buyer, I'm unlikely to click on them because I was looking for a BLUE item, not a red one. Keywords need to be concrete adjectives that are relevant to that item, words that people are likely to type into a search field, not vague things like cheap, high quality, or awesome. You have 200 characters to influence the placement during search.

    I don't worry about being high on the list when people are browsing by specific categories, because LL keeps tweaking the variables there. I concentrate on showing up when people are searchng for something specific like a black rooster or a red hen. When they do, I'm right there. It pays the tier.

  10. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    This is an interesting case, seen in copyright light.

    The creator of the art work has died more then 75 years ago, so the art work falls into the public domain.

    Still this website that Veronika points to claims copyright since 2002. What is this copyright about, when it is not about the art work?

    They can claim copyright on their tapestry derivative work, and the photo in the advertisement of their derivative work. That's what ToySoldier infringed on: not the dead painter's copyright, but the companies derivative and the photo of it.

    If I were to nab that picture and make and sell a tapestry, Toysoldier would not be able to claim I infringed his copyright: we both used the same source.


    Adding ... many of my products are made from photos of old objects. I am very careful to find pictures that are either in the public domain, photos from websites where the photographers premit derivative use, or to get permission from the photographer before I start making chickens or naked Greek women.

  11. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    What you fail to grasp is that in order to be a victim one first has to be victimized.  Do yourself a favor and get the name of any one of my 19 tapestries and search for that name in either MP or even in Google.  See how many responses you get on any one of these medieval artworks.  WOW... surprising how many 1000's of supposed victims there are in both MP and the Internet.

    Here's the thing about ancient tapestries ... while the tapestry itself may be in the public domain because of its age, the picture from  http://medievalwalltapestry.com/la-belle-dame-sans-merci.html (the one that you edited into an SL product) is copyrightable.

    If you are going to use medieval tapestries and ancient statues, at least don't take the images, tassels and all, from a commercial company who holds the copyright on that image of their tapestry, hanging on their rod with their tassels. PS it's not centuries old. It's based on a painting by John william Waterhouse from the late 1800s or early 1900s.

    Take a public domain image, such as this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:La_Belle_Dame_Sans_Merci2.jpg and do the work to turn it into a tapestry. Add the fabric texture, draw the rods, draw the tassels! 


  12. UncommonTruth wrote:

    ETA @ OP- I looked at some of your stuff on the market, and it does look high quality. I hope you can get it seen and make a killing

    Thanks. I realized my niche was going to be low-prim, cheap, high quality decorations, with the occasional texture pack if I am playing with graphics, or a bit of clothing. And an occasional freebie.

    They are getting seen and bought enough to pay for my premium membership, the rent on the parcel, buy things I need or want in SL, tip people occasionally, and withdraw a few bucks a month. It's a self-supporting on-line game for me.

  13. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    Now lets go on with the situation that the thread started about. People are confronted with limitations only after they have bought the item, in the form of a notecard. Ofcourse I personally think that the buyer should respect the limitations of the original creator, even if they are announcing them in the most unhandy way. But it depends more on people ethics if they will do so, then on anything else.


    Now what if a buyer thinks: I wipe the floor with your eula. At the moment I bought it, it was presented as full perms, without any further limitations, and I will stick to that. And he starts selling items with full perms, where the sculpties that he bought are included.

    If the product listing says full perms, with no other restrictions in the text, it doesn't matter what any notecard in the box says - it's not an enforceable EULA because the buyer had no notice of it before purchase. If you buy a case of nails and find a note tucked into the shipping documents that you are forbidden to use the nails to build a saloon ... they can't enforce that! You had no notice of it when the money changed hands and THAT is when the sale contract starts.

    I legally can and will wipe the floor with any EULA I find in a box of full perm items unless it's just repeating what I saw in the product listing. That said, buying a box of full-perm textures or sculpties and then selling the results full perms is probably a foolish business practice.

  14. Veronika Garzo wrote:

    What I ask of Linden Labs is some uniformity to listing policy in order that customers can find terms in a reasonably visible and accessible location.
     Further that those who purchase under one set of terms are not then confined by subsequent change made by sellers at a later date
    .  I do not expect to have to result to such extremes to make what should effectively be a simple and straightforward transaction.

    Veronika -Here's how contract law works:

    If you purchase under one EULA and the creator later changes their terms, you are not bound to the new EULA for that product. Period!  Any further purchases from that merchant would be under his/her new terms, but they can't retroactively change the terms for using your purchase.

    As for the "click wrap EULA" (with terms that are only accessible after you have purchased something), they are not enforceable. There are court rulings about it that say so!

    If I buy a box of textures where the listing says "full perms" with no restrictive text in the product description and there is a notecard in the box that says I can't use the textures to make/sell any items of a certain kind, or that compete with products sold by certain merchants ... it's not binding on me because they hid it where I couldn't see it before the purchase. I can say FOAD and there is nothing they can do.

    It would be like buying a box of gears and finding out when you open the box that they forbid you from using them in washing machines ... it is sooooooooo not enforceable.

  15. You can do a lot just by making the TITLE have more words that people would use to describe the item. It's weighted very heavily in search, the first words are the most important ones, and if the title doesn't explain exactly what I'm looking for, I won't click.

    Example: [DD] Sculpty Picket Fence ^ White Picket Fence 1 Prim Only ^ Seamless  

    You are repeating the words picket fence, which might be hurting you, and you are NOT using the one adjective that describes the fence shape ... "arched" or "scalloped". If I were looking for that style picket fence, I would be using "scalloped picket fence" to see what comes up.

    Also, why the wasted space with [DD], "only", and the ^ marks? No one is searching for ^

    Recommended Title: Picket fence section, scalloped or arched, sculpty

    Use really RELEVANT keywords, things people will be typing into the search box.

    Your keywords are: Picket, Fence, White, High Quality, Seamless, Cheap, Good, Nice, Sculpted, Sculpty, Garden, Landscaping, Zaun, Decoration, Barrier, Security, Screen   (again, you need arched and scalloped in the keywords)

    I'm not going to be searching for "high quality" or "cheap". If I'm price conscious, I'll sort by price.

    On this item, the title says white and the picture shows dirty grey ... FIX IT!

  16. 1. how long have you been a member? Since 9/26/2006

    2. are you aware of advertising on the website? YES if so, which and do you think its effective? NO, I ignore it,

    3. if you were a member in 2007, were you aware of a PETA anti-fur protest taking place on second life? You expect me to remember what happened in 2007? No, I do not recall it.

    4. if you were aware, did you go to it? and did it affect you in any way? Not applicable

  17. You can only VIEW up to 500 transactions - that is all the web page will show you. However, you can dowload far more than that.

    1 - Select a Date Range (you can get up to 30 days)

    2 - Click VIEW

    3 - Click "Download XLS"

    4 - Open the XLS file with the spreadsheet of your choice.

    Unfortunately, that does NOT show you what item was purchased, and the formatting is FUBAR. (we've bitched about it, nothing happens)

    If you go to your merchant account, it likewise does not show you what item was ordered until you look at a certain report.

    Click REPORTS. then Click ORDERS. Set the date range, then click "Download CSV" That can be opened by a spreadsheet program and sorted by Item Name, or buyer or date ... whatever you want.


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