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Nefertiti Nefarious

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Posts posted by Nefertiti Nefarious

  1. At the very least, she would have to give you permission to edit her stuff so you can load them into boxes and load the magic boxes. She has to trust you with her password before you can edit her store and create listings.

    What some designer co-op groups do is create an alt whose identity is attached to the store or designer brand name. The designer gives full-perm finished stuff to the alt, and someone logs on as the alt and changes the permissions as needed, boxes them up, and creates the listings. That way the designer is still shown as creator, but the 'business manager" is creating the listings.

    NOTE: Whoever controls the e-mail address used by the alt effectively controls the alt. The DESIGNER should be the creator of the alt so if there are problems with the arrangement, the designer can reset the password.

  2. Check out the freebies on the Marketplace, at Free Dove, and even ar many shops. 

    Participate in the "Hunts".  The Peace on Earth hunt will fill your inventory wiith neat FREE stuff.  http://peaceonearthhunt.wordpress.com/  

    For clothing making, you can take classes in-world for free. In the SEARCH tab, go to EVENTS and select Education ... there will be a list of all educational events for the next couple of days. Pick one.

  3. DATE Column?  What is it supposed to be showing us?

    If it's for when the listing was last edited, it's WRONG!  Some items I did not edit today are showing 12/01/2011

    If it's for when the item was moved over to the SL Marketplace, it's WRONG!  Some items that moved over and have not been edited recently also show 12/01/2011


  4. Although I like seeing the unassociated items in one place, it's a royal PITA to have to close the list EVERY TIME I CHANGE PAGES!  Can you make it remember its state and stay there like a good list?

    Seeing the permissions is useful - some of my listings were incorrect.

    I would love to be able to sort based on where in the product tree things are - all textures, all shoes, etc. to make it easier to check permissions and fix them.

  5. SwiftXShadow wrote:

    And i reallly doubt it has anythign to do with internet.


    internet stick plugin
    is 7,2Mb/sec which should be more then enough for sl

    Unless there is a cable coming out of that stick that plugs into an Ethernet receptacle in the modem or wall, your "internet stick" is just the wireless emitter. You have wireless internet and it is known to be slow as molasses with SL.

  6. Void Singer wrote:

    For a looser, higher density, or shorter lifetime setup you really need to use multiple emitters to get a display that really looks random (just remember to divide your particle output by the number of emitters)

    That's probably the best short-term solution - I have prims to spare and really want the emitter working.

  7. Hello, thank you for your feedback. I think that is what I am worried about is keeping up with the monthly tier if I buy. Although the sim will be well set up to generate $L for itself.


    Don't go into it until you have at least 6 months of payments to linden labs on hand as cash or otherwise secure ... it takes a while for a sim to gain users, and the most common problem with any of the RP sims is that the owner runs out of money before the rental income can cover the tier fees.

    And the people who rented early see all their work go POOF when the owner has to abandon the sim and they will not be an early renter again.



  8. I have a self-instructing tutorial in the skybox on my parcel, with supplies and examples on the walls. Take the link from any of my Marketplace listings, or look me up in world and see my picks. 


    The TP pad is between the stargate and one of the shop pavilions (across from the one with textures).

  9. Randall Ahren wrote:

    Brii Moonwall wrote:

    I made some textures to use for a sign, i now see someone must have snapshot or some how copied the texture from my sign, added a border to it and made their own sign.

     I'm thinking that an in-world sign made from a snapshot of the OP's sign may be OK under the foregoing license provisions of the ToS. But I'm not sure.

    No - SL's policy means that if I take a screenshot of a sim and the OP's sign is in the scene, as one of the elements, used as a sign, that's OK.  It doesn't mean I can take the sign tecxture, alter it a bit, and resell the sign.

  10. Faye Feldragonne wrote:

    If LL forces out Magic Boxes, how many items will disappear forever from MP? Think of all the people who have products on MP who have left SL, or rarely log in?

    Interesting. If they don't automatically port all the objects into a resident's folder, and create the folder for them, I foresee a lot of the old products vanishing because the resident is no longer active.They should have done it with the move from SLEX to prune out the dead stuff.

    It will make things easier to find.

    OR, think of people who just don't make enough money or any to go through the trouble of relisting a large catalog?

    If they have it organized for marketplace, I think moving it to the DD folder should be easy. From discussions about DD, the listings will stay the same, it's just a matter of where the product is stored waiting for a sale.

  11. amarock Amat wrote:

    Casper vend has a delisting feature, why don't you use it ?

    The product in question was purchased
    from the Marketplace
    about 2 years ago, according to the merchant, so they had to have put my name into the CasperVend manually.

    Why should I jump through someone's hoops to get off a list I never asked to get onto?

    If it happens again, it's AR time

  12. Merchants - the purpose of an auto-update vendor, such as the CasparVend is so you can send updates to scripts, updates to instructions, etc. to people who bought the products  It is NOT a bulk marketing machine! 

    Buying from a vendor is not the same as clicking on a "Subscribe to my new product announcement" sign. If you send me ads just because I once upon a time bought something from your vendors ... all you are doing is annoying me and probably ensuring I will never return, I will mute you, and I will file an AR for annoying me with your ads.

    If you want to build an advertising mailing list, use a subscribo-matic.

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