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ab Vanmoer

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Blog Comments posted by ab Vanmoer


    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    I've always thought it would be nice if LL did a bit more (anything!) with an international flavour, even if it's very localised.

    Actually I would be happy if a some LL staff members would realise that only the US uses the completely illogical mmddyyyy date format. The rest of the world uses either ddmmyyyy or yyyymmdd.

    So when Brooke posts that she will hold office hours on 11/12/2010 many of us are scratching our heads wondering if that is in November or December. So if LL is serious about being international then they should standardise on the unambiguous yyyymmdd

  2. Pam and Loving,

    You are looking at the listings after they had been moderated:


    Dragonlady Boa wrote:

    actually, that has to been the FASTEST i have seen things change in the MP. ALL of the items I flagged have been changed now, and 3 have been outright REMOVED completly! I am seriously flabberghasted!


    I can assure you there was nothing PG or even mature about the listing entitled "eat it" or one or two of the others that are no longer visible. In fact,the correct category for those listings should really be pornography and not adult.

    Actually this example indicates a serious shortcoming in the way that LL have implemented the rating system. By using the catch all term "Adult" to encompass everything from partial nudity to hardcore pornography, LL have completely ignored the large sector of the adult population who are not adverse to nudity yet are not interested or uncomfortable with viewing explicit sex.

  3. Not one of the items that I updated the xstreet IDs for have had their reviews migrated from xstreet. So I would expect that the sales history hasn't been migrated either. And I very much doubt that I am an isolated case, so as per usual, another failure.

    And the link you give for MKT-1666 doesn't work either, all it gives is a page that displays "Permission Violation".

  4. I forgot to add that being expected to wait 2 weeks with no "movement" is a long time to wait for completing a data migration that should have have been completed six months ago and been completed before shutting down xstreet.

    Merchants with partially migrated items lost a lot of sales as a result of poor performance on the part of the commerce team. I would have expected that finalising this would have taken priority, but instead this so called "final migration" has already taken an unacceptably long 3 weeks. A further 2 weeks, is unnecessary and intolerable.

    When are the commerce team going to do the responsible thing and treat their paying customers like customers?


    Lasher Oh wrote:

    Medhue Simoni wrote:

    Brooke, you need to understand how many times we have had to redo our  listings for LL's new site, that we never asked for. It's not hours of  our time wasted, it is days and weeks and months.

    Perfectly stated


    That is the crux of the matter, so needed to be repeated more forcefully.

    The SLM has cost merchants thousands and thousands of wasted hours for nothing, as it still doesn't yet have the functionality that xstreet had.


    Brooke Linden wrote:

    For  those who didn’t receive the email, please make sure you check your  spam folders. I did a quick check and your names were on the list we  submitted to send.


    Then there is a flaw in your system. -  Every time I buy or sell L$ through LindeX Exchange I get email notifications, my offline IMs are delivered properly to  email, sales notifications from the marketplace are delivered, Jira notifications, etc etc. yet your email is not to be found in either my spam folder or in-box.

    At one time the commerce team made use of the marketplace "Merchant Home" page which is otherwise blank for important status messages. Many of us got into the habit of checking this on a daily basis. Perhaps you could consider using it for the same purpose.


    Ciaran Laval wrote:

    We went through this at the time of the adult content changes inworld, people argued the same points, plenty of buildings that are perfectly PG reach out to the Gorean community because it's a sensible target audience, LL took it off the naughty word list for a while but the teens coming in has seen it put back on the naughty word list.

    Actually there are two issues at play. The first is the super secret bad word list which seems to have been thrown together without much thought or any regard for context, the other is the asinine decision to categorise listings based on keywords in addition to the listing content.

    Other than obvious profanities the keyword list should not have any effect on a listings maturity level. This way a house described as "gorean slave quarters" will be marked as Mature, whereas a regular building that may also be marketed to Gorean shoppers will correctly be marked as General.


    Suella Ember wrote:

    Having said that, it would be handy if LL could somehow find a way to publish the list in a location that can only be accessed by age verified accounts or something. I guess its a bit of a Catch 22 for them - they probably don't want to publish it to give the cheaters a way to figure out how to still get their clearly adult content as PG by cleverly avoiding the keywords, but then again unless we know the keywords its hard for the sensible majority to use keywords correctly.


    Actually it is not a Catch 22, it is nothing but complete incompetence of the highest order. Some merchants have thousands of listings, many are perfectly innocuous items that appear to have been arbitrarily marked as adult, how many hundreds of hours will it take for them to trawl through listings grappling about in the dark?

    At the very least the commerce team should be providing a list of words. Ideally the automatic flagging software should generate an automatic notification to the merchant indicating what words caused it to be flagged as mature or adult. This would have been a trivial task to add to the flagging software for any competent programmer, but .... the less said the better.

    Once again the commerce team have exhibited their disregard for the merchants their customers, and callously continued on their path indifferent to just how much hardship they put the merchants through.


    TatianaDokuchic Varriale wrote:

    It's been moved, which I find surpising considering it was started (and therefore categorized originally) by Brooke Linden.

    And one would assume that Brooke knows what she is doing, but ...

    The same Brooke who said  "Here's the text of the email. We sent it to all merchants who currently have an active listing."  yet many merchants have still not yet received it.

    Or the same Brooke who said "This is just a quick reminder that this migration will be occurring starting tomorrow, 1/11/2011. We expect this migration to last several days and will update this post once it has completed." and still hasn't bothered updating nearly three weeks later.


    Dakota Linden wrote two months ago in this very forum referring to posts being moved here:

    As I also said, those posts will no longer be moved.

    Seems like the moderator Linden forgot to read that.

  10. Grant,

    I expect that you missed it when I asked earlier in the thread:

    But I would appreciate it you could let us know when you expect to finish migrating the missing products. i.e the 'locked' products that don't show on new SLM  and now are unavailable for purchase on xsteet either?

    I am also curious as to why you couldn't wait until your team had finished the migration before killing xstreet? Do you have so little respect for the merchants that you simply do not care?

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