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Torley Linden

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Posts posted by Torley Linden

  1. Definitely read Philip K. Dick's Ubik. It's a popular sci-fi novel but I haven't seen it get enough love in Second Life circles. It doesn't deal with virtual worlds from a "jacking into the computer" perspective more prevalent in recent novels, but PKD's fave theme of "What is real?" pervasively and thrillingly runs through the book from beginning to end. It's a pretty brisk read and I was awed. You'll especially enjoy it if you get a kick out of the more surreal timeclash elements in SL.

    PKD is one of the most influential writers when it comes to "simulated realities" and "artificial life".

  2. I love cohesively-themed, intensely-immersive builds — each with a unique vibe and personality. For anyone who doesn't already know our Destination Guide, a plethora of that quality lies within! And if you own a great build that's not in there, why not submit?

    One exceptional place of numerous that I've enjoyed has been the Baedal sci-fi mines. If you need to get your Martian-magma fix on, here's the place to BURN!!!! :D


    Also, I keep an ongoing photographic chronicles of my Second Life journeys. If you see a pic that interests you, click through to get the SLurl and teleport there!

  3. Our Editorial Team (who curates the Destination Guide) is seeing some mighty fine places here. Alas, I've noticed threads where a place is named without a SLurl — that's a direct link to a Second Life inworld location. You want people to come visit, right? So make it easy and include a SLurl!

    SLurls are integrated into Viewer 2.x. Here's a quick video that shows you exactly how to use this:

    Learn more about SLurls in our Knowledge Base.

    For bonus points, you can include pictures of a pretty place in your post. Since Second Life is visual, a picture can determine whether someone's curious enough to click through. When making a post, click the Insert/edit image button on the toolbar (it looks like a little tree), then select an image to upload. Voila! Your post has gone from decent to delightful in minutes.

    • Like 1
  4. Some history: yes, we can trace IPs. But as pointed out, yes, the spammers have been spoofing and rotating through IPs. We went to the source and asked the company (IX Web Hosting) that hosts the spammers' site to shut it down, since they also spam/scam at a variety of other places. Sadly, IX was unhelpful and unwilling to investigate further without having us jump through a head-scratching amount of legal hoops — despite stating in their own terms of service that they don't allow such behavior, and the mass of evidence we showed. ARGH frustrating I know, right?

    Our moderators are here 7 days a week. I don't know what hours of coverage, though. If you have further questions about this, you can ask at the Community Tools User Group. Transcripts are saved for future reference.

    • Like 3
  5. @Rhonda G'morn! I find I'm greatly unproductive when moved outside of my familiar environs. Even using another computer which isn't setup with my shortcuts and timesavers, and most people seem to be relatively lax about organizing their desktop. :o

    On a somewhat related note, I cracked up seeing business cat here. That feline boss reminds me of my own cuddly-wuddly, Mr. Sushi aka ONYX GUMDROP. He's a gangsta rappa cat.



    Suella Ember wrote:


    Torley Linden wrote:

    I once tried an experiment where I used a deliberately boring ("conventional robot") voice in some videos. Let me see if I can find... oh yeah,
    . That wasn't even the most monotone/sedate one... you should've heard the feedback on those.

    Actually, I noticed a while ago that you seemed more 'conventional' in one of your videos - I think it might have been the one you did when Display Names was first introduced. I remember wondering if you had done that because it's quite a detailed, important and hotly debate issue. Whatever the reason was, I also remember thinking you sounded so unlike you and I wanted to shake you and say "Oi! Why didn't you say 'friendly greetings' and be all jovial!" :smileyvery-happy:



    Sharp ears, Suella! *shakes self* Yes, that was most likely it — sometimes when I'm given video projects at Linden Lab, I'm requested to try different tone/phrasing. Sometimes the message is more formal, and calls for subtlety. Sometimes I read from a script instead of ad-libbing. Besides, I'd mangle legalese if left to my own devices.

    Suffice to say, I like the opportunity of learning different styles (just as I enjoy being different avatars/personalities) but across everything, "Torley classic" has had the best broad feedback and I have gratefully flooded inboxes asking for "MORE!" to show for it.

    (Sorry, I'll stop derailing this thread now so Aerrin can get on with enjoying her Second Life!)


  7. I hearted The Goonies which inspired you, I also played the heck out of the NES game. That 80s adventure vibe will live with me forever!

    On a related note for you, Loki, I really enjoyed visiting The John King Experience — being dropped down those levels into a storm was quite the immersive storytelling! And how the big illustrations would fade in and out as the story's being told. I actually found out about it when browsing the Destination Guide. Which, to everyone reading this, if you want a cool place you've made/own considered for inclusion, submit it!

  8. UPDATE: Lexie Linden told me image uploads have been bumped up to 500 per profile, and it's on her list for this limit to be stated in Community Help. In the meantime, the search function here when typing "upload limit" seems to be working as intended.

    With good reason, I've been seeing how awesomely some of you have been using image uploads! Quite a thrill to see who's been putting it to good use — especially these fun photo threads.

    Derek, I know you also asked Brett Linden, so I hope this clarifies thangs for ya!

    • Like 2
  9. Friendly greetings Aerrin, an awesome welcome to Second Life. These Residents have said it!

    Sometimes I parody the infomercial style since it's so familiar — but at the core of it all is being human with a sense of humor, reflective of my sense of wonder about Second Life, which it sounds like you're beginning to experience, too. And I always wish to share that as a Linden Lab employee, I'm a real person with a personality and feelings like you... not a robot. :)

    I once tried an experiment where I used a deliberately boring ("conventional robot") voice in some videos. Let me see if I can find... oh yeah,

    . That wasn't even the most monotone/sedate one... you should've heard the feedback on those.

    In any case, if you prefer a more "neutral" approach, we do have written instructions for many things in our Knowledge Base. We've actually just moved to this new community site, so pardon us while dust settles.

    Thank YOU for sharing!

    P.S. Wall-E rocks, Ben Burtt is an amazing sound designer.


    Rhonda Huntress wrote:

    Clonefighter wrote:

    Im pretty new, so I havent really developed a look for my avatar yet, though currently, its not me at all.

    Clone!  Welcome to Charlie Foxtrot ... umm, I mean the new forums!   

    As you can see,  a lot of picking an avatar is deciding what you want to been seen as.  Even if you pick a straight up human you still have to choose size, style, ethnicity or even gender.  And then there are people like Torley that refuse to choose!

    If you need help, ideas, being pointed in the right direction or even just want to know if something is possible, feel free to ask.

    Actually, please ask.  We love to help.  And it can keep you following a money pit that some roleplay resources can be.


    It's like ice cream/gelatto for me: if offered the option, why not try all the flavors? :D (Which relates to your signature. I must be a pretty extreme monk, then.)

    Although I gravitate more towards some forms than others — and pink and green (initially, full-on neon but I've been experimenting with subtle palettes) is almost always a constant.


    Cerise Sorbet wrote:



    LOLWUT? I herd u liek memes

    I look forward to a master compilation of all of these amusing-yet-dubious ranks.

    Hey, this is a fun way to get guise to learn how to upload images to da new system, amirite?

    Thanks Irene Muni for pointing me back here and MY HOW IT'S GROWN

  12. Friendly greetings back to ya! I don't have global thread deletion permissions on this new system (YET) but I've already pinged other Lindens about this so our new moderation team can take it from there and KILL SPAM.

  13. Additionally, you can selectively disable local lights attached to other avatars:


    1. Enable the Advanced menu.
    2. Select Advanced menu > Show Develop Menu.
    3. Uncheck Develop > Rendering > Render Attached Lights.
    Render Attached Lights-1.png


    @Knowl In a number of Viewers including the official Linden Lab one, you can check Viewer version under Help menu > About Second Life (or equivalent).

  14. Linden Lab doesn't have any plans to bring "SLim" back the way it was. However, that doesn't preclude the value of us exploring "lighter" ways to access Second Life, especially with mobile popularity continuing to thrive. :)

  15. UPDATE UPDATE! I just did a blog post covering macros comprehensively.



    Macros are a convenient way to paste frequently-used blocks of text. It may be an easier way instead of using an external program (like PhraseExpress on Windows or TextExpander on Mac). For example, if you find you're often repeating a set of instructions, you can put that in as a macro and give it a name.

    To insert a macro, click the Macros dropdown when you're editing a post. It'll only appear if you actually have one or macros.


    EDIT: Just saw Derek's answer... rock on!

    You may also wish to see Lithium's (that powers this community site) "Using macros in private messages and posts".

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