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SpiritSparrow Skydancer

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Everything posted by SpiritSparrow Skydancer

  1. Right I heard there was a bad bug on the built in AO In Firestorm
  2. Looks like 5993 **ABSEN** F-1528 JACKET + TOP FULL PERM but without the jacket...idk
  3. My New Alt Marina - Some editing to Noel head. LeLutka skin (face) (rose kiss) and I did find some decent hair. omg those hands...
  4. good to know, I do not wear one but.. if/when I do I will be aware!
  5. I could not pull it off! It looks good on her though.
  6. I will say that I had a free account alt that after 30 min of trying I could not get in the 2 regions so I sent her getting everything on the list as her inventory is bare anyway . Some are not worth the time like the hair offered. IMHO but the skin was nice. Anyway I appreciate all who offered free items even if you have to join their group! lol anyway I’m off work on Monday so I’ll try again for free head.
  7. I hate it when people do that, they then stand right on top of you.. lol
  8. I stripped down to ruth and was able to pop in and out of almost all of them... Now, my alt gets a turn..
  9. Ohh that head is beautiful!!! The girls.. the boys is nice to but still a bit to pretty. lol I’m still at work so can’t get in world. I’m happy to know what I get! Thanks for the pic!
  10. I had to relog then all was well. Very weird I still do not know what did it lol
  11. there is also a bug in firestorm in the AO. not sure what its about but they are working on a hot fix.. Whirly?
  12. Ohh I like that dress! And I love the chains and pearls.
  13. I am pretty sure that those might be against tos or something. Idk but I heard.. maybe I am wrong?
  14. Or just wait a few days. I’ve never had an issue getting in. If they do decide to gift us again they usually have 3 regions open. So why hammer(I don’t even know what that means really) and just be patient.
  15. @Scarlet's Santa Land listening to Noma It is very cold.
  16. I am not talking in local... nor is my mic on but...
  17. Its cute for sure, but the lights are way to many LI for use on our houses if you are on LL prem housing.. just 3 strands linked is 7 LI
  18. Is this correct in assuming that they do not have for 5.3? Just X?
  19. Hello... Where might I actually get those premium member winter gifts?
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