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Imnotgoing Sideways

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Posts posted by Imnotgoing Sideways

  1. Seems I started when you quit SL... 2007. (^_^)

    Clothing creation, or all creation in general, still has no rules in my point of view.  On any given day, I'll wear an outfit that's made up of default textures, alpha masks, prims, sculpts, and mesh.  What ever looks good, is good.  I don't care how it's made. (^_^)

    Yes, mesh and fitted mesh does offer a range and quality which surpasses older methods, but, that's not to say that the older methods still don't have the potential for excellent results. (^_^)

    As for being laughed at?  People will laugh anyway. Brush those people off as jerks and do what you think is best.  Don't let jerks spoil your fun. (^_^)y


  2. I have 2 premium accounts and I just checked mine out and things are fine.  So, nothing I know of has changed.  Try out what people are advising above.  As a premium account, you should be able to open a support ticket on the help page use use live chat support.  Just curious, though... Are all 3 accounts tied the same Email?  I'm not saying it is, but, it could be a contributing factor. (o.O)



  3. I'm not seeing anything I'd recognize as an "A-trigger" in that description.  It's not you doing anything wrong.  It's the lab.  I strongly suggest opening a support ticket with the full text asking for an explanation of what throws the Adult rating.  Really, this is ridiculous, and you truly deserve an answer from a Labbie.  The system is seriously broken. (>_<)


  4. What's worse is that you're told it 'appears to contain', yet you're not given what the actual trigger was nor a means to appeal. (>_<)

    It's like regulation by Where's Waldo. (=_=)

    You can shuffle around with words until it gets through, though.  "book lovers meet" may contain the trigger.  Try "book lovers gather" or get really complicated on them and say "book aficionados meet".  Maybe even "book lovers and aficionados meet" to see if splitting the "lovers meet" would be enough. (^_^)

  5. Never. (^_^)


    Avatar pregnancy is a matter of role play and method acting.  You can adjust your shape's belly slider to 100 and appear pregnant, but your avatar won't and can't do anything unless you imagine it and play it out. (^_^)y



  6. I probably spent a good year tweaking my shape until I got what I was happy with.  I would never buy a shape.  As for skin, I'm happy with my old LAQ.  As for being realistic, I prefer to be believeable.  Leave realistic to the real world. (^_^)y



  7. Anyone in the group with a role flagged to be responsible for group liabilities and assets.  Owners are set to this by default.  All other roles, it's optional. (^_^)

    Also, it's a two-way road.  If the group holds land set for sale, the L$ will be divided evenly between every member in an asset enabled role upon sale.  Same goes for pay-to-join groups.  Every time someone pays to join, the fee gets divided. (^_^)y


  8. Most of the time mesh clothes come with an alpha layer to wear.  The alpha layer should make anything within the nether regions of the outfit invisible.  Unless you're expecting the undies to be visible, best just go without to save time and lag on texture baking. (^_^)y



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