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Imnotgoing Sideways

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Posts posted by Imnotgoing Sideways


    Aztek Aeon wrote:


    There has been NO final word on what will happen in January regarding grandfatered status. Please don't perpetuate rumours.

    ... Which is possibly the best answer to the OP. (^_^)

    Nobody is selling because the change could make thier GF homesteads jump in value. (^_^)

    Nobody is buying because the change could ruin the value of GF homesteads. (>_<)

    As a holder of a GF homestead, myself, I'm really clutching to the former. (^_^)y

  2. It's Open Collar.  They took the easy way out to use a readily available leash script.  Odds are, they don't know the animation module is still in there, or, the animations themselves have been removed with the module still in place.

    Of course it's full perms... It's Open Source.  That's the whole point of the Open Collar licensing.  That items MUST be modifyable.


    And, yes, the COMPLETE Open Collar system is an adult BDSM system... Made up of modules that each individually have sexual and non-sexual purposes.  I'm sure they lack the funding (Being a donation based service) to maintain parcels all over the grid.  I'm sure the few parcels they maintain have to take into account the most extreme measure of 'maturity' their product entails.  That doesn't mean that 100% of the scripts are 100% sexual and adult.  Separate those modules and you can have a perfectly non-sexual item.  Even the Animation module.  I'm sure hugs, cuddles, and tossing-toddler-in-the-air animations would work just fine in there.

    Using your example of moddable, animation scripted items... I'm sure a full perms chair, desk, or kitchen sink would fit your definition of "potentially abused" items.  That full perms preschool chair could be modded with a lap dance, you know?  Will it be?  Who's to say?  But are you going to be out to AR the maker of the chair based on how bad it COULD be?


    Come on...


    A blank sphere prim can be made into a sex object.  Sit on it, turn it sideways, and rock it back and forth using the edit guides.  Instant butt-hump.  No scripts needed.

    A blank sphere is full perms too.  Just imagine the potential debauchery that can be done with that blank sphere.  Someone could rez a second sphere, put them side-by-side and call them testicles.  Who's to argue?  Some wacky scriptor and animator could load them with rape animations.  Then nobody will look at blank spheres the same way again.  To top it off... Those blank spheres could be colored blue and pink, thereby furthering gender inequality grid-wide.  Some day, simply the sight of blue and pink spheres will instantly render the image of sex in people's minds.  Oh, wait...


    And, frankly, I do believe Open Collar is the best solution.  They're low lag and low rescource scripts maintained by a large and productive group of scriptors.  No need to re-invent the wheel or use an antiquated stone roller of a script that lags sims and/or operates with questionable stability with zero technical support.


    You ARed it once and your AR got ignored.  It wasn't an accident.  You were wrong about it.  That's all.


    But, if you want to campaign against it.  Feel free.  I'm sure, if you continue and/or drive others to do so, it will be gone before the end of the week.

    Does that make you right?  No.

    Does that improve the grid?  No.

    Does that save the life and innocense of anyone?  No.

    Does it prove that anyone can annoy their way into unreasonably forcing things to disappear?  Yes.


    Some day, you're going to deeply offend someone and they'll find a way to make you disappear too.  Come that day, you're either going to respond just like I am now or you're going to simply allow yourself to disappear in a very unceremonious *poof*.

  3. RLV is not sex.  It's a method of client side scripting control.

    In addition.  Open Collar scripts are modular.  We haven't been told what's included or what's been left out.

    Being an open source system, it could be anything or nothing at all.



    1. Making too many assumptions.
    2. Presuming something that is non sexual is actually sexual.
    3. Reporting something as a problem and yielding non response.
    4. Balking over said non-response in spite of possibly being wrong.
    5. Campaigning and complaining about a lack of support due to misinformed vigilantism.
    6. "I'm going to report this until it goes away because it violates MY sensibility of right and wrong."

    Sorry... I'm not buying it.


    As I've said before... She can probably start a campaign to have it removed anyway, but, in my eyes the Lindens have spoken.  They chose to ignore it and/or have found nothing in violation of the TOS.  Live and let live.  Move on.  Go about your daily life.  Quit looking for evil where there is none.

  4. Bloggers will find something bad to say about SL regardless of what's actually going on inworld.  Being "Always fairly unballanced" places the Herald somewhere along the lines of The Enquirer and The Onion in regards to content.  If they don't find something, they make it up.

    I have been interviewed twice by Herald staff on different occasions.  Both times, they found no story and picked something else out.  Anyone else who calls themselves "SL press" is no better.

    And, oh look... Seems as though the Herald has an article about an "SL Press" site shutting down.

    Funny thing, the site cited in the article is probably left unread by anyone beyond SL.

  5. What frightens me is that she's going to campaign away against this "Evil" and eventually get it removed anyway.

    Not because it's an actual violation.

    Not because it breaks any rules, guidelines, or laws.

    Only because whichever responding Linden would simply want the problem to go away.


    But, what is the problem?  What is more harmful here?  A little knicknack that may offend a person or two?  Something that's one thing yet interpreted as another?  Or a vigilante out to AR whatever they don't like until it's gone?

  6. I'll just say, if this item could be "easily interpreted" then it would have been taken care of upon the first report.  That's how it has always worked for me.

    To further my general example; Some bloggers like to point out how "easily interpreted" I am as well... Only to support their own bias, usually based on made-up talking points in order to further an agenda.  That doesn't make it true.

    Easy solution since you're trying to find something wrong with it: Live and let live and go somewhere else.

  7. Black = Not your prim + Below  water. (^_^)

    Gray = Not your prim + Above water. (^_^)

    Dark  Blue = Your prim + Below water. (^_^)

    Light Blue = Your prim +  Above water. (^_^)

    Pink/Purple = Group deeded prim that you can  access/edit + Above/Below water respectively. (^_^)y

  8. As long as the parcel is inside the same sim and belongs to the same owner (or group), it will add to your combined available prim count.  (^_^)

    You can see your sim coordinates at the top of your screen.  They'll go from 0 to 254 according to your position in the sim. (^_^)

    In a way, you can see the border according to the map and/or turn on parcel lines in the view menu to see the borders inworld. (^_^)y

    • Like 1
  9. llGetAgentHeight is for your avatar's eye-height when firing weapons in Mouselook.  So, to start, it's not your avatar height at all.  But, all "Height Scripts" us it and embellish the value with an offset that, to date, almost nobody agrees upon. (^_^)

    Add to that, the default avatars have always been disproportionately tall.  So, add this debated offset to an already offset sense of scale and you have a whole new set of "corrections" of people defining "real" height. (^_^)

    Add to that, the camera leads to most indoors locations having very high ceilings... Further diminishing people's sense of visual scale and shifting opinions on what "real" height is. (^_^)

    Add to that, the oneupsmanship of people wanting to be taller and more intimidating than everyone else... Like a virtual height arms race, people would inch their sliders closer and closer to 100, just to be the bigger, badder, moar beauturphull avatar. (>_<)

    ... And, you get where we're at now. =^-^=

    Add to that... Because of this mess, we have people honestly saying "A meter is not a meter here" with a straight face.  Even though Havok4 definitions of gravity and force are based on the meter.  People have decided that 1 does not equal 1.  (^_^)

    But, all isn't lost.  The Emerald client does have accurate meter-based height measurements in the avatar appearance dialogue.  And, more and more people are doing as you've done and actually visually referring to prims in order to determine the height of things. (^_^)

    In the end, it's all relative.  You determine what you want to be.  But, don't be surprized when someone calls you out if you claim to be 5' tall and actually measure up to 7'3" prim height. (^_^)

    I've gone as far as defining it in my estate covenant. =^-^=



    This sim is to be constructed to-scale.  Meaning the meter will be honored as-is and "short" avatars will be considered proper adult height.  Avatars taller than 1.8 meters  in real prim height will be considered creatures of fantasy and lore and will NOT be used as reference in order to falsely accuse properly scaled avatars of being depictions of children.


    That said; I'm 5'1". (^_^)y

  10. I'm new to sim ownership and I have early plans to rent parcels out for homes and stores.  Part of my intent is to have the rent cover part of the monthly fee in US$ so I plan on setting aside L$ to be sold on the lindex to be used in the US$ balance of my account.  (^_^)

    The thing is, I've never chashed out anything before.  So, I'm not quite clear on what's reasonable.  (>_<)

    The exchange comission fee is a percentage, right?  That said, two sales of L$5000 would lead to the same fee charge as one sale of L$10000? (O.o)

    If so, is there a reasonable or required minimum? (o.O)

    Or... At what point does the comission fee get rounded the most cheaply? =^-^=

    Yes, I ~am~ being a greedy moneygrabbing pennypincher. (^_^)y

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