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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Hi everyone! As some of you know, I am a Space Craft Builder here in Second Life. I love anything to do about space, and space flight. The following are some of my creations. This is a space coupe. It is a physical vehicle, and will carry 2 passengers. This is one of my smallest builds. This is an orbital shuttle. It is a physical vehicle also. It is very fun ship to fly! This is a transport ship. It is a Non Physical vehicle, and will carry 6 passengers. This is a Flying Saucer. It is a non physical ship. It has weapons. It has 3 scene rezzers, that will rez out a bar, captains quarters, and a galley. The thrusters give off particles in flight. Very fun ship to fly! This is what I call the Space RV. It is a Non Physical ship. It has 3 scene rezzers, that include a galley, captains quarters, sick bay, living area, bar, and library. I think this one is my favorite builds! This is the Lunar Lander. It is a non physical ship.I am currently working on this build. It will have scene rezzer, and a small pod in the landing bay. This is a Battleship. It is a Non Physical vehicle. It has weapons, and scene rezzers. It has a war room, a bar, captains quarters, library, sick bay, engineering section, and a small pod in landing bay. One of my favorite builds! I can not take credit for this build. It is a very large space station in the middle of the sim, at about 3000 meters. It is made of sculpts! What a build! Ok! Now it is your turn! Show me your favorite builds! Show us what you got! Peace!
  2. WhiteBoi360 wrote: Hey all. First day here, wanting to get started out on the right foot, but this seems overwealming so far and a bit too advanced than the other simulations I've tried out. It will just take me a tad longer to get up to speed here. I'm fairly tech savy.. But was curious if anyone had any free time to meet up with me in game to maybe show me around and answer a few questions. I guess just add me in game and PM me there, or I'll check back and forth Thanks Oh to be new again! LOL! Hippie thinks way back! Sure! Contact me in world. I would be happy to show you some of the ropes! Peace!
  3. Lillie Woodells wrote: Awesome idea! Thank you Hippie! :smileyvery-happy: Far out Lillie! Peace!
  4. Kolby Nissondorf wrote: I would love to start volunteering some on my time to help people that are new to SL..and RL Ahh! There is nothing like helping Kolby! If you are interested, one place you can check out is Help People Island. You go through an apprentice course, and then graduate into a full fledged helper! Check it out! Do a search for Help People island! Peace!
  5. Cali Souther wrote: I will check it out when I get in world, thanks!! Far out Cali! Peace!
  6. Cabbage Acanthus wrote: I am always willing to help someone out, both RL and SL but as far as actively donating my time on this earth to do so... not anymore. I have found that most people who are actually worthwhile have already found their own solution to whatever problem that they have and those that take advantage of volunteers are doing just that, taking advantage of someone's goodwill. Now classes are a little different and perhaps more worthwhile that other sorts of voluenteering since that is assisting someone in their own efforts. Good post Cabbage! Thanks for hellping others! Peace!
  7. valerie Inshan wrote: LOL, this is too funny! Good morning Dee! Yes, we are all fine here! Have a great day! Hugs! Good morning Val! Woot! Peace!
  8. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning all:) Hope everyone is fine. Good morning Dee! Love the picture! Woot! Peace!
  9. Keli Kyrie wrote: I got the notice of the invite in my email this morning. i will accept tonight when I log in. So good Keli! Far out! Peace!
  10. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: I joined this morning! Peace!! Oh good! Far out! Peace!
  11. Dillon Levenque wrote: Great idea, Hippie. And how nice to see the picture on the Forum again :smileyvery-happy: I'll be joining soon. Peace. Groovy Dillon! Peace!
  12. Quinn Morani wrote: Most excellent idea, Hippie! I'll be sure to search for the group and join when I next get inworld. I can't wait for Hippiestock 2012! Far out Quinn! Peace!
  13. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: No. You have enough character to start a group based on your own character. Create a HippieBowman-group specifically and I'm game. And tell Maddy in advance to forgive me. PS I miss Maddy & Snugs in the forums still. :smileyindifferent: I miss them too Wil! Sigh. Peace!
  14. Wildcat Furse wrote: good idea Hippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *meows* Woot Wildcat! Peace!
  15. Hi everyone! I have formed a group called Hippiestock. It is open enrollment. The group is there to keep all of you groovy hippies informed about next years Hippiestock! Far out! Do a search in world for the group Hippiestock, and join it! There is no cost to join! Peace!
  16. DQ Darwin wrote: Hehe yep Hippie "y" days love that. Your a peach with land offer, ty. I can't say why I want to do it there but it will make sense when the invite hits. So see Lady for the cake okay got that. lol Now I will be careful as they might read this but maybe this Sunday say 12 or 1 pm slt, will know more tomorrow. Cali your in girl wooot Cool! I am serious about the land! Let me know okay? I will send ya LM tonight! Woot! Peace!
  17. Cali Souther wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: @Val @Hippie Okay just looked at my party planner check list and it's something like this: 1. Have party and plan with Maddy and Jen Think I need to tell Maddy and Jen When - not sure but weekends are good Where - well a surprise for some one on their land - might be hard. Order cake LMAO I like your style! LOL Weekend party? Count me in!! :-D Hi Cali! Hippie waves! Oh yes! Me too! I will be there with bells on! LOL! Peace!
  18. DQ Darwin wrote: @Val @Hippie Okay just looked at my party planner check list and it's something like this: 1. Have party and plan with Maddy and Jen Think I need to tell Maddy and Jen When - not sure but weekends are good Where - well a surprise for some one on their land - might be hard. Order cake LMAO LMAO Dee! HAHAHAHAH! Think I need to tell Maddy and Jen - You should tell Maddy and Jen huh? When - not sure but weekends are good - Anyday with a Y in it is good to have a party! Where - well a surprise for some one on their land - might be hard. - Do you need a place to have it? I can donate land if you need it! Order cake - You would not like the cake I make! Horrible! Sigh! HAHAH! Peace!
  19. DQ Darwin wrote: That's funnybecause I am working on one right now. I'm the planning stages with Maddy and Jen. So soon woooot Details will follow A party?! Hippies ears perk up! Woot! Peace!
  20. valerie Inshan wrote: LOL! Damned I'm trapped! :smileyvery-happy: LOL Val! :smileysurprised: Hippie throws Val a line! Hang on! I will pull you out! HAHAH! :smileyvery-happy: Peace!
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: Yep Hippie it's just great life is. Hey where's Val? Shopping? Haha!!! How did you guess? Hugs Dee! (say, when is the next party?) Ahhh! There she is Dee! hehe! Yeah! Loved your party! Peace!
  22. DQ Darwin wrote: Yep Hippie it's just great life is. Hey where's Val? Shopping? Hi Dee! Hippie Waves! She may be over on her Black and White picture thread @ http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-and-Photography/When-SL-meets-RL-a-B-amp-W-love-story/td-p/798167. But then again, if she is anything like my lady, she may be shopping! Sigh. Have a good day Dee! Peace!
  23. Great Weather today from Hudson Florida! Sunny. Clear. High 77F. Yes! Yes! YES! Peace!
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