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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. OH thoses are realy nice homes, Thank you for sharing Pamela! Peace!
  2. Rufus Darkfold wrote: Thanks for the fine craft! I'd like to give you something back. The primctl hud works in conjunction with the primset script to allow convenient editing of a link set or part of one. Color, light, flexi, texture, and resize are supported with immediate feedback. I have done 2 Navigator huds. One displays maps of the current and adjacent sims. The other displays any SL maps you load into it (1 line of configuration required per map). Both will plot your position on the map and scan for banlines, rez areas, etc. Both support slurl-based teleport by clicking on the map. These are pre-release, but you are welcome to any or all of them if you like. Many Thanks Rufus! Sure! I love free things! LOL! Peace!
  3. I put the SLURL in the OP. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/128/113/21 Come on out and enjoy some fireworks Sunday! All are welcome! Peace!
  4. Happy flights Charolette! Anyone else want one? Look at opening post. You know what to do! :smileytongue: Peace!
  5. Oh Melita! I had landing point set. Its OK now! Woot! Peace!
  6. Oh sorry Melita. hehe We just made some changes. Come visit again in a few days! Peace!
  7. Jacki Silverfall wrote: Groovy! I'll be there too! :smileyvery-happy: Far out! Look foward to seeing you! Bring friends if you want! Woot! Peace!
  8. Jo Yardley wrote: Think this video deserves its own topic? I do Jo! Peace!
  9. Jo Yardley wrote: I wish that one day SL will be like this; Oh my Jo! <sniff> That was beautiful! Wow! Peace!
  10. DQ Darwin wrote: Cool, plan to see you there Hippie:) Woot Dee!! It will be on the spaceport lawn! Bring a blanket! Peace!
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning and hugs to you all! Hi Dee, Lia and Hippie! Grrrr, couldn't login today. I want to press THIS button: Good morning Val! Sigh! I know! Wish I had that button too! Peace!
  12. Lia Abbot wrote: Thank you Hippie. Not sure if I can make it, busy weekend, but I'll be there in spirit if not in avatar. Ahh good Lia! Come if you can! Far out! Peace!
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: A 4 day weekend? Ooo you make me jealous Hippie. Seriously, have a lovely 4th of july Thank you Lia my friend! Hugs! By the way, I am having a little celebration at the spaceport, on Sunday the 3rd at 3PM SLT. Would love for you to attend. And bring a friend too! Look at this thread for the details! Woot! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Upcoming-Events-and-Activities/I-am-setting-off-some-fireworks-at-the-spaceport-7-3-11/m-p/954417 Peace!
  14. GruxQueen wrote: Added Nice to meet you Mr. Hippie Bowman Thank you my friend GruxQueen! I will except when I get home tonight! Woot! Look foward to meeting you. By the way. I am having a fireworks show at my sim Sunday the 3rd at 3PM SLT. Would love you to be there. Far out! Look at this thread for details! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Upcoming-Events-and-Activities/I-am-setting-off-some-fireworks-at-the-spaceport-7-3-11/m-p/954417 Peace!
  15. GruxQueen wrote: Hello!! Looking for a few friends to help keep me interested in Second Life. Open to new people. No specific perrson. Just fun, talkative, and wanting to show me the world ! Profile says brand spanking new, however I just recreated an account after being gone for quite some time! Nice to meet you loves ! Hi Grux! Welcome back to Secondlife, and welcome to the SL Forums! Feel free to friend me in world. My group has a lot if interesting people to talk to! Woot! Peace!
  16. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning all, Hippie count me in Good morning Dee! Woot! Peace!
  17. Leeee wrote: Hiii I've got a lover but I didn't plan for that lol nay way what should I say when we go to dance? during dancing.. what do you say also when we go to use some poses I don't know what to talk about HELP ME Hi Leeee! Welcome to SL, and to The SL forums. Hmm... Compliment you partner. It makes them feel good. Don't talk a lot about yourself. Put your partner on a pedestal. Make your partner feel real good about themselves. Be honest. Be yourself. Whisper sweet things in your partners ear! Forgive me, but I do not know what gender you are, and I looked at your profile, but no help there. Maybe fill out your profile would help a little. I will give you some generic examples of what to say. Here are some examples: The tone of your voice is like music to my ears, The vision of you is like candy to my eyes, Your very essence moves me to say .. I swear … I love you. The first time my eyes fell on you … my heart leapt .. And I fell .. In love with you! You make the nights less dark … you bring sunshine into the darkest corners of my heart. No matter what the weather is like, even on the coldest rainiest day … the very thought of you warms the deepest parts of my soul and brings light into my life. Night Light Searching in the dark I’m lost with out your touch, The day comes but the sun never shines. It’s a dream yet the candle slowly grows small. I need the net of your love to catch me when I fall. One kiss from you is never enough. I am always longing for our next kiss. Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then in silence, I can only hope, my eyes will speak my heart. That sparkle in your eyes was my ultimate undoing.  You have made my world wonderful, beautiful and good beyond my wildest dreams. Never, ever, did I imagine how great life could be, until I met you and discovered love. Before you, I was like a little puppy shivering in the cold. Before you, my senses were not yet alive. You are the sustenance that has brought me to life. This is the true measure of love: When we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us. Above all, remember that there is a real person behind the avatar. So treat that avatar as you would want to be treated yourself! Okay? I hope this helps you! Have fun! Be Good! If you can't be good then be careful! Peace!
  18. Hi Everyone! I am going to have a 4th of July celebration at the Spaceport, the 3rd of July, at 3PM SLT. I know! It's not the 4th on the 3rd, but a lot of people will be out looking at RL fireworks on the 4th, so.... Will set them off on the 3rd. All are welcome to come see. I will post the SLURL tonight when I get home, and can get In World. So come on out and lets have some fun! I know a lot of you are not from the States. That's okay. Come anyway, and enjoy some fireworks! Dig? Far out! Here is SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/128/113/21 Peace!
  19. Any more Real Life you! Your Posts are welcome! Woot! Peace! 
  20. Spectran wrote: Gosh, I'm new here. I fell like i MIGHT be saying something stupid, But I still feel that the need to complain might be something beneficial. I would wish that Second Life Forums would contain a whole 'Wish List" subforum. It is manufactured by jinnis after all, right? What else do I wish for 'Second Life'? Plenty of wish for its evolution! Better graphics over time-- can it compete with PS3 and Xbox360? Can it compete with film? Better interactivity-- how easy or possible is it to go jetboarding, skiing, snowboarding, parachuting, flying a kite, adventure gaming, imagining anything, interacting with the environment in any which way? Vehicles please! Or at least the ability to run, fer Christ's sake. Am I missing something here? There should be the ability to purchase your avatar a vehicle, be it a flying saucer, truck, scuba gear, jet pack, cheetah, snail, or portal gun, all with different speeds. Better sound synthesis-- when there's a song playing, I don't want to suddenly hear it. I want to slowly hear it more as I get closer to it, just like it is in 'real life'. Same with voices. Better customization over time-- customize the flash of light that happens when you warp to new worlds. Customize the way your voice sounds. Customize the censorship. Customize the desires. Customize everything! Earn your magic-- maybe you shouldn't even let these people fly to begin with. Make it a game. Do you realize how much you could be selling? !00 Lindens per angel wing~! Okay, maybe we should fly to begin with, just as in a dream. But can you imagine how much more is possible, and what secrets to behold? Only when you won sacred dragonfire can you see what lays behind the curtain! Make it perfectly accessible for people to create a video game in each world! How about the Sims version 900000000000000000! Make a complete synthesis with the genius of the computer! Can you Skype people you know at second life while driving down the street? What's their cyber-cell #? Can I watch true cinema at the cyber-through theatre? Can I completely interact the virtues of my PC with the the Cyberian outback? Certainly possible! Infinite programming possibilities And I'm sure I could think of a bagillion more. Can you? In good conscience, what would you suggest? Hi Spectran! Nice wish list. All good! I can help you with a vehicle. It is a large spacecraft. You can get one for free too. Just visit here to get it! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/I-am-giving-this-one-away-for-a-limited-time-Just-ask-and-it-is/td-p/827031 Woot! Peace!
  21. Good morning Everyone! Feeling wide awake today! Woot! Weekend is almost here! Well for me anyway, as I don't work on Fridays. Also it is a holiday weekend here in the States! Woot! So it will be a 4 day weekend for me! Yeah baby! Peace!
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