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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. valerie Inshan wrote: Yup Hippie, the parade was this morning. No need to say I watched it on TV, too crowdy. :smileyvery-happy: /me has a thought for these poor guys cleaning horse **bleep** after the show.... :smileytongue: Ahh Val! Good morning! Today huh? Far out! Yes those poor *bleep* cleaner uppers. LOL! Its a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Happy Bastille day to ya! Peace!
  2. Good morning everyone! Happy Bastille day! Is that today? LOL! Peace!
  3. Peewee Musytari wrote: I also heard/read that a lot were hanging elsewhere in protest over something or other, though I am not too sure how effective a protest is if no one knows what you are protesting. It could have been the lack of a GD forum or the initial strict modding when this first came back, but I`m not really sure so don`t quote me on that one lol It doesn`t take long to get comfortable in a different place, so its possible what started as a protest is now that they are all just settled elsewhere & not wanting to move again. Oh yes Peewee! I quite agree. Sometimes it is hard to teach a old dog a new trick. And these new forums just took some time to get used to. That's all! Peace!
  4. Canoro Philipp wrote: i miss the old GD regulars too.. just a few hours ago i went to a place in rl to meet someone and the people there said that that person doesnt hang out anymore... that person moved to a different place.. i came to realize that people come and people go in life, and we have to enjoy them while they are avaliable, like you are right now Hippie. i came to accept the painful truth that some people that leave our lives may not gonna come back, but its their choice of how much of themselves they are going to share with us.. also i decided to celebrate the new people that we have now, and the great people that is gonna come this year, the 2011 generation of forum posters. old GD posters, if you lurk this, thank you for what you shared with us, you rock! You are right my friend! People come and go. So now the new forums, with lots of good people, and new friends to meet! Far out! Peace!
  5. Great Thread Mayalily! Hmmm! Age huh? I guess Hippie looks in his late 20's. Most of the stuff I wear is bikers clothes, or space clothes. Works out well! Far out! Peace!
  6. Ceka Cianci wrote: i believe because the old GD was so filled with dramas that some decided to move to other media maybe..i remember some saying they were in so many words..fed up hehehe it was a hot house especially twards the end.. thats what happens with auto moderation bot forums i guess though hehehe Hi ya Ceka! I agree! It became quite a "hot house", as you say, at the end of the old GD. Is that what made it so fun!? LOL! I have no answers! Peace!
  7. squashy Beeswing wrote: But not just him. Where are they all? Okay, i know 2 got banned but they can't *all* be posting on those other forums, can they? I do miss the hustle bustle of the old GD. Yes, it could get mean and bitchy and idk what all else, but it had a flavour. These days it's so bland. Yes Squashy! Where are they all! I agree! The new forums are fun, but the old GD had a wild feel about it! Like the wild wild west if you get my drift! Far out! Peace!
  8. Keli Kyrie wrote: It is sad that so many are missing. Some don't know what to do with all their extra time now and have turned to a Life of Crime. I wish they would come back so we could eat up all their time and keep them out of trouble. :smileytongue: Oh yes Keli! Sad indeed! /me shouts "People come back! We miss you! Peace!
  9. Venus Petrov wrote: Hey Hippie! There are many people who used to post on the GDF (and older versions) who have not posted here in a lonnng while (if ever). I, too, miss Unk and others and I wish them well on their SL journeys. Oh yes Venus! Lots of missing faces here! I also wish them well in the SL journeys! Peace!
  10. Storm Clarence wrote: I, too, have wondered what has become of Unk. Maybe it is best to IM him inworld. I would be imposing if I did as I only know Unk from the forum. He is one of several voices missed. ETA I hope he is well and enjoying SL. Yes! Maybe I will impose and IM him in world. I also wish all is well with him too. Sigh! I miss his quick responses and great humor! Unk Bob! Please phone home! Peace!
  11. HI everyone! Many of you know of a poster, here in the old GD and Forums named Unklebob! I always enjoyed his posts, and humor. Where are you Uncle Bob!? Are you lurking? Give us a sign! Would love to here from you! Peace!
  12. Vous êtes les bienvenus mon cher ami Val! Je voudrais pouvoir être là pour participer à la fête! Woot! Paix!
  13. Hourra pour le Jour de la Bastille, et pressé pendant quatre week-ends par jour! Oui Oui Oui! Étreintes de vous Val! Hurray for Bastille Day, and hurry for four day weekends! Yes Yes Yes! Hugs to you Val! Peace!
  14. valerie Inshan wrote: Hugs Hippie! Are you sure every member of the Bowmans family is packed? :smileyvery-happy: Morning Val! LOL! Yup! All packed and ready! One Dog, One Bird, One wife! HEHE! Peace!
  15. Good morning everyone! Big move this weekend for the Bowmans! Arggg! I hate moving! Have a good day everyone! Peace!
  16. Hugs Dee! Wow! Large family huh! Love large families. Ours is small, but love large families! LOL! HEHE! Peace!
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: Hiya Hippie! Just yell if you need help! /me hugs you. Thank you Val, and good morning! Wow! Now that is 2 vehicles carrying some serious baggage! LOL! /me hugs Val back! Peace!
  18. Hi Addielee! Welcome to Second Life, and to the Forums! I would be glad to add you as a friend. Contact me In world, or just add me to your friends list! Far out, and congrats on the twins! Peace!
  19. Thank you Dee and Lia! Whew! I hate moving! HEHE! Good morning everyone! Peace!
  20. Good morning everyone! So late today! Still packing for RL move! Argg! Thanks for the coffee Wild! Far out! Peace!
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