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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. skinnysalvi wrote: I've had a second life for awhile now and I haven't made friends laugh out loud. So I've been wondering if anyone would like to be friends? Hi Skinny! Welecome to the SL forums! Far out! Look me up in world if you wish! Peace!
  2. Hippie Bowman wrote: Ganelon Darkfold wrote: Ok, so this is something where I have to finally de-lurk and actually make a post. I'm not a total beginner, maybe a quasi-beginner. Meaning I started at SL over a year ago, but I don't really know anybody or go anyplace in particular so much as just wander SL and look at the neat places people have built on nights when RL is quiet. Comparatively clueless, I play space games, but only recently noticed SL has space locations and so I came to the forum to do some search and see what I could find out. I would like one, if you're still sending them out. That is a seriously sweet looking ship. Now I'll have to figure out how to send a postcard, since I've never done that either. But I see some google on the topic, so I'll see if I can manage it. Hi Ganelon! I will send you one tonight after work! Sorry did not get it out to you this weekend, but was busy in RL! Sigh! The ship comes with instructions, so read that too! Far out! Peace! Oh my! So sorry Ganelon. I completely forgot to send you one last night. I will send tonight! Peace!
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: /me hugs you Lia, Hippie, Dee and all. It is tragic indeed. Our hearts and prayers are with Norway. :smileysad: Good morning Val, Dee, Lia, everyone! Yes Val. So tragic. Sigh. Peace!
  4. Lia Abbot wrote: Hi everyone. Back in NH again, but nice on-time flight and easy drive up here, so no prob. Horrible news this wekend. Why can't we all be more tolerant? I can't pray (beware I'm an atheist, so I'm evil) but my heart goes out to those poor families. Sorry to be depressing, but I had to say something. Tears from me, but hugs to all. Hi ya Lia! Glad you made it back safe and sound! Yes! So bad the tragic happenings in Norway! My prayers, and thoughts go out to those families that are hurting! Peace!
  5. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning Hippie, Val , Lia and all. Bugger Monday's:( Typical Monday:P Going to work on Monday Good morning Dee! HEHE! The Videos are so funny! Brought a smile to this face! Peace!
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Good Monday morning everyone! Some good old French kitsch stuff to start the week! :smileyvery-happy: Good morning Val! Great video! Far out, and hugs! Peace!
  7. Ganelon Darkfold wrote: Ok, so this is something where I have to finally de-lurk and actually make a post. I'm not a total beginner, maybe a quasi-beginner. Meaning I started at SL over a year ago, but I don't really know anybody or go anyplace in particular so much as just wander SL and look at the neat places people have built on nights when RL is quiet. Comparatively clueless, I play space games, but only recently noticed SL has space locations and so I came to the forum to do some search and see what I could find out. I would like one, if you're still sending them out. That is a seriously sweet looking ship. Now I'll have to figure out how to send a postcard, since I've never done that either. But I see some google on the topic, so I'll see if I can manage it. Hi Ganelon! I will send you one tonight after work! Sorry did not get it out to you this weekend, but was busy in RL! Sigh! The ship comes with instructions, so read that too! Far out! Peace!
  8. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: More! Come on all you been-around-the-block SL'ers. These are great. I want more exploring ideas. I have heard all kinds of stories about great sims that have disappeared (the creepy cornfield one comes to mind), and I want to see them before they go. It is hard to imagine the work that has gone into putting these amazing places together and I, for one, appreciate it. ***Yay, creators*** Yes Cinnamon! More! There are lots of places waiting for you to discover! Look at the destination guide to find them! And yes Cinn! ***Yay, creators***! Far out! Peace!
  9. Hey! Real Late today!!Happy weekend Val, Dee, Lia, everyone! Yeah Dee! Poolside is great! Peace!
  10. Mayalily wrote: Thank you, cool, but I don't have any land. Just a rental. Where CAN I fly in it? Anywhere, or just particular places? Okay Mayalily! I just sent you one! Have fun! IM if you need help with it! Peace!
  11. JoJo Moeleneaux wrote: I wish I had something funny to share but I did so get a laugh out of reading everyone's funny stories. I should post a link to this on a thread I recently saw about someone being bored, I think at the very least, it would make them smile. Great thread Hippie :smileyvery-happy: HEHE! Glad you like Jojo! Making people smile is a good thing! Far out! Peace!
  12. DQ Darwin wrote: I was just doing the math and figured out both you Hippie and Lia are 25 thats cool. Hippie pic from last night we had a barrel of fun Yeah Yeah! Lia and I are both 25! Woot! Ahh great picture Dee! Thanks! Peace!
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: Cool Hippie. I was 9. I lived in Africa then and we had no TV there but, by chance, My dad was on his home leave, which came up every 3 years. We'd take the ship from Mombasa through the Suez Canal and the Med back to London. So I was glued to the TV too. Happy days. Far out Lia! The early days of the space program was so cool. I loved every minute of it. I bought every model of the space vehicles I could get my hands on. I would look at the completed models, and just dream! Sigh. Africa must have been a cool place to live. I can only imagine! And remember, I did not ask you to tell your age! I learned a long time ago never to ask a lady her age! HEHEH! Peace!
  14. Maryanne Solo wrote: I don't officially volunteer but I will always help wherever I can. I will give lindens if someone is upset or in trouble and doesn't specifically ask for them. But..... Oh..:matte-motes-bashful: My.. :matte-motes-zipped: God.. I just realised Hippie, I met you waaay way before Hippestock at the Island you help at! ;o I didn't actually need any help but we and a lady friend of yours had a very pleasant conversation for some ten minutes or so. I remember it like yesterday and it was at least two years ago. I distinctly thought at the time..wow! how cool a Hippie! Ahh yes! I have meet so many people at Help People Island. And I do remember you too! We did have a great conversation. HEHEH! Oh yes! Tired Old Hippies can help too huh!? Thank you Maryanne for all you do in helping others! Far out! Peace!
  15. LOL Dee! A little secret! I was 6 when he flew. Yeah I know! I am an Old Hippie, but young at heart! I was glued to the TV watching. They let school out that day, and the coverage on TV was all morning, until the rocket was out of sight. Such romantic days they were. Now a Shuttle takes off, and they interrupt broadcast for the few minutes it take to get into space. Sigh! I was influenced so much by those brave men. Wanted to go into space myself, but that did not work out. I think that is way I build Spacecraft in SL! HEHE! We can do it all here huh? Far out! Peace!
  16. Lia Abbot wrote: I was at the Cape to watch a launch a few years ago. And guess what? Launch was delayed so I missed it. Still, I saw it sitting on the launch pad, and visited that wonderful museum. What impressed me most was Alan Shepherd's rocket. Not much bigger than a candle. Boy, he must have been brave. I'd insert a picture of it if this software wasn't so useless. Ahh! Sorry you did not get to see it lift off. Wow! Was the loudest thing I every heard, You could feel the shock waves, as they hit your chest cavity! I did get to see a few Saturn V's lift off, on the way to the moon. Saw it from across the state. It would light up the night sky, like it was day! I managed to insert Alan Shepherd's flight. His was the first American manned space flight! The Mercury capsule Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961. Freedom 7 carried him on a suborbital flight which made him the first American in space. Far out and groovy stuff huh? Peace!
  17. DQ Darwin wrote: Hugs Hippie, yes we had a blast missed you two:( I'll put up a pic later, woot Oh Good! Know that Lady and I were there in spirit! Woot! Peace!
  18. DQ Darwin wrote: Hugs Hippie, Val, Lia and all, good morning. Amazing that its been thirty years. Let the new era begin. NASA is an impressive site. NASA. /Dee takes care not to use TC instead of tc when she is (tc)ing:P Good morning Dee! Yes, the shuttle was great. Can't wait to see what is next. Sorry I could not make it last night! Was it good? Peace!
  19. Mayalily wrote: Thank you, cool, but I don't have any land. Just a rental. Where CAN I fly in it? Anywhere, or just particular places? You can fly it at my spaceport! Look at my signature for the SLURL. Rez it in the middle of the sim, as the edges of the sim is resident land! Peace!
  20. Mayalily wrote: Can I fly around in it? If so, yes I'll take one. Yes Mayalily! It flys! I will send you one tonight when I get home from work! Far out! Make sure you read the instructions that come with it! Woot! Peace!
  21. Anymore creations that you talanted people would like to show off? Your post is welcome! Peace! 
  22. Any more pictures or videos or storys of the Real you in Second Life? Your post is welcome! Peace! 
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