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Claireschen Hesten

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Posts posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. I heard about the update needs the V5.2 body if you want to use this new feature plus the update you can now adjust the foot size I believe it was said setting feet to 25 means all existing shoes will still work. As the new petite add-on isn't something I'll be using I did kinda get the impression it was included in the body update. Glad to see they aren't going down the perky route and charging full price and making it a separate body. L$500/600 is a lot more reasonable for people that want it

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Nayevia said:

    I have a legacy mesh body  for my main avi , i see on market there is legacy and TMP  for clothing ,should i just stick with legacy when i look for clothing ?

    If you have the Legacy body stick with stuff that says it's for that body. Anything that says TMP is for the old TMP body which you can't get anymore and the new free/L$1 version Classic "TMP" Meshbody which is said to work with 90% of existing TMP content 

  3. I don't think I've ever paid more than L$200-300 for a hair. I buy from the various sales if I like the look of the style and the colour pallette I'd buy is included, though lately stores I've previously liked have been restricting their offerings to not include the colours I'd buy. I wouldn't fatpack on a hair, I've worn the same shade for about 10 years having every colour a brand offers would be a waste on me. That said one brand I like does a choose your own colour pallette with all their shades included to choose from and I always pick the same options to put in the custom HUD

  4. I have a few things that are strip-able with an access list so only select people can click and strip you if you want and a non strip version is also included after the initial what do the strip stages look like curiosity i just wear the non-strip version as i don't really "entertain" or do things that would benefit from one of the strip stages. if something strip-able didn't include a PG version it wouldn't be a deal breaker if the strip mode could be made owner only

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  5. 16 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    In this case, can such reviews be flagged for removal? If so, what should they be flagged as?

    I reckon the most appropriate category would be Off Topic - Issue already noted in item Description 
    I don't think there are enough categories in the "Off Topic & Inappropriate Review" sections i was looking at a review on a product earlier and someone gave a completely unwarranted off topic 1 star review to complain about a product they'd bought inworld and not the product in the listing and there isn't a suitable option to flag it under

    • Like 1
  6. Now you have changed your name you might want to look up your name on google a friend of mine changed his name around the time it was first launched and was commenting to me that looking up his new name through google things like his profile was coming up with his old name 

  7. On 6/28/2020 at 9:41 AM, MrsLudwig said:


    I have seen on the marketplace, a few moths ago, a special HUD who don't let other people zoom on you (clicking on you're nickname) or who block them when they try to trigger with you.

    But i can't find it anymore, anyone knows if there's something similar on the marketplace?

    If you don't like people perving on what you're wearing and what you look like take off all attachments and wear a full body alpha so just your name tag shows 

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  8. With the abundance of weekend sales around if i like something i buy it, for some stores things i think about buying at full price soon enough come up in one of the weekend sales.one of the very few things i'm willing to drop serious L$ on is buildings if a build costs upwards of L$1k and it's good enough i demo it multiple times and can imagine my stuff in it however much it costs is worth it

  9. 8 hours ago, AlyceAdrift said:

    Any idea when the beach houses will be released? I'm excitedly waiting!

    It won't be until they've done the cloud stuff and have the capacity to create the region's needed. By the time they come out later in the year I reckon I'll fancy a change of scenery the more I've demoed the new theme the more I'm drawn having the green bungalow style on a pier, I could tolerate a partial water lot but wouldn't want a standalone water lot with no land connection

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  10. 4 hours ago, SweeetLuv said:

    So would you recommend anypose to make poses or what program do you recommend?


    When I was actively making poses I would use DAZ studio, you can use it to make animations too. I don't recall getting on well with QAvimator think it may have been harder to use than DAZ 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, AnyaJurelle said:

    Is there some official site/link that verifies ''you must now refer to them as meshbody''?

    I got a notecard from one of the brands accounts yesterday saying this, they have a feed or something set up that flags up every time TMP is used in relation to to the new bodies on the SL site or various SL related blogs. I think "must" was a bit strong couldn't exactly remember what they said in the NC, they definitely want to try and get rid of any association of the bad rep of their old products

    Extract from notecard



    Our RSS feed has trigged you used the wording TheMeshProject or TMP when referring to Meshbody. We are not TheMeshProject or known to the Second Life community as TMP. 

    We kindly ask that you update and stop affiliating Meshbody with TheMeshProject/TMP.


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  12. 40 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Did they separate each house on an actual 1024 sqm plot?

    About land says the plots are 1024sqm the standalone water homes have boundary marker posts on each corner, the beach and pier lots have boundary marker posts on the corners extending in to the water which may help keeping everything inside the plot

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    • Thanks 2
  13. Apparently it's no longer cool to refer to Legacy and Classic as TMP or The mesh project even though they use "The Shops" region to sell the new bodies and there's still TMP content there. They really want to disassociate themselves with that previous brand so you now must refer to them as meshbody. They apparently have something that triggers every time you use TMP anywhere and they notecard you to stop associating the new body with the old

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  14. I sort of feel underwhelmed by these homes don't know how i'd use the space inside not made keen on the lack of interior doors makes them feel too open plan will need to demo them more. I know they are American style again but local to me there are ramshackle looking Shacks/Chalets/Cabins/Huts along the lines of the bungalow styles on the edge of water never fancied the idea of living in one though

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  15. 3 hours ago, TheCarMechanic said:

    Hi, thank you for your reply. I forgot to mention that I got the free version. I does not have BoM funcionality and doesn't come preloaded with extra skins

    I have the free version too on both a male & female alt there is a section on the HUD that requires you to have media enabled in this section there are preloaded skins and a BoM option which I use for both bodies. No TMP products work with Omega and in the old days you used to need an installer for skins and the free body they offered you were stuck with the preloaded skins. 

    If you can get BoM or the skins to work you will have a functional body but it won't be as good content wise as the likes of Slink, Belleza & Signature. The body is said to work with 80-90% of pre-existing TMP content and there isn't so much around these days as creators favour other bodies and phase out old content

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  16. The new TMP "Classic" works with BoM (Bakes on Mesh) you just need to take off the body alpha turn on media and in the customisation section of the HUD is an option to turn on BoM which will allow you to use almost any system skin which may also be labelled as BoM plus you will be able to system layer clothes and tattoo layer items. The HUD does come with skins but as TMP bodies rely on an external server they could disappear at any time

    • Like 1
  17. I've mentioned this before, i first became aware of SL through the news and stories of Kid av's virtual playgrounds and paedophiles, then i started seeing stories about people meeting and marrying in RL through SL. It was a magazine article that finally got me to sign up and these years later i'm still here

  18. 1 hour ago, Frigga Freidman said:

    These SL17B freebies from Laminak might suit a log home or a camper. The cushions have several color options and animations. Each piece is 2LI. (https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jubilant/60/100/53)

    Can also be acquired from the region SL17B Mesmerize, I think all the freebies at the gift boardwalk are the same as those at the shopping regions if no one fancies trying to wander round 10 shopping regions just for gifts 

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