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Claireschen Hesten

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Posts posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. If you are U.S based there are certain states you can't access skill gaming sims from if you don't live in the states mentioned in the link you may not be access these sims if your internet connection comes from these states. If you come from somewhere not prohibited try removing and re-entering your payment info

  2. 1 hour ago, wesleytron said:

    I'm not sure what you're saying. What's a 'full' AO?

    I mean HUD + complete range of animations as you can buy the HUD & animations separately 

    1 hour ago, wesleytron said:

    You don't have to pay upwards of L$2000 for a decent AO

    Would agree on that, however, I was happy to pay the price since i'd been gifted one of the AO's and actually prefer the HUD to the Zhao-II types. i've used in the past from Tuty's, Vista, Oracul, Bright corp etc.

  3. 28 minutes ago, wesleytron said:

    Akeyo are good but I suspect they cost quite a lot more than someone who was looking at Oracul AOs would be wanting to pay

    If the op can only afford oracul prices then they'd have to do a bit of saving as full AO's cost approx L$2000 but are worth it

  4. 6 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

     I've never seen those yet inworld.  Does the person wearing the shield see their avatar with the big red blob also?  

    Some years back those shields were really popular i think they were more of an attempt to prevent being copy botted than inspecting what you're wearing i can remember being somewhere when i was in to hunting out midnight mania boards and a woman was wearing a shield that would announce every time it was touched

    • Like 1
  5. Pretty much all the hair I buy is L$50 Friday hair from one store I don't bother demoing so some styles I might not like all that much but of those I do the only reason I wouldn't wear the hair is down to complexity I have some styles that I love but are unwearable due to their complexity being twice as high as the value I like to keep within 

  6. Both bodies are well supported the thing i think you need to consider more than the actual body is the HUD - how easy it is to use and what the skin options are like if your current skin doesn't have an applier, you will be using the HUD a lot. when i went mesh i demoed all the well supported bodies and decided on Maitreya what clinched it for me was i liked the HUD ease of use and more importantly the skin options it was the only body HUD that would colour match with my previous skin. The issue i have with Belleza is the three bodies not all creators that do Belleza create for all three bodies so you need to research if your favourite fashion brands do the body you're planning on getting


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  7. If this message came shortly after you arrived you weren't given enough time to rezz plus the person would've had to have been intentionally camming you your dress is modest enough you can't tell what undies or alpha you are or aren't using without camming. Being a crowded location this elite dance place really needs to modify its dress code to allow people a few minutes to fully rezz before any comment is made about an outfit

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  8. The only rumour i've heard is that the sale is an attempt to grab as much money as possible out of SL before pulling the plug and rendering all iterations of the body useless. anyone that invested as far as the free body when it was available have been the biggest winners of the sale as all the clothes, shoes & accessories are free the shopping HUD may be the worst shopping experience ever but the stuff is really good quality and everything appears to auto alpha so fits perfectly

    If i was looking to buy a body i wouldn't waste a single L$ on TMP in case they are due to pull the plug


    • Like 5
  9. 17 hours ago, Ipecac Burnham said:

    The "Unofficial" group out there is full of people doing the same thing, calling themselves "Protectors", as they crash people who crashed them, for 0.02USD.

    I don't think the unofficial group is the problem or ever has been. there's a new group that my alt got invited to where the goal of the group seems to be fight fire with fire and IMO these people in the group going around playing griefers at their own game claiming to use the same tools they do are nothing more than griefers themselves

  10. 13 hours ago, Sylvia Wasp said:

    This is mostly the SAME cheaters, operating since the beginning of the game, who have been reported for cheating MANY MANY times, but still NOTHING happens.  

    I do think there is a problem with the policing of the realms in my time there were some griefers, cheaters and campers that did get banned but far too many did and as far as I'm aware still do get away with it it's like you can grief and cheat all you want and you're unlikely to get punished. meanwhile there was a time when I couldn't get in to an event I decided to scroll through the map and see just how far the SIM was from my home. whilst scrolling I came across a "secret" realm that has since been either moved on the map or no longer exists and against my better judgement curiosity got the better of me and I thought it would be a good idea to see if I could get in, so I must have tried every sim of this realm only to later find myself portal park and realm banned, if I could go back in time I wouldn't make the same mistake again 

  11. I think the one place i miss most is"Trilegy" it was 3 and a half mainland sims worth of "free land" in Boris, Maklovar, Anastasiya & Valeryia and a bit of beach front somewhere it was a really great community with apartment towers and a mansion and weekly parties, on cleaning day there was always a mad rush to grab the allotted 200 prim allowance once you rezzed something you daren't delete it as in case someone took the prims you just freed up the owner vanished from SL and eventually so did the land when it got reclaimed

  12. Would help to know which sim you are crashing in, if you go in to LR 2, LR 22, LR 162, LR 182 there is an almost guaranteed chance you'll get done by someone using a crasher or lagger if there aren't any crystal blockers who've made themselves visibly invisible. When i was allowed in the realms i learnt to steer well clear of LR 2 aka the orange grove because of the crashing. in other sims you are unlikely to run in to crashers but may well see certain faces parked in areas that prevent high value crystals from rezzing 

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