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Roxy Couturier

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Posts posted by Roxy Couturier

  1. On 9/20/2018 at 6:06 PM, Shansi Kenin said:

    well not to be critical'? this section of the forum is really only about 2ndlife 'not other grids or promoting them

    There are a good number of us that post there and still use SL. The new Forum will still have SL and Sansar sections, so it is still relevant to this forum. From what I understand, Cris is working on seeing if things like the scripting subsection can be moved over to the new digs. In any case the archive will be available.

    • Like 7

  2. MystoryTimedancer wrote:

    I am also joining 1920's Chicago, and will be renting a house there, until I can buy my own land. I am an accomplished builder in the Sims venue, I am sure that I will be able to build my own home.

    It isn't the task of building but knowing the ins and outs of SL land rental and purchasing. It can be confusing and you need to be careful. Ceavat Emptor should be your motto.

    MystoryTimedancer wrote:

    I really do not like the public sandboxes, because there is always some guy blowing me up, running me over, shooting me, or disrupting my attempts to work on my wardrobe and clothing inventory. I want to have my own private place to live in this wonderful virtual world.

    Try going to the premium sandboxes that are available (at least with your premium account).

    It's worth becoming Adult verified even if you don't plan on going to Adult venues. I've found Adult sandboxes to be relatively greifer free. (One incident in close to a year using a pretty popular one.)

    Sandboxes can be useful when your home sim is either down or having performance issues. They aren't all like the wild west.


  3. It's more in the makeup than just slapping a skintone on. Try Heartsick skins, BND (Bird next door) and Bubbelz Design.

    Heartsick has some skins with an eye design that has a strong Asian look.They also have mens skins.

    BND has inexpensive but very well made skins.It's a strongly Asian influenced store. They have the shapes to go along with the skins and are a steal for their prices. I bought them for an Alt and was very impressed with the quality of both skin and shape.

    Bubblez has a couple skins in their lucky boards and are worth the time spent waiting for your letter to come up.

    Good luck!

  4. Here's the steps to fix Ruth hair fix. Create a folder called "Avatar Fix" and put it in your Body sub folder.

    Put in copies of your usual shape, eyes, skin, bald base (or baldy). Personally I also add my usual prim hair as well as a pair of pants and a top (incase I need it on a G rated sim).

    Once you're done, right click the folder and choose replace. That will force it off.

    You'll need to replace your HUDS afterwards.

  5. If you use phoenix (and a few other viewers), RLVa is a module that allows RLV enablement with those viewers.

    Go into preferences, look for some checkbox that says "Enable RLVa". Uncheck it. Log off and restart your viewer.

    Once done, I'd look at any prims you normally wear. I'll bet someone slipped an RLV scripted item or HUD to you. (that is, an object with RLV scripts in it.)

    One RLV command forbids removal of clothing layers.

  6. I've answered this in the GD forum, but I'll add one that works here (and you don't need to wait for someone to send you a folder).

    Create a folder, name it "Replace with me if I'm a cloud (or noobified)". Put this folder in your Body Parts sub-folder.

    In that folder place a copy of your usual shape, skin, hairbase, eyes, prim hair (if any) and (if you hang out at PG sims) a top and pair of pants.

    If you cant bake (remain a cloud) or if you rebake and find yourself wearing ruthhairfix as a hairbase, right click on the folder and choose 'replace outfit'.

    Wait for your AV to fully bake. That is, that second 'fuzzy to sharp' rezzing of all the textures.

    This makes it easier and quicker to 'rebuild' your Avatar when this happens.

    You'll have to reattach any HUDs and prim clothing, but you'll be able to.

    Ruthhairfix is the debbil

    • Like 1

    Pserendipity.Daniels wrote:

    Damn! I must have missed the general call for volunteers to be self-aggrandising impotent faux Resident Moderators.

    Pep (loves it when they do that.)

    PS Next, I suppose, you are going to threaten to stop the car.


    But Baeric didnt fail at missing the snappy comeback deadline.

    Or 'answering' on already answered threads..

    Cant stop the car, but we can point you to the short bus and hand you the prerequisite helmet.

  8. Oh, it was noticed, but intervention wasnt needed. Some trolls you squash like bugs, some you let run through the gauntlet because its fun to watch. Sort of like Wile E Coyote jumping up and down on a trap that's failed to go off. You know whats going to happen, but its so damn fun to watch.


    Unklebob.Hotaling wrote:


    There's a logic in that... if something happens on the forum someone wants to address, what better place to address it than on the forum - PM'ing just a way not to bring dirty laundry or what is an issue just between two people into the public spotlight.  If something didn't happen inworld, why bring it inworld.


    Absolutely, why just the other day I told Bob he was old and smelled of crabapples. As it would be inappropriate on the flogs I PM'd it. Sending it inworld would be rude and stalker-like.

    (okay. untrue... but we have spoken in PM when carrying on a tangent convo isnt necessary to do in public.)

    Daria, I don't need a NC. I'm capable of sussing out fact from fiction.

    And bacon is strong enough to survive.


    Eli.Schlegal wrote:


    Well that's probably because you didn't see the PMs. She was all kinds of butt hurt and she didn't get the last word either.


    Well, she's not the one following -you- to other threads to prove how much more superior than you she is, now is she?

    Its the bacon isnt it?

  11. ButtHurt

    An inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal insult. Frequently associated with overt hostility towards the “aggressor.”

    Getting your feelings hurt, being offended or getting all bent out of shape because of something petty or stupid.

    It is a common ailment amongst losers on the internet. It is usually characterized by noisy whining and complaining after being pwnt or otherwise outdone in any minute and insignificant way.




    Elijah.Jumanya wrote:


    I have been an avid reader of the Q&A threads, I've learned a lot of good things from some of the posters but of late (and yes here we go again) I am seeing respondents to posts Flaming each other, using Vulgarity and and off topic items all of which are Violations of the posted Guidelines.  And to be honest I don't think there are enough Lindens in the world to constantly watch the Blogs and Q&A.


    And this is the situation LL allowed to germinate. No 'mute' ability, No easy way to report posts in violation and no stickies for posting rules. Look at the steps you yourself took, not only to find the posting rules and post them here, but the distance between the locations.Pardon me if I find it ironic that the easier to use, less need for maintainance software doesnt have the basic functionality of Guild Portal and requires more of an active role on their part.


    How do we as a group help others learn what is appropriate and what is inappropriate behavior.  I have filed complaints against the worst offenders but to no avail.  I hear everyone complaining about problems but few offering constructive answers.  I am including some parts of the Guidelines here in hopes of spurring some thought and positive discussion about this.


    What can -you- do to make the blogrums a better place?

    A. Dont be a tard. This isnt directed at you OP, but in general. In other words, don't be a jackass and others wont be jackasses back.

    B. Limit your offensitivity (the inability to -not- take offense at something even mildly or inadvertently offensive). It doesn't belong in any adult to adult communication.

    C. Don't be a forum equivalent of a hall monitor. It's not your job. This isnt to say don't speak out, but learn to recognize the source of a problem as opposed to the signs of a problem.

    D. If you take a stand, be sure that it's a hill you're willing to die on. Seriously, be sure.

    E. If you must report, report the instigator, not the responder. That is, some people post purely to elicit negative posts. This is the essence of trolling. Don't report the people calling another names, report the one inciting them to do so.


    I am of an older generation that was raised to say please and thank you, to treat others with respect.  And to say to ourselves "would I want this done or said to me?" and if the question is no then not to say or do it.  I am also not of the thinking that "I have to do it to them, before they do it to me".  And I know that many out there agree.

    I am pleading with all here to begin using manners and courtesy when dealing with others, your behavior here reflects your behavior in-world and in RL and I don't know about you but I would never want to be treated the way some treat others.


    And I was raised to say something to someone else's children when they acted out. Sometimes you need to be an adult in an adult world. I dont suffer jackasses in any aspect of my life.. RL, SL or these (or any other) forums. Nor do I plan on treating anyone other than as an adult. I do however, expect the same in return.

    The best that can be hoped for is to keep things civil. The thing is, while you or I might not want to be an ass, some people absolutely thrive on being the center of attention. Good or bad, being nice doesn't always work and it's time to get the stern, adult voice out. YMMV.

  13. No, but most MMO's that have such abuse tickets also have rules against people that abuse the abuse system. I couldn't find the LL policy, but I know World of Warcraft and City of Heros both have banned people who have filed false abuse reports for purposes of harassment.

    (BTW, having spoken to you on an alt, I cannot imagine anyone ARing you! Unfortunately, they cant prevent crazy.)

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