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Sy Beck

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Posts posted by Sy Beck

  1. Is there no resource implication to this at all? 

    I'm no techie, far from it, but calculating the positions, movement, light effects plus a whole host of other dynamic attributes of a billion odd 3D particles every 0.05 secs at least, would, to a layman like me, seem an enormous resource hog. 

    I would presume further that this would only be used firstly in boxed/downloaded first person games etc, whereby a lot of the data can be stored locally.  Would this really be feasible in the near future for a dynamic MMO such as SL?  Can servers at the present time stream out all that data to maybe 20 people on a sim all looking at something from a different aspect?

    I really don't know the answers to these questions, but it's just my layman's take on it.  If it is possible then wow, just WOW, I can't wait.  Maybe some techie can inform me in simple terms.

    /me goes back to rubbing sticks and bashing rocks.

  2. Knowl Paine wrote:
    in part

    ....A very unpopular job is sorting and renaming textures. I send you a box of about 500, you try to make sense of them. A brick texture might be named 004 tfg, red brick would be a better new name. What's it worth? I don't know. You would also get a copy of all the textures (full perms). Many types of objects can be sorted in SL. .. 



    OMG my OCD meter has just gone off the scale!  Can I do cross indexing too?  Please!

  3. Because I'm bored and feeling generous how about a caption competition?

    Wittiest (as judged by me) wins L$1000


    • Anyone can enter and can have as many entries as they wish.
    • Please try and keep all your attempts on the one post.
    • Competition closes midday Friday 21st Oct 2011 PDT/SLT.
    • Anyone who merely finesses a previous entry will not be counted.

    NOTE: I'm from the UK and am fairly abreast of world matters, but if you make reference to some turkey farmer who's in the news in the back end of nowhere it's likely to go over my head and then into the bin.

    P.S.  LL Community Guidelines still apply :smileywink:

    So without further ado, WTF is happening here?!




  4. Suella Ember wrote:

    Void Singer wrote:

    what's funny is how everything DM touches turns to crap.... it's the sensationalism and crudity they bring to any topic.


    I'm just suprised the headline wasn't "Plastic surgeon discoveres ideal breast size, but breast give you cancer thanks to Brussels Bureaucrats and their conspiracy to kill diana in in cahoots with assylum seekers who are stealing your pension and causing house prices to rise and are therfore going to tax our boobs"


    You left out immigrants, single mothers, absent fathers, feral children and/or yobs, benefits claimants, anyone to the left of....well anyone to the left, gypsies, Health & Safety officials, Red Tape, anyone who says speeding at night on a country lane at 70mph is dangerous, bankers who make money, bankers who don't make money, privatised utility companies, people who don't want utility companies privatised, train services, capital punishment as dished out by Johnny Foreigner, people who are opposed to the introduction of proper British capital punishment, all forms of gambling except the DM Bingo and scratchcards....ad infinitum

  5. "Familiarity breeds contempt" so they say, well I'll probably make no friends at the lab, but my advice is to take a break.  I've had two long breaks in my time on SL and I can't explain it, but after a long break each time I had an itch to return.  Each return has coincided with a major innovation in SL, namely sculpts first time and mesh this time.  This was good for me as building is my passion in SL so it gave me something new to learn and try each time.

    What you are feeling is only natural and you sound like the sort of person who needs fresh environmental, physical or intellectual stimulation, which is nobody's fault not even LL's/SL's or yours.  It comes to us all at different times in our lives in many things.  If your relationship with SL was like a RL love relationship you could talk with your partner to spice things back up, but sadly your relationship with LL/SL is one way and don't hold your breath waiting for them to come round with chocolates, flowers, cruise tickets or some exciting lingerie anytime soon.

    Take a break, go find other MMOs, take up a new hobby, take a course, Hell, go buy some exciting lingerie (my number's in the book)!  Then one day in the future when you are feeling at a loss for what to do then login and see if SL appeals to you all over again.  I can only speak from my experience that twice now I've returned and both times it's been a new and exciting world I've returned to with the familiarity of old friends who were/are still around.

    Good luck in whatever you choose to do.  :smileyhappy:

  6. Performance and reliability wise SL is better now than it has ever been in terms of everyday useability.  Your PC on the other hand may now be falling behind what's required.  There is a poster in another thread who is now describing how her SL experience has improved immeasurably since upgrading her hardware, no client side lag, textures loading quicker than ever and she's able to turn up her graphics sliders and is seeing detail she's never seen before.

    There are other issues within SL, which need to be sorted, copybotting, search etc but you seemed to be only criticising SL's performance and reliability.  Like Venus I remember "maintenance day" that could stretch into days, sim crossings where once started you could go off and make a cup of tea while it progressed, TPing and ending up with my boots and hair firmly planted up my ass and feeling nervous whenever a sim population got to 15+ people.

    It's not your fault if your hardware is not keeping up, but neither is it LL's fault either.

  7. Errr....no, not strange at all if you have enabled the developer mode, which you undoubtedbly have.  Sooooo basically we are supposed to be Wow'ed by the fact that you delved into the crevices of the developer mode and enabled , "Allow Select Avatar in Character Test"? (Thx to Incoherent for passing this snippet).

    It's a bit like saying, "If you put cheese on toast into a metal casement it melts.", but neglecting to say that the metal box has a grill enabled within it.

    So it's not really strange, it's doing what you enabled it to do.


    PS I'm being terse and slightly derisory, but the alcohol has enabled it within me and I'm being up front about it.

  8. @Chelsea & Madelaine


    Thank you both for the ideas,  I should explain that I'm building a house (for sale) where I wanted a darkened corridor lit mainly by some wall mounted gas lights for some authentic ambience.

    Therefore, sun presets wouldn't be a viable option because I can't dictate that to a buyer.  For a moment I thought Chelsea had the answer with her suggestion of some PS manipulation of the texture.  I'm not sure though whether that's viable (or I'm not understanding the suggestion properly) because I won't be able to dictate to a customer which way they should face their house so that the manipulated texture would work as intended.  I will though when I login go check your shop to see what you've done, your marketplace items look great.


    P.S. @Madelaine

    Was there any video of that noise cacophony party you invited people to at The Burning Man?  I thought I was recording it with FRAPS but ended up with a 20 min video of my desktop with all the noise in the background. :smileysad:

  9. Thanks Immy I pretty much guessed so, but after being a away from SL for a while I was taking a punt that something shiny and new may have come along. 

    I've got a nVidia GT420, I looked at the options and didn't see anything in the global settings for shaders, there was an option for ambient occlusion, but under the settings for SL within that it said, "Not supported by this application"...?  Anyhoos, if I can't enable it for everyone who is going to look at my stuff then no point bothering much doing it for myself. 

    That pic though is excellent and is how things should look in an ideal SL world.; lucky you. :smileyhappy:

  10. I'm asking this more in hope than anticipation. 

    In the attached pic is an enclosed corridor, which has no windows or any light source present.  The wall on the right though appears as if it is illuminated by the sun, which it is, while the left wall is naturally darkened.  Is there any workaround so that the wall texture on the right in this instance will display as if it were in an unlit environment?

    Undarkened corridor_001.png

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