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Sy Beck

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Posts posted by Sy Beck

  1. I couldn't agree with you more Void.  SL is not a game, at one end it's a platform for visionaries and virtual enthusiasts and at the other a unique area for fantasists and socialites.  As you say, if a suit were the CEO they would be looking for the most efficient way to get an extra buck out of all us.

    With Rod I sense we've got someone who understands why we are all here and what the attraction of SL is to all of us.  Hopefully his aims are to enhance that core attraction and to add to it what "we" require, and tidy up some of the mess left by previous incumbents.  It's also encouraging that he's looking in on our discussions and at least seeing some of the complaints and suggestions.

    I've just spent nearly an hour watching a lecture/presentation that he gave at

    where he showed a very critical insight into the power of the games media and posed questions as to how that could be harnessed for the benefit of its users.  Whatever else it showed it demonstrated that he understood this virtual world we choose to inhabit and the kind of users that we are.  I'm sure that LL has enough people in its ranks and in its shareholders to keep the company profitable and to advise on such matters, but I for one am glad that we have one of our own ilk deciding what's best for SL and its users (crosses fingers that I won't have to come back and apologise for this post in a year).

  2. R0xx wrote: in part


    ..... The point my message here is If I  own a group..then I expect unrestricted use of that group. I think LL is trying to apply RL people groups to equate to an OS group..

    ...I can see a maximum number of users..but minimum? Thats BS

     So please don't respond with a "People" point of view.





    This is the reason why you need a "People" point of view. 

    The problem with the OS not caring about how many people are in the group is that it also couldn't care less if your main can't log in and can't get access to its land either, it neither cares if someone has maliciously AR'd you and got you a temporary ban.  It also doesn't care that your tenants or shop users can't get things sorted or rectified because you can't log in.

    So LL in a moment of lucidity and wisdom envisioned these very circumstances and thought we better put a failsafe in because that damned OS couldn't give a flying toss about anyone. 

    A golden rule of design is, make the machine fit the person, don't try to make a person fit the machine.  Your argument is technically valid, but inefficient for many eventualities.

  3. Thanks Peter and Darkie. 

    I've decided to go with just the LSL Editor as suggested earlier for the time being.  I've been contacted inworld and told by a couple of people that it runs fine on Win7 except for an occasional exit program bug, which won't affect it or any work saved.


    Thanks for the quick and helpful replies, much appreciated.

  4. I've decided to try my hand at scripting and would like suggestions as to which offline editor to use.  It should be regarded as reliable, likely to be around for at least another 6mths have LSL highlighting and any other feature that would be valuable for a beginner.

    Many thanks in advance for your help and/or suggestions.

    [ETA] ...and runs on Win 7.

  5. On the main part I can see LL wanting to wash their hands of the dirty little **bleep** under the stairs, as we say, and there may or may not be merits in that decision.  If the new people are enlightened then they may have a more user orientated feedback loop than LL presently does across its whole user base.  This though could cause conflict in the future if their more enlightened view clashes with LL's more corporate public facing view.

    As regards the wider maturity rated zones on the grid then I don't see LL relaxing their grip (or lack of) on those unless Disney bid to run them, but it's an area where they are sadly lacking.  It's been said many times by others and myself included that the introduction path to SL and it's learning curve is sadly neglected by LL.  There have been improvements in the starting area but new users are then just dumped in an infohub and expected to get on with it.  It's then left to the good will of volunteers or NCI to show them the real ropes in SL.

    I've said it before, but what business in the world would have a known new customer come to the door of their shop and then only show them how to open the door?

    So in short, yes to the former and let's see what happens and as to the latter, give NCI a contract to run all the other hubs.  They would deserve it after all the years they've spent doing LL's job for them.

  6. Ima Rang wrote:

    kattatonia Wickentower wrote:

    I started a post to dis the man, but I decided that would be rude.  Rest in Peace, Steve Jobs.


    What is there to dis about him? 

    He was far from sainthood, as are most of us, but it's neither the time nor the place to trawl over that now.

  7. I remember Agent Smith telling Neo in The Matrix how firstly they created a perfect virtual world for humans to exist in, but humans sub-conciously rejected it because we needed the pain, misery and humdrum of life.

    Damn you and damn your mowable lawn!  :smileywink:

    /me returns to washing his virtual dishes seeing as the virtual dishwasher has stopped working.

  8. I've just a small observation or rather a recounting of a story to add.  

    I once had to chaperone a senior French bishop around London for 2 hrs before a meeting.  At one point in our travels around the sites he remarked with some obvious displeasure about the number of CCTVs in place wherever we went.  I paraphrase from memory his questions, "Why did we need so many?  Were we waiting for crimes to appear on them so we could justify their placement?  Why did British people suffer this intrusion into their everyday lives?".  I tried to inform his questions as best I could without expressing an opinion. 

    A question then occured to me that I had to ask in turn.  "You don't find it odd or contrary then that you accept an all seeing, omniprescent God that watches over you all the time and can even see into your soul?".  His response was cursory and dogmatic and along the lines of that you cannot question the wisdom and acts of God.

    I draw no conclusions from the incident, but found it an interesting juxtaposition.  I suppose as Peter has pointed out, surveillance is fine when it's good people controlling it, but what happens when bad people get control of it?  And even aetheists would agree that any particular religion's Godhead is going to be around for a while by definition.

  9. Suella Ember wrote:


    Yeah - I know that Sy is back. Mainly because I'm currently scrounging off his land which he is allowing me to use for free (well, in exchange for the promise of outrageous flirting and the tease that I might one day let him hump my pixels. 


    I'd ban freeloaders, squatters, outrageous flirters and anyone smelling slightly of dairy products.


    Here's one I dealt with earlier. :matte-motes-evil-invert:


  10. Mitchell Indigo wrote in part

    I've tried Dominion homes, but his rooms, some of them have non matching wall colors...


    Many builders do sell houses with Mod permissions so changing the colours around on paint effect walls shouldn't be too much of a problem for even the least skilled person.  Changing to new textures such as changing wallpaper or carpets may present a few challenges to align and resize your desired textures, but nothing that can't be achieved with a little patience or help from friends.


  11. I don't think that's happened to me, but I've asked my diary secretary to check back. 

    I do know though that if there's one animal you definitely don't want to mess with then it's a honey badger.  It's mental mindset is usually set at a level somewhere between demonic beast of Hell and a psychotic on angeldust.  There is literally nothing this animal won't try to eat, however big, venomous or aggressive it may be.  They have been known to kill bulls, take numerous venomous bites from snakes and then eat the snake before going into a temporary coma to shrug off the venom.

    Men beware though, when honey badgers decide to chow down on a human male they are reported to leap straight for the groin area and once those powerful jaws close then your meat is on a one way street to badger faeces.

    And if the narrator of this video is a dwarf I think I've neatly tied it all together.

  12. May I humbly suggest "Trolling a Troll Season"? 

    There must be some recognised troll out there who sadly is coming to the end of their cynical and sardonic days and as of last season their performance has sharply declined against other nastier and rising trolls and therefore needs to be put out to pastures fora new, culled, but never out to stud.

    Maybe they were spotted passing an unexpected compliment somewhere, their ISP is coincidentally the same as the owner of the website, "Dress me in a tutu, spank me and call me Susan" or they incomprehensibly missed a 30 page thread titled, "Fluffy things and why we should be all really nice to each other".

    There would be two options to take with such offender depending on their species classification.

    Catalyst Troll. def. Highly antagonistic, able to offend a large population within minutes of posting, shows signs of intelligent life, engenders fierce debate and attracts the most reticent of posters to post.

    Although obnoxious this troll clearly provides a vital function to many fora to stop them from going moribund, agreeing common consensus and forcing an intellectual response.  Therefore, they should be nurtured back to full ill health by a long extended period of exposure to hippies, care bears, socialists and be subjected to a daily litany of "You're one of us now!" delivered by an assorted congregation of religious zealots, people in nice sensible clothing, representatives of the Illuminati and the Justin Bieber Fan Club.  Within weeks said troll will see blood dripping from every "REPLY" button and fulmination and venom levels should return to wholly unacceptable levels once more.

    Basement Troll. def. Illuminated only by the ghostly light of a LCD screen, predatory, likes to single out a particular target as its prey, relentless in its main-ban-alt-ban-alt-ban-alt system of hunting, is immune to the interventions of others and appears to have no known raison d'etre except to inflict the most amount of stress on another person as it can unreasonably apply.

    Obviously this troll's time of reckoning has come and the blade of the Community Sword of Smite & Retribution should be as blunt or as sharp as required.  Depending on information acquired no taboo should be left untouched with this person, brain and/or **bleep** size should be ridiculed, the Urban Dictionary should be fully utilised alongside l33t speek for all applicable insults and do not forget an obligatory EPIC FAIL pic, preferably with an Emo included.  Feel no pity, as unaccountably, even though these people have never engaged in the mechanics of the gene pool their kind have developed a non-genetic system of reproduction and as one fades away into internet obscurity another will inevitably replace the basement void that they have left.

  13. Knowl Paine wrote:

    If a writer wrote right, readers would readily read what the writer wrote. Thinking thinker's thoughts throughout the thought, is thoughtful thinking. The Speaker spoke about speaking to speaking Speaker's.

    English is a wonderfully horrible language.

    Write each word with care so your reader may intimately understand and benefit from your thoughts as they read and when you hear good orators, speak that unto others.

    English can be a wonderful and simple language too.







  14. Hi Scylla,

    You seem to have started with a question and ended with a conclusion so I hope there's room for debate.


    And I'm sorry, but after all your well thought out and expressed argument I can't get this out of my head. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:



    But to start you off.  If the LL quote, “Your World, Your Imagination,” is one you agree with and support and said person is here to live that quote, is happy and not unduly bothering other people inworld then what is the problem? 

    If the Lab were about to assert that said person could not be addressed in that person's preferred pronoun then there's a legitimate debate.  SL people though arguing about the rights and wrongs of SL gender definition in a real world forum seems devoid of any reality in either world.  What's next on the agenda?  People who portray themselves as animals can't do so unless they are one in real life? 

    I do hope as well that you are not suggesting that the freedom to choose what we are in SL could easily be transposed to real life if only there was the will to do so because that is very vast and grey area and in extremis leads to the glib video I linked.


    Anyhoos, good to see you are still contributing, but I'm led to believe that we are now denied the pleasure of Pep and yourself locking horns with each other. :matte-motes-crying:

  15. Is there not a forum in the world where this topic does not come up?  My attitude to this is:

    1) Is English their first language?  If not, then I try to make sense of what they are saying and inwardly applaud them for trying to communicate in a foreign tongue.  How many of us can speak a second language fluently and write in it without any grammatical flaws?  Not many here I would hazard to guess.  If yes then see 2a and 2b.

    2a) Is the forum a technical forum?  If it's a technical forum then I would want that person to be accurate, both in their spelling and grammar.  Not only because they maybe giving detailed instructions for me to follow, but I'm sad to say and I admit to feeling this myself, it imparts a sense that the author is educated, knowledgeable and that they can be trusted in their advice.  Of course this is not always the truth or any guarantee.

    2b) If it's a social forum then MEH! lolcatz omfgwtflolbbq just relax.  Many people nowadays write in much the same style as they speak and even the most educated of people speak in a much looser grammatical style than they may write.  Indeed speech writers for major figures will write their client's speech in the style of their spoken word rather than how that person may write the written language so that the delivery will feel more natural and give the impression that the orator may actually have written it themselves.

    So if you find someone's written text grating at your grammatical sensibilities then relax in the knowledge that you are getting a small insight in to how that person communicates vocally to people in the real world and deduce from that what you will and be content with that for it is unlikely that you will ever change something so ingrained in them as to how they have learned to speak.  And for those who wish to continue writing in such a manner, well you can work out the obverse for yourself.  You are all still intelligent people for the most part.

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