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Sy Beck

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Posts posted by Sy Beck

  1. Deltango Vale wrote:

    ....Going back further in history, television
    and air-conditioning changed the entire social structure of the human race

    Sigh, as
    a liberal-arts economic historian
    , the value of Second Life is blindingly obvious. I just wish I had the money to pry it from the hands of the engineers who can't see the forest for the trees.

    OK I have to say that my curiosity has definitely been piqued and in the pursuit of my own enlightenment I have to ask.  Can you point me in the direction of an article or articles on how air conditioning has changed the entire social structure of the human race.  I ask because this seems an astonishing claim inasmuch that most of the world neither needs it, has it or can afford it or maybe it's the case you extrapolated a bit far. 

    Or, now I think of it, did you mean air conditioning as a catchall for refridgeration and heating? If so then no need for a detailed response, I agree.

    It sounds a little like a Steven Levitt musing/proposition, which is why I'm guessing you threw in the liberal-arts economic historian appellation.  Is there an actual degree/course in Liberal Arts Economic History or is it Economic History learned at a Liberal Arts establishment?

    I know you to be an intelligent and insightful person Del so I'm not being flippant with your post I'd like to know a little more.

    P.S.  I'm only on my first coffee of the morning in case I missed something obvious.

  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Sy Beck wrote:

    Can anybody here devise me a new set of rules for Monopoly.  The game as it is, seems unduly oppressive and I will no longer put up with being squashed under the capitalist, jackbooted heel of my partner's tiny silver boot!

    Would you mind so much if it was a black patent leather stiletto, wrapped around a nicely pedicured foot at the end of a fish-netted leg?

    (Never mind that the next step in that visual is a lampshade).


  3. Would it be possible to have some kind of notification to the author of a thread if it is moved from one forum to another.  I recently had one moved from the Vamp forum into the Forum Feedback.  With all the furore going on at the moment with severe moderation I thought it had been deleted and was awaiting a confirmation email.  I then find out that's it been moved to the Feedback Forum from a 3rd party site some time later.

    If people aren't notified of this then their threads are posted into a new forum and can appear inaptly titled and/or the content of the post(s) seem wildly out of context in comparison to the forum from which they were removed.  With notification the title or posts can be edited to explain why the thread was posted in the first place and have it put into context.

  4. Would it be possible to have some kind of notification to the author of a thread if it is moved from one forum to another.  I recently had one moved from the Vamp forum into the Forum Feedback.  With all the furore going on at the moment with severe moderation I thought it had been deleted and was awaiting a confirmation email.  I then find out that's it been moved to the Feedback Forum from a 3rd party site some time later.

    If people aren't notified of this then their threads are posted into a new forum and can appear inaptly titled and/or the content of the post(s) seem wildly out of context in comparison to the forum from which they were removed.  With notification the title or posts can be edited to explain why the thread was posted in the first place and have it put into context.

  5. Maelstrom Janus wrote:

    I have one question ....

    what's this thread about ??

    If I had an open letter like that Id have thrown it in the bin...

    With all the things that need to be sorted out which affect  the whole of the sl userbase I'd at least suggest some clarity when complaining to a company.



    I think anyone with a basic level of literacy and comprehension can understand her letter; others here evidently have.

  6. Maelstrom Janus wrote:

    I have one question ....

    what's this thread about ??

    If I had an open letter like that Id have thrown it in the bin...

    With all the things that need to be sorted out which affect  the whole of the sl userbase I'd at least suggest some clarity when complaining to a company.



    I think anyone with a basic level of literacy and comprehension can understand her letter; others here evidently have.

  7. Is there a reason why these feature/promotional threads of SL's leading Vamp creators has been changed from having all their questions and responses on an easy to read, coherent single post?  This shows a clear lack of foresight and inconsideration to the reader.

    If I wanted to read and respond to Suzanne Soyinka's thread it was all in one easy to find space.  If I now want to read the thoughts of today's selected Vamp creators I'll have to do it quickly because the nature of the forum mechanics will have them spread scattered disjointedly throughout the page very soon.  This unnecessary padding will also mean that a post from someone as interesting as Soyinka will soon be shunted off the main page with all this unnecessary padding out.

  8. Couldn't 50% or any of these questions be directed at the creator or the product's group inworld via IMs or notecards or even going to the website link provided earlier?

    Call me a cynic, but it's begining to smack of product placement.

  9. Charly Muggins wrote:

    I hate all umpires, referees, linesmen etc. Anybody that has authority ONLY because of their position to enforce laws that they probably barely understand, in relation to an activity they are almost certainly not competent to participate in themselves, and for which they have little or no empathy. Power corrupts and absolute power makes you a complete PITA

    A good ref will always give a warning and then give their reasons for a booking or a sending off though, as I'm sure some of your former teammates will attest to.

  10. Well done Dres. 

    It's important that people who have authority are open to communication and more importantly that people use it.  So kudos for Rod for making himself available to residents.

    It's important to speak up for yourself and equally for those who have no voice!

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    ~ Pastor Niemöller

  11. I have this annoying and recurring dream.  It's always preceded by having a dream where I am in SL.  I'm then suddenly TP'd to an empty sim, flat with just grass and in front of me are about 10 irregular shaped prims.  I then have to reassemble the prims back into their original shape of a sphere using only the LL building tools.

    I've had this dream 4-5 times now and have never completed the puzzle.

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