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Sy Beck

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Posts posted by Sy Beck

  1. Ariel Vuissent wrote:

    Wasn't there an official Linden post awhile ago that said they were tabling the mesh issue to deal with bugs? Or did I completely misread that post? I seem to recall something to that effect...Maybe now that someone else is going to do all the hard work for them and has already raised the money, they want some of the glory for themselves...

    As I understand there are a lot of issues to be addressed regarding mesh, but a significant amount of creators believed this was a necessary thing to sell mesh to residents.  Therefore they took matters into their own hands.

  2. I referenced the same link in another thread Eve regarding a different topic and did say there that I was unclear whether it was operational, gross or net profit.  He does say that it was a good year though and my point was it's only $5400.

  3. Braydon Randt wrote:

    Do we asume then  that LL are going to be adding to the contribution from the community or is it a " errm Karl,  we know we sacked you  ..  and we know that you are doing this for your client the SL community at large,  but do you think we can jump on this bandwagon"


    I only know what I've read.  I just thought it was a point worth raising.

  4. Those familiar with the community sponsored/paid for project to implement a Parametric Mesh Deformer, to be coded by ex LL employee Qarl Linden, would have been delighted some weeks ago to hear that the community raised the $5400 required target to pay for the project.

    For those who are unaware, in short, it will enable mesh clothes to wrap to your avatar shape rather than at the moment your avatar being reshaped to fit the clothes.  This was an operation left out by LL in the introduction of mesh and put on the back burner to be done at some later date, which was never stated apart from soon...ish.

    Good news then?  Well yes, for all those residents who poured their own RL $ (not Linden $) into it happening so that residents could enjoy far superior mesh clothing that would fit to them.  Now today as you will see from the link provided above LL have come to the party...

    (extract from project webpage)

    Karl has begun working on the code and was contacted recently by LL in order to facilitate development of this feature. He will be working directly with LL from this point forward to supply them with code as the project moves forward, allowing them to check the feature with compatibility for the official LL releases as he progresses so that when it is done it can quickly and easily be included without weeks of additional testing. They contacted him directly to expedite the process and work together from the start of this, which means it will be working correctly and will make it a lot easier for TPV's and other grids to implement once it is done! [END]

    My point in this post is that while welcoming LL's intervention to expedite the process,why did it have to take a group of generous residentsto find and secure a credible coder and then raise what is a paltry, compared to LL's resources, $5400 themselves to get LL ($75m profit last year) to do what would we would have expected to be a prime feature in the introduction of mesh?

    In other threads at the moment the value of a resident as a beneficial contributor to SL in it's success and future well being is being fiercely debated and contestedI humbly submit this as a prime example of what residents knew what was required and who then went out and sought the skills and provided the finance for LL's and the residents ultimate benefit.

    Thank you Maxwell Graf, thank you Karl Stiefvater and thank you to everybody who donated their $.

    And thank you LL for catching up and aiding the project.


  5. Carole Franizzi wrote:
    in part

    ....They made a mistake over Celestiall and were decent enough to sort it out, but I witnessed another "case" with my own eyes - Pep's. Others - Storm and Derek - appear to have been booted for objecting to the commercialisation of the forums......


    From what I've garnered and witnessed all 4 of these people have bizarrely been found guilty for pointing out that LL were breaking their own forum guidelines.  I'm not writing to discuss moderation decisions, but more to discuss forum policy in the round and I use past examples as that, examples.

    Each one of the four has their own unique style of writing from pointed outrage to pointed parody to get their point across and therefore each may engender different responses to their criticisms.  The point is though, if each one broadly committed the same alleged breach then why are there widely differing penalties ranging from permabans to week bans and in other unmentioned cases mere warnings and/or post deletions?  As far as I know there are no 1st degree, 2nd degree or 3rd degree breaches of the guidelines, its guilty or not and an explanation of the breach notified to you.

    There was though an understanding that you were allowed 3 strikes then out, though in Celestiall's case and from what I understand of Pep's, this was for some reason bypassed and permabans issued.  Fortunately, Celestiall's was overturned though Pep's remains outstanding, which further exacerbates the present situation whereby nobody can be sure what the rules are anymore, nobody knows who's excepted from any rules, nobody can be sure what the penalties are anymore and nobody can be sure that they will be treated equally anymore.

    Somebody from LL needs to step in and clarify the situation.  As Pam has suggested, at the very least a review of those bans issued over this fiasco would be welcomed.  My own opinion is that they should be wiped from the record.  The only message it sends to me is if that you see a breaking of the rules and report it or point it out then you run the risk of a permaban yourself.  I'll freely admit that these fora are LL's to do with as they wish, but out in the real world if you saw a figure of authority breaking the rules and you reported it the last thing you would expect is for yourself to be thrown in the cooler or exiled.

    So LL:

    1) are the guidelines correct as currently published?

    2) why are LL and selected creators allowed to break those guidelines?

    3) is it a breach of the guidelines to report/post a breach of those or any guidelines?

    4) if it is a breach then please explain why and why penalties were so inconsistently applied?

    5) if it's not a breach why were any penalties applied?

    6) will you review/rescind any bans imposed arising from this matter?


    Carole Franizzi wrote:
    in part

    ....They made a mistake over Celestiall and were decent enough to sort it out, but I witnessed another "case" with my own eyes - Pep's. Others - Storm and Derek - appear to have been booted for objecting to the commercialisation of the forums......


    From what I've garnered and witnessed all 4 of these people have bizarrely been found guilty for pointing out that LL were breaking their own forum guidelines.  I'm not writing to discuss moderation decisions, but more to discuss forum policy in the round and I use past examples as that, examples.

    Each one of the four has their own unique style of writing from pointed outrage to pointed parody to get their point across and therefore each may engender different responses to their criticisms.  The point is though, if each one broadly committed the same alleged breach then why are there widely differing penalties ranging from permabans to week bans and in other unmentioned cases mere warnings and/or post deletions?  As far as I know there are no 1st degree, 2nd degree or 3rd degree breaches of the guidelines, its guilty or not and an explanation of the breach notified to you.

    There was though an understanding that you were allowed 3 strikes then out, though in Celestiall's case and from what I understand of Pep's, this was for some reason bypassed and permabans issued.  Fortunately, Celestiall's was overturned though Pep's remains outstanding, which further exacerbates the present situation whereby nobody can be sure what the rules are anymore, nobody knows who's excepted from any rules, nobody can be sure what the penalties are anymore and nobody can be sure that they will be treated equally anymore.

    Somebody from LL needs to step in and clarify the situation.  As Pam has suggested, at the very least a review of those bans issued over this fiasco would be welcomed.  My own opinion is that they should be wiped from the record.  The only message it sends to me is if that you see a breaking of the rules and report it or point it out then you run the risk of a permaban yourself.  I'll freely admit that these fora are LL's to do with as they wish, but out in the real world if you saw a figure of authority breaking the rules and you reported it the last thing you would expect is for yourself to be thrown in the cooler or exiled.

    So LL:

    1) are the guidelines correct as currently published?

    2) why are LL and selected creators allowed to break those guidelines?

    3) is it a breach of the guidelines to report/post a breach of those or any guidelines?

    4) if it is a breach then please explain why and why penalties were so inconsistently applied?

    5) if it's not a breach why were any penalties applied?

    6) will you review/rescind any bans imposed arising from this matter?

  7. I started out with the Ab_Acus 1.  Graphics were pretty poor, but it was sturdy and I don't think it ever needed a repair



    I then moved on to the Tiny Compact Home PC.  A real breakthrough, how I marvelled at the 4" monochrome monitor.  We'd never seen black or white portrayed in such clarity before.  Note the pencil and paper for IMing.  We would quickly scrawl notes down and fax them to each other.




    I'm now thinking of investing in the HP Pro-Home PC Typing Station.  Check out the fancy printer and ergonomic setup.  Apparently I can double my FPS in one fell stroke with this little beast.  I'm gonna be cruisin' past you suckers as I throttle up to 5 FPS.



  8. Linden Lab wrote:

    What kind of sub-categories would you like to see under People?

    That was not the point of the post and your answer only goes to highlight the present communication problem between yourself (Btw who are you? As in "Aname" Linden) and residents who are perplexed at your own contradictions of your own rules.

    People are being banned for no other reason than expressing a view or pointing out your own inconsistencies, they are banned for posting a post 3 times to parody the spam being officially sanctioned, authored and promoted by yourselves in the Vamp forum in plain contradiction of your own ToS, which we as residents are daily reminded to abide by.

    The establishing and promoting of a Vamp or any other niche forum is entirely your call, but you promised to work with residents on forum matters and issues and be more proactive.  Yet all this was done under cover of darkness (no pun intended) and then you push and promote talking heads on to it, advertising their businesses, spamming the forum with your own posts; 16/28 threads were of your own authoring at one point and a large proportion carried creator's products as features and highlighted in LL authored threads.  This as you know is expressly forbidden in your own posting guidelines barring forum sigs.

    Please, take stock of the feedback, be consistent, be transparent, if this was flagged up beforehand and discussed then the reaction would have been less than what it was and we would have been either on board or sitting it out quietly on the sidelines, well maybe not all, but most.

    Finally, it would be an act of good grace to wipe the slate clean of any bans and warnings that were issued over this fiasco, due to what was an excessive, discriminatory and arbitrary application of your own guidelines.

  9. Have you thought about moving your eyes to look, sitting back from the screen or even making the viewer window smaller?  Nobody should ever be getting a sore neck from having to look around their monitor.  Just looking at my monitor I can work out that it would have to be at least another 2ft taller before I would even have to think about moving my head to look.

    I'm using FS and if it case that the chat box can't be moved or anchored elsewhere then that's a bit of functionality they should look at as a hotfix or in the next version.

  10. I'm bemused.  Any thread that wasn't Vampire related gets moved out of the Vampire fora to what they [LL] feel are appropriate fora, but a thread about a Vampire creator, a vampire product and vampire practice gets left in GD...? 

    And there I was thinking that they were struggling to have unique and orignal input into that particular forum.

  11. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Void Singer wrote:


    am I happy that Celestial's ban was removed? yes. per the guidelines residents are given (as opposed to those being used by moderators) it wasn't deserved. but I agree that it's not a cause for celebration because it's only one point in a worsening trend (of internal guidlelines increasingly not matching the public ones).

    I agree that the TOS seems to have been tossed. Not only are posts and threads and posters inexplicably yanked, but LL itself ignored the provisions about advertising in the forums and created a special infomercial-spam forum.  And if it's okay for LL to spam the forums with links and pics to selected businesses, then surely it is fair for others to do the same -- and pretty quickly the entire forum will become an advertising vehicle.

    We are supposed to be operating under rule of law, not rule of men
    or women
    . That's why we have a TOS.  We can pretty easily stay within TOS -- but we can't read each mod's mind to figure out what might strike him
    or her
    as yankable or bannable.


    FIFY because the one who's been chiding me has a female appellation.

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