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Jase Devin

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Everything posted by Jase Devin

  1. Well they bashed the originator of this thread too. Why? Have you tried it? Do you go to crowded clubs with 70+ Av's? Don't bash unless you try. If you dont go places with 70+ Av's then it might be over kill for you. Yes this is old lappy I think you right its msata.
  2. Nice forgot about that option. On my PC I just set cache to my non C M2 drive works great, on Laptop I setup Ram Drive for the Cache, works very well, no more freezing, and fast loading of cached textures.
  3. This is a great idea, and with recent Firestorm update (RAM HOG) this makes even more sense. Problem is this, you go to crowded club and you can watch your ram rise and rise. Till it starts writing to page file(harddrive). Then at that point you have 2 things desperately thrashing your harddrive, 1 Firestorm paging to page file and 2 Firestorm writing everything to cache. Which at this point overwhelms the system, M2 harddrive or not. To solve this simply download a free ram drive software. Then dedicate 1/4 of your ram to it. Then put all Firestorm cache files on it. This does 2 things, it relieves the harddrive when you reach peak ram useage and it starts writing to page file, and it makes everything in cache load much faster. This is a win win.
  4. Hi, need a Mesh creator for easy fast mesh project.
  5. Hi..I know this is possible in Firestorm. Was wondering if possible in lsl scripting? Have a object rezzed from the contents of another object, want to be able to edit it, but once edited save that object back to the contents of the object that rezzed it. I will be editing it using a hud, but want do a save and at that time put this saved object now back in the contents. Thanks for any help.
  6. Need a creator to make a fitted blind fold maybe a few other items. Thank you.
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