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Pussycat Catnap

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Posts posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. 5 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    I hope Trump didn't give Covid to Biden at the recent debate. I can't imagine how this would all be sorted out if both of them die -- what kind of turmoil this would throw the US into...or I guess I should say 'increased turmoil'.

    Biden's tested negative.

    And off stage attendees - only the lunatic klan fringe was maskless... so that Klan is now worried.

    What worries me though, is Herr Trumpf has the best doctors in the world, will likely recover quickly, and will thus have his belief that the virus is 'fake news' reinforced... becoming further disinclined to assist us peasants...


    • Like 3
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  2. For all the people who hit like on my suggestion of a southwestern theme, I have found one (maybe there are more, but I've just found one) shop that sells furniture and decorations in that style:  Zinnias by Zinnia Karu. Some of it's not as low prim as I wish, but some is, so I've used a few elements from there in my SL home (in particular the rugs which I used to make teleporting around inside my victorian easier).


    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    just a FYI.  For llTeleportAgentHome to work, the script does need to be owned by the parcel owner. Deeded to group if group owned parcel

    agree with you that simpler scripts are better than complex scripts for doing simple things


    That's what the documentation says.

    But on group owned land it was still able to teleport people home without being deeded.

    It does need to be owned by someone in the group with 'eject' powers I believe. I've yet to test it with an alt lacking such to see if I've found a bug...

    What got me motivated here was the realization of how 'bloated' the orbs I've been working with are... but also... I just wanted to show the 'under the hood' of this whole topic.

    I personally feel the best solution would be to limit "llTeleportAgentHome" so that it can ONLY be called from inside of 'sensor' as I have.


    - That prevents parcel wide zappers. because sensor is called by things with limited range. People would then have to pick a space to be policed.

    Then we get into the whole debate about time limits, and if there should be a minimum height.

    My stance on those...

    no time limit if called by an object above 2000m. 30-second limit is called by an object below.

    - but setting this up code wise would be a little more difficult, requiring a few changes to LSL...


    (the easiest is to make a new function:

    llTeleportAgentHome(key, delay)

    where if the second argument is missing, it is presumed to be 30.

    and if the function is called by an object below 2000m, 'delay' is set to 30 if it was below that.

    - and then the delay is tracked on the backend of sl


  4. On 9/27/2020 at 5:36 PM, Katt Dragoone said:

    There's sooooo many ways you can get a true asian look. You just need to be patient and look around.

    It's a big continent so yeah.

    In my experience non-Asians 'sharpen or slant' the eyes too much and make the opening too small. Though again it is a big continent so there are people with that look. Yet with the folks I've grown up around and the community I now live in - people tend to have what to my eyes look like larger eyes than Caucasians (many Caucasians seem to have 'small beady eyes' to me, and when I start seeing this I have to remind myself it's only because I'm looking for it and mentally exaggerating it...)

    Often but not always Asians will have less angular faces than Caucasians and some Africans (Africa has the most genetic diversity on earth, to absurd levels - the entire rest of humanity has less genetic variety than the average small isolated town in rural Ethiopia - so any statement I make about what Africans look like actually reveals my own ignorance...). But again this depends on ethnic group.



    I would start with looking at a map of Asia and picking a place. Then google images of people from that place.

    If you picked say... Thailand... and I picked Korea... our results would be as different as if you picked Iran and I picked Germany...

    But at least once you pick a place you can start having an idea of what the look you're going for is.

    • Like 6
  5. I decided to get rid of the old security orb I used by a company no longer in SL that... took about 1mb of script memory to use between two objects (a configure box and an ejector box. The ejector being deeded to group on group land).

    I wrote this tiny script, that does NOT need to be deeded to group unless you also want to ban people:


    list approvedNames = [
        "Governor Linden",
        "Pussycat Catnap"
    integer findApprovedName(string thisPerson)
        if (llListFindList(approvedNames, [thisPerson]) != -1)
            return TRUE;
        else return FALSE;
    testMemory(integer bumpUp)
        integer usedMemory = llGetUsedMemory();
        llSetMemoryLimit( (usedMemory + bumpUp) );
            llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME, 23.9, PI, 1.0);
        sensor(integer detected)
            integer agentNum = 0;
            for (agentNum=0; agentNum<detected; agentNum++)
                string thisAgent = llDetectedName(agentNum);
                if (!findApprovedName(thisAgent))
                    llSay(0, thisAgent + " has been sent home.");
                    key ejectedPerson = llDetectedKey(agentNum);
                    llAddToLandBanList(ejectedPerson, 0.2);

    The first difference is this one uses up 8kbs.


    This is a teleport home script, with no warnings and little delay (1 second at most).

    As some have noted, you often don't get the delay. That's because it's just checking every time delay and then shoving anyone not on the list out.

    To give a person an actual wait period of X seconds, I would have to track them in a 2 variable objecty: key and count. add 1 to the count every second until count was X, then zap them...

    - This can make a script start getting complex and hit a stack heap error unless you do a lot of management to avoid that, because LSL is very bad with list management...

    I think that is why the old one I had used 1mb of memory... it had to do things to avoid stack errors.


    Also note that I've set a radius. 23.9. That's because it's inside of a 48m box - so it scans ONLY the inside of that box.

    - again the brand I used to use let me set coordinates for 6 directions: x,y,z in +/-... and that is NOT how sensor works, so I suspect it was running 6 sensors all at the same time to scan out from itself in each direction along a limited arc...

    - Most security orbs just take either a radius or the parcel.


    Note that I zap them with:


    And then a 0.2 hour ban (that's a 12 minute ban). The ban is to avoid instant returns - but because a ban bans for the whole parcel I don't want it permanent. I could set it lower too... 0.1 would lead to 6 minutes. In testing I used 0.02, or 1 minute, on my alt).


    Instead of using:



    You could use:


    - this just tosses them outside of the parcel to a nearby height (I'm not exactly sure).



    does NOT require deeding to group even though the lsl wiki says it does. I haven't tested



    If you wanted this to be on a 15 second timer, just use:

    llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME, 23.9, PI, 15.0);

    - but do note that if someone arrives in second 14, 1 second later they get zapped. To avoid that needs a more complex script tracking individuals (not too complex, I've got a visitor logger and a script use meter that both track people, but they come in a lot bigger in kb usage). Basically just a lit that has something like:

    list peopleOnWarning = ["you resident", 5, "them resident", 3, "some fool", 14];

    and the sensor adds one to the value each second, then if the value is ever >= X, it instead zaps them.

    Otherwise every scan, if a name found is NOT in the list, it gets added with a value of 0 as well. The LSL wiki talks about using stepped lists like this - but if this thing gets more than a handful of entries your script will crash from a stack heap error... so you might want to early 'force zap' the highest numbered people if the list has more than 10 people on it...


    You might also want to put in a line like:

    llRegionSayTo(ejectedPerson, 0, "You are not allowed here and will be teleport out soon");

    to it somewhere...



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  6. On 9/27/2020 at 7:13 PM, Qie Niangao said:

    In practice, I don't know if there's much non-sexual Adult content that's a big draw for child avatars.

    Content no.


    But SL is so random in regions.

    Most skin and body shops are on G land - with fully nude models or screenshots present on many of them... and I've seen many house and vehicle shops on A land...

    I imagine if I was a child avatar looking for something like a 'Paris loft skybox'... I might easily find myself on an A plot, since the one I actually do own was sold on such a plot...


    It can get weird all through no intent of the end user at all... there you are looking at skyboxes on your child avatar and me on my nude neko TPs in because I'm shopping for the same thing and the region said 'A' so I didn't see the need to bother digging up my 'invisible hidden avatar' look...

    And then we have this moment where one of us, or both of us, quickly TPs out...


    Folks need to really think about putting their venues in the right rated areas for the content they're providing.


    Imagine how often a person on a child AV goes skin or hair shopping - in a store that sells both... and finds themselves standing there next to a fully nude wall display of the skin, on a G-rated region...

    - That must get very annoying...


    The entire policy of 'child AVs can be on A rated regions' could be a moot point, a policy no one ever bothered to look up, if venues put out proper content for the regions they placed themselves in...

    - and yes, that might mean many shops should have 2 locations... but maybe that's the right call anyway if you're selling adult skins and general use hair at the same time... or even if you just sell skins but some of them are for adults and some for children - because even if you don't put up nude images of your skins... All too often I see people demoing them in the shop... (I've seen one shop avoid this by putting the demos on MP - more often places do that the other way around if they split it).




  7. We've got topics on music and video, but not on reading.

    So... what are folks reading.

    List your item, a brief bit on it, and put it into a category such as 'history', 'political science', 'technical manual', 'fiction; poetry', 'fiction: fantasy', etc...

    Not that anyone ever follows thread suggested rules here - but lets keep 'news', 'blog', 'daily article', and other 'hyper current shorts' out of this thread, they should have their own thread - but they are likely to also lead their topic into being quickly locked... And yes, I  am one of those most well known for liking to post 'current events' and political topics. I'd like to see a thread for that kind of literature, as a second topic, just not sure if it would survive.



    Here are my initial entries. I'm giving several of them in order to try and get some topic push going, and because my subject matters are probably not the norm for most.

    It's been about  decade since I read fiction. I just have too many other things and non-fiction is of much more interest to me. That noted, I am hoping this thread will introduce me to some fiction worth looking at... I suspect 99% of you won't find my current titles in your area of interest, but I needed something to get things rolling...



    A Brief History of Mexico, 4th ed.

    -Lynn V. Foster


    This book is a great look at the history of Mexico from ancient times to the modern era. The pre-Cortez period is just two chapters, but it's not really the focal point of the book - it does however work well to set the stage for why Cortez had so many allies, unlike Pizarro's invasion of my family's homeland among the Inca / Mountain Amazon. Given that almost half of the USA was once Mexico, I strongly feel all Americans should study Mexican history. A huge portion of our population traces roots through there, and American culture is really primarily a hybrid between England, West Africa, and 'New Spain'. It's to our discredit that we lack awareness of how these things shape us.

    I've been greatly enjoying this book. It's very neutral in tone up through where I am thus far - which for history is how I like things.


    97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know

    - Edited by Richard Monson-Haefel

    Technical Advice

    I've been in software for several decades now. And for the past decade I've been what's known as a Technical Architect and sometimes been a Solution Architect. Basically planning and leading software projects from a higher level end. This is a book full of handy tips for people in or moving into that role. I'm not through with it, still on the fence about how good the advice is. Some of it is generic stuff and some will be specific and useful.


    Stamped From The Beginning

    -Ibram X. Kendi

    Social Science / History

    This very well known book is a critical analysis of 'how did we get into this mess' when it comes to the topic of racism. At it's core it goes through history and looks at the steps that were taken to manufacture modern racism, which it asserts is an artificial construct unlike more traditional ethnic conflict. Racism, as the book asserts, was something manufactured by an industry that had an appalling product to sell, and needed to convince people to keep buying that product; namely the slave trade. Faced with the problem of enslaved and free people living side by side, history has always shown that over time the populations eventually merge and equalize. That would destroy the slaver's industry. If poor farmers and indentured people in the colonies started to see the Africans as fellow human beings suffering under the yoke of landed gentry, which in fact early rebellions showed they did... the industry would collapse as their families began to merge. So they needed to create a method by which the two groups could be kept forever apart, and a whole new beast was created... something unlike history conflicts, that could self perpetuate itself into perpetuity.

    This book examines how that was done, and what it has cost us. I have yet to finish it - but it does move forward in time to the modern era so I imagine it will eventually get to what it's costing us today... and examine why we continue to find ourselves unable to end it.



    The last fiction I really read was:

    'Wicked', Gregory Maguire

    Fiction; fantasy

    - I've not seen the musical based on this. I read this book, and I think the first two sequels - judging by the fact that part 4, Out of Oz, was on my bookshelf and the spine seemed 'uncracked'. If you've never read Wicked, you should. It retells the 'Oz' story from a different point of view. Wicked itself has the 'wicked witch' as the tragic protagonist and paints Dorothy as a bumbling destructive idiot easily manipulated by a conniving witch Glenda... If I recall right, Dorothy is really only in the book for a few short cameos and of course, the tragic moment where she kills Elphaba, the 'witch of the west'.

    It's worth noting that the original author of the Oz stories, Frank Baum, was a genocidal monster. A chief advocate of the 'Wounded Knee' massacre in the months leading up to it, he was a newspaper editorial writer who wrote about the need to kill off every last Native American left at the end of the Indian Wars... he was, in effect, a monster...

    So I had great joy in seeing someone distort his fictional work to flip the narrative and show those he painted as evil as being the true but doomed heroes of the tale. It somewhat mirrors his actual life as a figure so much on the 'wrong side of history'.

    And Wicked is done well. You will never see the Oz characters the same way again after reading it.

    I read this about 10-12 year ago... so not exactly a current read for me.


    • Like 6
  8. 12 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    I don't know what you're looking at but I don't have any signature or maplink that I can see. I seem to recall having one ages ago on the old forums.

    You may have just turned off your visibility of it:

    • 2cfea54d73ec1b01e93ec58de90e47de.png

    - it's there at the bottom of the image.


  9. On 9/20/2020 at 2:06 PM, Prokofy Neva said:

    Sometimes they would say, "No, I am moving to Belli". In which case I know they will be back one day

    Perhaps. But the entire rest of your post is basically an article about why they should stay in Bellisseria...

    Mainland just needs a tiny bit of rules. Not a lot, not even the full yet still tiny Bellisseria covenant... but something other than anarchy.


    • Haha 1
  10. On 9/23/2020 at 12:10 AM, Horus Salubrius said:
    On 9/22/2020 at 6:16 PM, Jordan Whitt said:

    Pfft amateur!  😁

    *pats her 142,258 items in 26,333 folders*

    ha !  how do y'all organise that ??

    It's the 26,334th folder that does the trick. 😛


    On your search for a new avatar setup.

    Many will tell you the advice I'm giving now will just make it more confusing. But get this wrong now and it's just going to cost you later... these are the 'fundamentals' of finding the right goods:


    Do everything with your 'LOD' setting turned DOWN to 2.5. If daring try even 2. but 2.5 is good enough to see what stuff will break when cammed out and is thus shoddy goods.
    - any CSR or merchant notecard says to set it to 4 or more, they're... I'll be polite and just say wrong. It's been widespread knowledge since 2014 that LOD 4 is wrong. It's just a way to heat up your GPU and burn out your computer...


    Some things to keep in mind while demoing but before shelling out the cash...

    examine script count and complexity, and make sure things that matter are bento.

    For scripts, the advice is to just keep it as low as you can. If you're going over 2-3mbs, something is wrong... If you can get under 500kbs, you're doing amazing - especially given how some top brands keep loading us down with un-removable script bloat...


    Key bento elements: head, hands, intimate parts, animations (AO).

    Try hard to keep your base look's complexity score under 40,000, and most of your outfits under 80,000. For now, in demoing bodies and heads - just make sure none of them ALONE add more than 10,000 to your complexity.



    And then... think about avatar proportions when going for your shape:



    • Thanks 1
  11. I edited this into my last post but gonna make it it's own post also...

    What it would need here to prevent abuse of teleporting home is a function tracinf.

    You would make the teleport home function ONLY work if it's immediate calling function was from llSensor's response function, sensor, and NOT from any other method. If it was called from anywhere other than 'sensor' inside the 'default' it would just not work. Once so called, it would check the location of the avatar and if that avatar was closer then 1m from the parcel edge, also fail (why? To prevent teleports of people that drift from lag or somewhat more common glitches).

    The most important thing is that teleport home should NEVER WORK if llGetAgentList is anywhere in the event history. This is the function that scans by region, parcel, and parcel owner - and that is how orbs that teleport home aviators and people driving on roads that are too close to parcels find themselves suddenly zapped.


    I don't know if LSL does function history tracing... if it does... this is the LSL change needed.

    • Haha 2
  12. On 9/22/2020 at 10:32 AM, Hotbabe2004 said:

    Of course it is expensive - average outfit is 300-800 l (about 1-3 usd) - for that price you can buy phone game. Mesh body is 2700 - more than 10 usd - for the price you can buy some indie game or dlc to big game. Head is 5000 - 20 usd for which price you can buy AAA game (on discount) or big DLC or bunch of phone games. Is really creating some mesh (with all scripts, alphas and stuff) come in comparision with creating full game or big DLC? Prices are simply outrageous. Either you find a way to solve this or you go. It is that simple.

    Now go compare those same prices not to a 2D phone game, but the 'cash shops' of games like World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, and Finaly Fantasy XIV.

    - You will find that SL is now, often cheaper for most things (clothes, animations, housing decor, avatar props), weirdly more for others (name change).


    You're essentially saying photoshop costs too much because look at the price of my kid's coloring books... but those things are not equivalent.


    • Like 3
  13. On 9/22/2020 at 12:25 AM, backonthegrid said:

    Before I go ahead with this I wanted to run this by the forums first. Ripping video game models in and of itself is not illegal.

    It's basically 100% flat out illegal.

    See all the laws on the DMCA, and well... Copyright laws going back way before that also.

    Also... ripping the models themselves might also be illegal in some jurisdictions - anywhere where violating a ToS / EULA is illegal. There have been numerous efforts by industry to make violating a TOS illegal. Sometimes as a major felony involving sentences that make murder seem less serious... in a few places they have even managed to get those laws enacted... and when you go to fight the legitimacy of that law... consider how which lawyers & lobbyists can you afford vs which can they afford...

    Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean it's legal... that should be kind of obvious...


  14. 20 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    As for a Parcel Wide "orb" system being set to Teleport Home over a simple ejection? The only answer that matters is as follows: Personal choice.

    This is actually the example where I would be for a restriction.

    I would like it if an orb that scans on the parcel value - could not use teleport home.

    That said, these are different LSL functions and LSL is not the most sophisticated language - so making the teleport function aware of how it got the key value it's suppossed to teleport would be... difficult... (*) and without a major revision to LSL, someone could just hack it away by passing the key through a second or third function first...

    Convert it to a string, add a silly word on the end, pass it to function 3 that removes the word and converts what's left to a key, then hand that to the teleporter... and any "reference" that this key should not be allowed to be teleported is likely lost... and if THAT failed... they could just use 2 scripts, one scans, says the value into a chat channel, the other teleports home any key said into the chat channel...

    - preventing simple hacks like this would require a major revision to LSL to be more focused on tracking the objects in question like something like Angular or React would do and not just pointers to those objects like old C and such do, I think (I've been a programmer for 2 decades but never learned C because... it's not really used in Silicon Valley).


    The other way to do this... would be if you could get Orb authors to write their orbs such that they obeyed the no teleport home unless the scanned coordinates where limited to less than parcel and also above 2000m in the sky... BUT... ANYONE can write an orb and it's actually extremely simple LSL... so you'd have to have Linden Labs get involved and restrict access to the teleport functions the same way they do to experiences.

    - and my concern there is they would not understand my use case of a boxed off space, inside of which I do no-warning instant teleports because I first take steps to make sure no one enters the box on accident...



    (*) Note: What it would need here to prevent abuse of teleporting home is a function tracinf.

    You would make the teleport home function ONLY work if it's immediate calling function was from llSensor's response function, sensor, and NOT from any other method. If it was called from anywhere other than 'sensor' inside the 'default' it would just not work. Once so called, it would check the location of the avatar and if that avatar was closer then 1m from the parcel edge, also fail (why? To prevent teleports of people that drift from lag or somewhat more common glitches).

    The most important thing is that teleport home should NEVER WORK if llGetAgentList is anywhere in the event history. This is the function that scans by region, parcel, and parcel owner - and that is how orbs that teleport home aviators and people driving on roads that are too close to parcels find themselves suddenly zapped.


    I don't know if LSL does function history tracing... if it does... this is the LSL change needed.



    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

    I once inquired about that with an orb maker, to send someone to a certain place as opposed to home, but unless they use RLV it's not possible.


    I personally would LOVE an orb that would teleport an intruder to just above a water sim for them to fall in and get a bath.


    There are two LSL functions to teleport someone to a specific place, but they have to give permission. One teleports to the location of a landmark it's given, the other to a set of global coordinates (a SLURL basically).

    - You can see this function in common use in the HUDs that people use to get into monthly events that are crowded (spamming a teleport faster than a human can, in hopes of hitting teleport before someone else does once a spot opens up).


  16. 12 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    I remember @Pussycat Catnaphad a long and very good post about 0 second, teleport home orbs. But she is using them in a very specific way.

    I am sure she will clear up, if I post wrong about what I remember.

    She has a skybox for private activity. She put this skybox inside another, much larger box and has 0 second, teleport home as soon as avatars enter the outside box. Because they have to do it on purpose, aviators that innocently fly and explore will see the huge box from a distance. So they go inside because they want to see what 2 green dots do there.

    Yes. I am very specific about my use.

    First my intention is to have a space where if it gets invaded, people are gone before I even know they are there.

    Then, I want to make it as clear as I can BEFORE someone gets there, that the space is private.

    To that end yes - a solid prim at a very out of the way elevation. If you fly up or into it, you just hit the edge of it and no harm to you. From the inside it's invisible because it's a single huge prim - so the texture on it only shows to the outside world. I put it way up there so people don't see that "visual blight" from the ground or the heights planes tend to fly at. But I often do make it look kind of intense from the outside... it's meant to look like something you'd rather not be around... AND remember it's important to set it up high above the height people tend to fly at - so aviators aren't looking at blight but have pleasant skies to enjoy.

    - there are only 2 ways to get inside. First SL glitches and puts you in there. This... basically never happens. But it could. I don't worry about what this will do because it is so unusual.

    Second, you purposefully teleport inside or cam in and use furniture to sit inside - despite that wall. So... for this person yes - there is no need to be "polite". I just zap them right out without comment. And yes, I TP them home so they're not just around me bothering about - they have to come and teleport back over and make a nuisance of themselves again.

    - lastly. I restrict teleporting on my land, and set a landing point to at ground on the walkway to a house there. So teleporting inside that box takes effort - removing any innocence from the intruder (unless that theoretical glitch that I've yet to actually see in 11 years, finally occurs).


    This orb...

    gets 1-2 hits a YEAR.

    - because the wall and the fact that it's only used way way way out of the way... means very few people encounter it, and among those who do, it's obvious to most of them that it's private space and they just move on.

    This is despite the fact that at ground I get about 1-2 dozen people a week - because I have vehicles set up that you can drive off with.

    - That's the key second part of the strategy... the 'attractive distraction'. Curious people who mean no harm are given a toy to enjoy and a location to enjoy looking at. That landing point is right near those vehicles.


    • Like 1
  17. Here's the takeaway:


    The TL:DR is it's over - if you aren't Tesla, you've got no chance.

    For the layperson who just thinks of stickers and nothing more, that $25k car will do it.

    But the real reason is that 4680 battery and... using table salt to make batteries out of lithium lying ALL OVER THE GROUND all over the US southwest... cutting out the 'rare earth elements' aspect.

  18. 2 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    I would fully expect that even now LL would return any objects on Bellisseria that did this as soon as they get AR'd because it breaks the spirit of removing the feature.

    Hopefully so yeah.

    Banlines are a major scourge of mainland, and it's a major part of the value of Bellisseria that it doesn't generally have them.


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