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Monty Walworth

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  1. You have to maintain premium to continue having the linden home and land, just like you have to maintain tier to keep mainland or private region land. Its closer to land ownership than it is not. Private region owners often give land at no charge for the tier, but you still have to pay for it or lose it. There are a number of other limitations that come with Linden homes too, like no teraforming. The ban of ban lines is just another.
  2. I have a boat, I have sailed on the Blake Sea, because really that's what those places are meant for. I do understand all of that. But whether a Linden Home is cheap or not, its still part of a paid package and should have the same security options as mainland anywhere else. If ban lines cause the problems you listed, then perhaps the sims should be designed in such a way that there is clearance As you say, its for these people who drive and sail, but many won't, so they have to put up with restrictions to suit those who do. So really it works both ways
  3. I understand the Lab's desire to build communities, that feel friendly and warm. They want people to meet, hang with their neighbors. Hey ban lines can be turned off if you want people to drop by. The continent is beautiful and the houses are so much nicer than the older ones, I'll give LL Kudos for that. I took a house there. I spent ten minutes cycling through the house choices and then furnished it. Now its up for grabs, because I gave it right back. I'll just save that 1024 to buy regular mainland that *I* have control over. Sadly this community they want and the reality of how so many are in SL, isn't going to work to our satisfaction. My comment is based on years of experience in SL and knowing what the general public in SL does. I really do not have a lot of faith in this "approved" orb. I have a feeling that its going to have a small range, and a overly generous time to allow crossing. The whole time people are violating your privacy, reading/listening to your conversation, peeping on you. They have essentially created a mainland HOA . The house I had, was next to a road. My feeling is, if you can walk, or get down that road in some manner, then you have no business crossing others parcels on the way anyway. It just makes it feel like a benefit from what you are paying for is less desirable. In my case, so much so, I gave up my Linden home.
  4. I guess I'm the only one not thrilled to death by the idea of having my linden home experience cheapened by having my land options taken away. Yes, I agree ban lines are ugly. That's why I have my viewer set to not render them. Problem solved! Your viewer doesn't do this? Use one that does. Or ask the creator to add that feature, Its lovely. No, this should not spread to regular mainland regions. Regular mainland is not a give away with premium. I paid real money for my mainland AND I pay tier every month for that mainland AND I have to pay premium to own that land. Some pay a great deal of money for their mainland. They should have every right to have and use any land control feature available, including band lines. They did not buy that land for all the sunshine happy people who want to be able to violate somone's privacy, because it makes getting around more convenient. Oh yes my friends, a great deal of people in SL have no respect for other's land. They think if they can see it, they can intrude. Want to get around someone's ban lines quickly? Open your map, click where you want to go, click teleport. The entire 11 plus years I've been in SL mainland has had ban lines. Hey we've survived! OMG! Oh But ban lines send a bad message. Yes, they send a message that people in SL are very often rude and nosy. This my friends is why they were put there many years ago. TO PROTECT LAND OWNERS FROM INTRUSIONS. Do you climb over your neighbors fence in RL and walk through their yard to get to the neighbor on the other side of them? Of course not. You walk yourself out the door, down the sidewalk and there you are. Why should people in Linden homes, or regular mainland, be forced to have their privacy violated because Mary Sunshine wants to wander all over the linden home continent flying her kite? Linden homes may be included with premium, but you are still paying to have it. Residents who choose to have a linden home should still have all the options for security as regular mainland owners!
  5. Sadly there is no logic. Their business model is, get every penny you can out of everyone you can, any way you can do it. While giving as little product and support for the money as you possibly can. Nothing they do is for the benefit of their customers. If we happen to benefit from it, we got lucky. Everything they do is to shake every dime out of us, even our gold fillings if they have to club us to get them out. They do what they want, regardless of how many of the paying customers it hurts, they do so without apology or remorse. This practice flies in the face of every rule of a customer based business. I'm not sure they bother asking us what we want, since they will only do what they want and is best for them anyway. In any customer based business your paying customer is your bread and butter. You do whatever it takes to keep them happy and paying. Not LL. They smack you in the face and say, well that's what our statistics showed you wanted. And they keey subtracting service but keep looking for ways to make a buck. They bought Xstreet, that was for their benefit only, so they could get another tenticle into our wallets. They steer premium members to the Market Place, thus hurting in world commerce. But hey, what do they care? They made a bit off the sale. They offer houses in over crowded sims to premium members, thus hurting the rental and land sale business on regions and mainland who are paying them tier. I mean what a company to compete with their own customers to make a buck.
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