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Adam Spark

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Posts posted by Adam Spark

  1. On 2/5/2020 at 1:08 PM, Tarin Babenco said:

    I have been a away for a few years and recently came back. What happened to SL it’s dead :(

    Its not dead. Its been on a snails pace towards death for about a decade, and without change, it will probably be dead in another decade or two, but its far from dead today.

    What happened? A couple things. Well, a bunch really - but much of it boils down to two things, in my humble opinion:

    1) 2007: Simplicity is king. With an imagination and a mouse and keyboard, you can build whatever your heart desires and run a business of any kind, and collaborate in real-time with friends to get things done faster.

    2020: Building anything now requires the expertise/man-hours of 3D building in Blender, and maybe lots of money if you prefer something like Maya. Sure you can still build the old way, but if you are building for something beyond whats enough for you and instead for public consumption, you'll want to learn mesh. Certainly the increase in quality has been critically important. I get that. Maybe one day they'll figure out how to pull it off in real-time without going outside of the grid to another program.

    2) 2007: SL had a voice of hope and optimism for the future, even if it was decades away. It was supposed to be a game-changer. The future of the internet. It was an exciting thing to build, even if the completion of it wasn't in the cards for our lifetime. It was cool.

    2020: Its just another game next to World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2 and all the rest of them. Well, its not a game... But if 98% of the residents are now calling it that (due to Linden Lab's inability to show its potential customers exactly what they are signing up for, and creating a ton of confusion in turn), I'll digress right now and take that fight up another day.

    Don't get this twisted. I love SL (If I didn't I wouldn't even bother trying to guess what happened, much less post and be passionate in my belief). I love it for what it can be and for the many things I do enjoy about it (the relationships and music, mostly). It just no longer is headed in the direction it once was, and it disappoints me to this day.

    • Like 8
  2. On 1/14/2020 at 12:20 AM, Katt Dragoone said:

    Lately I find myself extremely stressed out when login in and I feel I've lost most joy in the 'game'. As a long time resident, it's hard to just quit. I get used to login in and doing whatever it is I do so it's become a pretty bad habit 🤣 Should I just pull the plug? Rip the bandaid in one go? Throw my pc out the window? What do you think?



    Why quit?

    Most people who "quit" are back later, I find. I've seen many goodbyes from folks who are back within weeks. Some wind up never leaving.

    Just log in when you feel like it and don't when you don't, I say. When you feel like logging in again is completely up to you.

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    I seriously doubt they would even consider the idea. For some unknown reason (excuse), LL doesn't seem to think it would be a good idea to give basics any kind of rewards. To them, we're second class residents and don't deserve anything. They'd be more than happy to take from us though as they attempted fairly recently with announcing they were going to take groups from basics yet increase groups for premiums. Which made no sense at all given the issues with chat lag in groups, among other issues like region crossings. Decreasing the amount for basics and then turning right around and increasing it for premiums wasn't alleviating the problem, it was exacaberating it. Not to mention pissing basics off. There were some people who even went so far as to quit SL because of that. Can't say I blame them.

    Yeah, I'm glad they scratched that idea. That upset me too. I'm fine with a few features being optional for a fee or a premium payment. Just a shame when they take from the rest to try and lure them to premium.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    I didn't just buy Ls though. I "owned" a homestead for years at $125 US per month. Which adds up to $1500 US annually. That may not seem like much to most but for us, it's a lot of money to shell out every month when your income is below national poverty level. That is why I can never afford to live alone again. 

    Oh absolutely. Buying Ls is just one example. I just picked that one because I think it would be the easiest for the lab to measure and equate it to premium, since they handle the purchases of Ls. I wish there was some way LL could track and measure the contribution we make in other indirect ways and reward like they do premium payments.

  5. 3 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    I hope LL is ready for the fallout from that. 

    Frankly, I'm about at the end of my rope being treated like a second class citizen by LL simply because I don't have the kind of money everyone else seems to have. Really pisses me off too after all the thousands of USD I've thrown at SL over 16 years. They have no appreciation for those who have been here a long time and contributed to their bank accounts, directly of indirectly.

    Honestly Linden Lab, you're 20 years old. Grow up!


    I feel this way too.

    I feel like a certain amount of $L purchase should equate to some level of premium membership, at least for a set amount of time. Say, buying $100 USD worth of Linden Dollars gets you one year of premium.

    • Haha 1
  6. On 1/3/2020 at 12:28 AM, BEKAII said:

    i like the idea that now  premium members  have more benefit  i been a premium member since i started. I  just wish and hope we have  a tag or color of the avatar name  different from dose that don't  pay i hope in the future we do 😀😀😀

    The problem is those that "don't pay", do often actually pay.

    Oh and semantics about directly paying the lab and putting money into the system don't matter much. They are still contributing to the value of the system. If basics weren't around to pump money into the system as customers, how many people would see premium price tag as worth it? Not many is my guess.

    Even more they provide goods and services. I was mostly basic for over 12 years. For most of that time I've worked for and operated clubs, purchased land from land barons (who directly pump money into the system thanks to the revenue they make from basics and premiums alike), worked for live singers and countless other events, volunteered for Relay For Life of Second Life, an American Cancer Society run event, sponsored by Linden Lab.

    I say this not to brag about myself. I say it to recognize all of the folks who are still basic. I signed up for premium over a month ago. Paid $99 bucks for an annual subscription. My contribution remains the proverbial grain of sand it was when I was buying that much in Ls a year and pumping them back into the system.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    That's a good thing but where did you get the info and why isn't there any regarding the recurring event fees for basic accounts? They hold recurring events, too.

    From the events calendar, its quietly been added like the fees were a week or so ago (or at least the wording has been. I don't think they are actually removing L's yet, come to think of it). Strike that. They are indeed charging now.


  8. So events have been updated again. We now have recurring events.

    For 50L, premium users can post their event to appear in the events calendar on a recurring basis to a total of 12 (weeks, months, or however regular the event occurs). The fee is one time per unique event.

    So you can now post approximately 4 months of events for a one time 50L x the number of unique events in your calendar. So for example - If you have 10 regular events a week, you can post 4 months worth of them for a cost of 500L

    Events can be changed free of charge, and a link to "my events" is up on the calendar for easy access.

  9. 4 minutes ago, animats said:

    The industry consensus about VR is now "not yet".

    I wonder what took the industry that long. People seriously thought those headsets would go mainstream?

    Virtual Reality reminds me of 3D printing. Some folks find some early (and awesome, to be fair) adoption of the tech and all of a sudden it goes viral and we are months away from creating working products in our living room.

    Yeah, no.

    • Like 2
  10. On 12/19/2019 at 11:37 AM, Solar Legion said:

    While somewhat true (they have no way of knowing if it is just someone sharing your computer or not if going just by IP/MAC) the average user is likely going to fill out the Name and Address fields as well as giving them the same e-mail they used for their original/other accounts so "unless you tell them" is rather moot for the average user.

    Even then it could be somebody else actually using the account.

  11. 37 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    You don't have to stay Premium to keep your new name.

    Which removes all reason to restrict it to premium in the first place. If the revenue tied to buyers' premium accounts isn't the reason, there isn't one. It'll cut back on the number of people getting it? Nope. Not if you merely have to obtain premium and don't have to keep it.

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    • Haha 1
  12. "If you can't/won't pay for it, just don't buy it"

    And keep your mouth shut? Sorry, that is not how discussion forums and opinions work. If my opinion is its overpriced, that is what you are going to hear from me. Don't agree? Fair enough.

    My biggest gripe with the fee is that it is a premium feature. I'm already paying for those. If you feel this new one is worth bumping the premium price up, fine. Do that and let me decide. I'd actually pay 50 cents more a month, maybe a dollar (they'd eventually get way more than 40 bucks out of me), or more if it was paired with something else. But a 40 bucks up front fee that shuts out basics? Okay....

    So many users wanted this and only the ones willing to pay roughly 10 bucks a month and 40 up front (roughly 160 bucks in year one and 120 thereafter) get it. Alrighty then...

    A lot of people will buy this. Good for business.

    A lot of people who wanted it won't. Bad for business.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. I see it differently, personally.

    The less prim you use, the better. I create the look I want, and the left over prim I save for any new ideas that might pop up in this head of mine. I don't use them for the sake of using them, though, as THAT, to me, is the real waste of resources. I'd rather have the 7000 on hand for when I wanted to add something, rather than rush their use and have to tear down when I got a 6 or 7 thousand prim idea.

    • Sad 1
  14. I would much rather spend lindens on a new outfit on the marketplace when I log in in the morning than spend 20 minutes - or longer - rummaging through my inventory. Yes I allow my money to fund my laziness. How's that for weird? lol

    I don't have much of a shopping ritual but I will only cam if I'm with my girl and she is cam shopping. I'll stay with her. Otherwise I'll walk through fire AND lag before trying to creep at a snails pace with my camera - which is even slower than lag walking most times especially at great distances - and having to fumble with resetting my camera.

    I still change my clothes the way I did before we could make outfit folders because my inventory already looks like a bomb went off in a closet without them

    My girl is a saint for going on hair shopping trips with me. How I don't make her pull her hair out with my pickyness is beyond me. I will spend 20 minutes wearing a demo before spotting one piece of hair that makes me go well crap and take the thing off. Oh and don't get me started on unisex hair. 90% of it is just two carbon copies of the same thing. Makes me wonder if a couple ever went to get their hair done in RL, with the dude looking at the girls hairstyle and going "ok can you do that for me?"

    I've been spotted doing the Thriller dance to country music.

    Honestly I think "weird things I don't do in SL" would be a shorter list lol

    • Like 2
  15. 8 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    I took that to mean that instead of just doing a 1 or 2 hour events calendar listing to cover the full event,  they split it and do 2 events listings for one performer set.   I can't get my head around why they do this.There is no need for more than one event listing per performer.  Just one per set or even one per day covering all the performances for the day and the listing will stay visible for the times you have advertised your full performer list.  This is the spam they need to cut out.  

    If that is the case, then they need to realize that the event stays in the listing for the duration. Searching the calendar at halftime will show the original post.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Hitomi Tamatzui said:

    SL Writes on its BLOG:
    We’ve heard many complaints from our Residents about duplicated event listings and spam. To combat this problem, we’re introducing a nominal fee which will help discourage spamming and encourage higher-quality events from committed event hosts. Basic members will be charged L$50 to create an event listing while Premium members will pay L$10. On the heels of this change, we will introduce the ability for Premium members to schedule recurring events.

    That will kill most clubs and activities. As a Club owner, we give live singers the ability to perform for audiences that would otherwise not be able. We advertise each performance on SL Events and no, we don't spam it. We set up 2 notices for each performer- at the time and halfway through the show for those who cannot make it at the start. I don't consider this spam or duplication. It is honest advertising. We already pay for listing the club and pay for the prims it takes to present a good face to the public. If its halftime, I don't want to look through the entire initial listings. Some of our activities begin on the half hour so its not just duplication.

    We have almost 40 entertainers each 2 week period. Charging for what used to be free but limited to 5 notices per 24 hours was hard to keep up but doable. But this fee that the Lindens now require will bankrupt us. Running a Club is a financially losing proposition. WE have to advertise! We pay all those "nominal" fees and the performer fees (or salary) and tips provided do not cover more than 15- 20% of our outlay. Now we have to add even more just to let people know someone is performing? Ridiculous!!!

    If the complaints are to be believed, then it the spam that comes in local and group chat and notices. NOT SL Events. SL Events is a public service for legitimate activities. It is a directory of activities to make SL enjoyable and make people want to participate. Adding fee on top of fee is going to kill off the small and financially shaky establishments like mine. It is not fair when I am trying to provide a service and outlet for singers.

    Where is this revolving listing I keep hearing about?

    Drop the fee!!

    If by halftime notice you mean in groups in-world, thats irrelevant. That has nothing to do with SL events calendar.

    If you get 1 tip of $100L from somebody who found your event because the calendar was cleaned up, thats 10 ads paid for if you are premium, or 2 if you are basic.

    Seriously. Its a small tax everyone has to pay. Time will tell if the results will wind up offsetting the cost, but it wouldn't take much. A few hundred Ls a week isn't hard to recoup. Linden Lab is a business. It is on us to figure out how to figure out our finances based on their pricing. SL getting too expensive? Tighten the strings a little. Multiple times I've no longer been able to afford the full sim I had been on. Each time, instead of ordering LL to drop their fees, I moved to a smaller parcel until a full sim was feasible again, because it was my responsibility to live within my means.

    • Like 3
  17. 3 hours ago, Asadora Summers said:

    Yes, that is true, clubs and such have been paying already especially regarding to land tier. It's their choice to do so. It's just another add-on to what they already pay in order to get people into their clubs. All the equipment, objects, building supplies, tier, hiring people to host/dance/DJ - all is part of the costs of running a business. And simply put, paying to have that business advertise should be a factor according to their advertising budget. For non premium, it's just 50L to post an event, which is nothing compared to the spammy gesturbating hosts and every 30min advertising shouts out. Costs to hire people than it does to post an event listing, is what I'm meaning here. 

    But as you said it's 'nothing compared to the tier...' paid, that was the overlay of the point I was making. 

    And I fully agree, however I do see it the other way too. If you are paying all you can afford, one more fee, big or small, will be a problem.

    On the flip side of that, however, is looking again at your budget and making the necessary choices to handle such a fee. Its not hard to save a few hundred Ls by moving to cheaper land or making cost effective tweaks to your club.

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